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"Act of Valor" Movie - Trailer inside, February 24, 2012 release


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I watched it last night with my better half that hates war movies... She and I loved the movie, granted the acting is not that great since we have real navy seals but the action, plot and the gun fights are amazing. These guys are the real modern warriors and I am glad they are in our team.

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I saw it last night with my brother, dad, and step-mom. I'm down here at Pax River so the audience was literally all navy personnel and military families. Naturally the audience clapped at the end :)

I wasn't expecting much from the acting going in. It starts out painfully slow but once the fighting and shooting starts, it gets pretty damn cool. Several parts reminded me of the all-out action and blood-shed of the latest Rambo. I don't think I've ever seen so many headshots either...I quit counting after a while, it was like watching Call Of Duty lol.

Two great parts are the boats coming up the river with guns blazing (the sound was insane) and the other being the submarine surfacing and then going back under. The roar of the water and the deep hum really got some oohs-and-ahhs from the crowd and I heard a few say "awesome" out loud (my dad being one). For some reason that shot of the sub was really freaking cool.

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Nice recruiting film.

Yeah, it's an awkward movie seeing as how you have the real SEALs in a fictional movie. It comes off kind of like a propaganda piece somewhat. (I don't mean that in a condescending way...just that it feels like it has an obvious agenda)

If you want to see it for cold, hard tactical realism then I'm sure you'll like it, but it doesn't really humanize the men involved very much or deal with the complications involved with war. I really doubt in the end those SEALs would say it's accurate reflection of their total experiences doing what they do.

I respect the hell out of those guys and my issues with it aren't with them at all, it's with the filmmakers.

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I saw an advanced screening a couple of weeks ago and though the movie was just ok. The action scenes were definitely entertaining, and having active duty soldiers in the strategic/planning gave it a sense of realism you don't get in normal movies. With that being said, the plot was just ok and the acting was horrible. I'm not talking about the Nay Seals' acting (I give them a pass since it's not their job), but the actual actors that were in the film were terrible. It's worth watching from an entertaining standpoint but it's also nothing special.

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It does seem like a recruitment video, but it shows sacrifices the soldiers make every single day. I thought it was a well done movie, but if you go in expecting a stellar storyline with great character development, you won't get it. It's a raw as hell.

I loved it.

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Four of us saw it yesterday and loved it. Never a dull moment. Some of you are suggesting it to be a recruiting ploy. Well, if you consider the end of the movie being, well, you know (don't want to spoil it) as a motivator for someone signing up???? Then yes you are correct.

BTW. Number one at the box office.

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Four of us saw it yesterday and loved it. Never a dull moment. Some of you are suggesting it to be a recruiting ploy. Well, if you consider the end of the movie being, well, you know (don't want to spoil it) as a motivator for someone signing up???? Then yes you are correct.

BTW. Number one at the box office.

The Navy cooperated with the film because they viewed it as essentially an extended recruiting tool. That's not speculation; that is fact.

Some war flicks deliver an anti-war message (e.g., Platoon). Others are mostly "message neutral" (e.g., Blackhawk Down). Others are decidely jingoistic (e.g., Red Dawn). I haven't seen the film, but based on previews and the Navy's enthusiasm, I am going to assume it falls into the last category.

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AMAZING!! Highly recommended!!:applause::applause:

As others have said, acting not great.

But plot and what the families really go through seem very accurate. I have a friend in the military and when they say goodbye to their families is very touching.

As a civilian, really makes me appreciate what these men and women do everyday for us.

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For what it is, this is an exceptional movie. If you're wanting a multi-dimensional, thoughtful movie-going experience, this is probably not your movie. However, if you want to see Navy SEALs doing what Navy SEALS do, you will not be disappointed. Without a doubt, the most accurate depiction of close quarter combat on the big screen to date. Highly recommended.

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