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NH GOP Primary stuff


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Well delivered speech by Mitt. Full of lies of course. But well delivered.

Yeah, his delivery was much better than last time.

He's obviously more comfortable now.

I really liked the ending part, (although I don't really care for his shots at Europe, lol.).

---------- Post added January-10th-2012 at 08:54 PM ----------

Apparently Ron Paul's headquarters is playing the "Imperial March" from Star Wars right now....

---------- Post added January-10th-2012 at 09:00 PM ----------

Right now Ron Paul is speaking and the crowd is cheering, "President Paul" over and over.

---------- Post added January-10th-2012 at 09:02 PM ----------

Ha ha ha! Paul just thanked the Union Leader, "for not endorsing me".

He says that he congratulated Romney for his clear cut victory, "but we are nipping at his heels."

"He had a victory, but we had a victory tonight for the cause of liberty!"

He pokes fun at the media for calling him dangerous and says that, "we are dangerous...To The Status Quo Of This Country!"

---------- Post added January-10th-2012 at 09:14 PM ----------

Ok, he's starting to babble a bit now.

He got back on track and ended it well though.

Huntsman is up next.

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I think it's almost a lock that Ron Paul is running third party.

I dunno. That would permanently tarnish Rand's chances at a successful bid in the GOP, which are significantly higher given his relative youth and his willingness to temper some of Ron's more extreme positions.

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The CNN crew is tearing Huntsman apart.

Roland Martin pointed out jokingly that there were beer bottles around when he spoke on tv to CNN and said he was confident and comfortable.

---------- Post added January-10th-2012 at 09:29 PM ----------

Huntsman is speaking now. He looks awfully happy.

Maybe he is drunk....

---------- Post added January-10th-2012 at 09:34 PM ----------

Huntsman says Congress needs term limits.

(and he keeps mentioning trust).

---------- Post added January-10th-2012 at 09:56 PM ----------

Rick Santorum is on tv now.

At the moment he's beating Gingrich for 4th but just barely and it goes back and forth.

---------- Post added January-10th-2012 at 10:00 PM ----------

Apparently Newt is speaking now too, but he isn't on tv (CNN at least), cause Santorum is still going.

---------- Post added January-10th-2012 at 10:23 PM ----------

One of the focus group in SC (on CNN) said he will vote for Obama if Ron Paul doesn't win the nomination.

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For anyone with about 15 min to spare, please watch Paul's speech from last night. It is one of the very few times where he has had the time to get into more of the detail and rationale behind his beliefs, votes and policy positions. I've heard numerous call ins to cspan and other networks since last night where people have jumped on board after hearing this. Even if you know you dislike him and that you would never consider him, at least this is a good way to better understand him.


---------- Post added January-11th-2012 at 08:38 AM ----------

I live on an island now that's a US territory, not a commonwealth or state.

ahhh, I see (glad to know it wasnt for a felony! LOL)

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No, I don't have that kind of felony. I don't care about being "american" as it doesn't mean anything positive in my eyes anymore. If other countries had border policies or immigration laws like the US, I'd be in another country completely, but it turns out other countries actually pay attention to who is there and who crosses their borders.

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Paul's speech was fantastic last night. He will be a major player at the convention, at minimum in a prime time speaking role.

For a kooky crazy old man, his ideas are resonating with many people, and it surprises me who his ideas resonate with

I'm hearing rumors that Florida may go proportional for delegates rather than winner take all. Any truth to this? If that happens, the entire dynamic of delegates gets messy, but thats a great thing for us.

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I'm hearing rumors that Florida may go proportional for delegates rather than winner take all. Any truth to this? If that happens, the entire dynamic of delegates gets messy, but thats a great thing for us.

I also believe Florida was "punished" and only has half its usual delegates beacuse it moved up its primary.

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I also believe Florida was "punished" and only has half its usual delegates beacuse it moved up its primary.

They were (used to have 100 I think?), I'd love nothing better than to see Mitt have to share delegates there! Paul wouldn't need to spend a dime and still could walk away with at least a few.

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So, Romney spends years working N.H. and he can't break 40% in the primary?

Can he cross the 50? :)

---------- Post added January-11th-2012 at 09:18 AM ----------

I'm hearing rumors that Florida may go proportional for delegates rather than winner take all. Any truth to this? If that happens, the entire dynamic of delegates gets messy, but thats a great thing for us.

Somebody in another thread was claiming that Florida's rule is that delegates are proportional, unless somebody gets more than 50%, in which case, 51% gets all of them.

Which, in a two-person race, is rather likely. :)

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Im suprised that the media isnt talking more about the complete and total flame out of Rick Santorum. FIFTH IN NH!?!?!?!

I wonder if he'll drop out soon and endorse Newt. Who will then drop out after FL and endorse.....?????? Huntsman? That doesnt sound right. Paul? Not a chance.

There is no Obama for Hillary haters to go to this year (btw, Im saying Mitt is like Hillary for this analogy)

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Im suprised that the media isnt talking more about the complete and total flame out of Rick Santorum. FIFTH IN NH!?!?!?!

I wonder if he'll drop out soon and endorse Newt. Who will then drop out after FL and endorse.....?????? Huntsman? That doesnt sound right. Paul? Not a chance.

There is no Obama for Hillary haters to go to this year (btw, Im saying Mitt is like Hillary for this analogy)

I don't think anybody really took Santorum serious nationally. He was just the flavor of the week before he made some poor choices on who to engage between Iowa and N.H.

My question is this....for awhile the TPers have been vocal about not supporting Romney. But now if he wins S.C.....and probably Florida.....will they show up for him in the fall?

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As of right now, Huntsman. Subject to change though.

There is a lot of overlap in Hunstman's views and Paul's. What specifically made you consider Huntsman over Paul? (Not trying to sell you on Paul btw, more of a curiosity to better prepare me for conversations with pthers of the same mind as you down the road)

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I dunno. That would permanently tarnish Rand's chances at a successful bid in the GOP, which are significantly higher given his relative youth and his willingness to temper some of Ron's more extreme positions.


Ron Paul’s long game

Revenge against the GOP establishment doesn't have to take the form of a kamikaze independent campaign this fall


FRIDAY, JAN 6, 2012

Ron Paul posted his best-ever showing in a major presidential nominating contest earlier this week, and he may be about to one-up himself. Paul finished in third place in Iowa with 21 percent of the vote, and the latest poll numbers from New Hampshire show that he has a real chance to increase his vote share and finish in second place next Tuesday.

By this point, everyone knows that Paul has significantly expanded his support from his last presidential campaign (and, for that matter, from his first one, when he ran as the Libertarian Party’s nominee in 1988), even though he faces some very real and very unique intraparty barriers that make it all but impossible for him to win the nomination. This has stoked fear among some Republican leaders that a vanquished Paul might simply decide to pursue a third party bid in the fall, taking his army with him and potentially costing the GOP its shot of ousting Barack Obama.


But if the Paul name were to turn into the Republican equivalent of Nader, the fallout could threaten the inroads that Rand has made and his otherwise bright future in the party. Against this backdrop, Ron Paul’s third party dilemma doesn’t seem like one at all. He could run this fall, garner a lot of press attention, win five to ten percent of the vote and maybe keep Mitt Romney (or whomever) out of the White House. Or he could resist the urge and then watch with pride a few years from now when his son plays the presidential game for real.

Full article at the link...

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