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NH GOP Primary stuff


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whoops. Me fail Math (and English)? That's unpossible

Did the math in my head and just put the rest in other.....and apparently my math stinks!

Your math is correct. The thing that people are pointing at is because they don't understand rounding.

You'll never make it in politics if you can't figure out how to never admit a mistake.

---------- Post added January-10th-2012 at 03:15 PM ----------

Rioght now they're saying on CNN that Perry is really going after Romney on Bain and calling it a vulture picking people's bones.

Could be an interesting foreshadowing towards some of the stuff we'll be hearing the next couple of weeks.

Between Perry and Gingrich, things could get pretty nasty in South Carolina. (if they are still in the race)

I liked the Daily Show, pointing out how the Republicans are attacking Romney for being a rich, private enterprise, job creator.

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Wolf Blitzer Asks The Huntsman Girls If They’re Single, It’s As Awkward As You’d Imagine


Just saw on tv (CNN) that when Romney showed up at one venue there were a lot of protesters shouting "Obama".

Romney was holding someone's baby at one point and one of the protesters called out, "Are you going to fire the baby?"

Then the protesters started shouting, "Fire the baby"

That's kind of ****ed up.

Taking it a bit far, guys.

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I'm about as quick to criticize RP/ (or libertarians--yeh, I know he's "GOP") as I am to praise him/them, but IMO Paul & Huntsman have offered the only real saving graces to the GOP run so far in terms of worthy thought-provoking stances. Paul doing well is good for things.

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Couldn't decide if this went in the Romney, Perry, or this thread. This one is the most current.

ABC News (Blog): Perry Campaign Makes Romney ‘Fire People’ Ringtone

PICKENS, S.C. – Coming soon to cell phones near you: Mitt Romney’s “I like being able to fire people” line thanks to the Rick Perry campaign who created a 12-second ringtone. The jingle can be found on their website.

Romney made the comment at a campaign stop in New Hampshire while discussing the need for Americans to select their own healthcare providers and services.

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Ron Paul is on CNN now. He's being interviewed by Blitzer.

He defended Romney on firings (the second time I've seen him do that today) and said it's a necessary part of the free market.

He also shot back at Newt a bit, after Newt bashed his supporters earlier.

(Gingrich said that Paul's supporters are all about ignoring Iran and legalizing drugs.).

Paul said that he doesn't like people going after his supporters.

He said that they are concerned about freedom and it's something Newt doesn't seem to understand.

Interesting stuff so far today.

We'll have to see if Newt's much more agressive strategy helps or hurts.

---------- Post added January-10th-2012 at 04:43 PM ----------

Couldn't decide if this went in the Romney, Perry, or this thread. This one is the most current.

ABC News (Blog): Perry Campaign Makes Romney ‘Fire People’ Ringtone

So far, Huntsman, Perry, and Gingrich are going after him hard on it.

Personally I think it's a bit silly.

Especially when he was speaking metaphorically about the ability to choose service providers not that he likes to fire people who work for him.

(that said, it probably wasn't a good choice of words for him, considering his reputation)

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Couldn't decide if this went in the Romney, Perry, or this thread. This one is the most current.

ABC News (Blog): Perry Campaign Makes Romney ‘Fire People’ Ringtone

While I really am not a Romney fan, I have so much respect for RP defending him on that. Those jokers are 100% twisting a partial quote into something so out of context that its silly.

Shame on them for doing it.

---------- Post added January-10th-2012 at 05:14 PM ----------

I'm about as quick to criticize RP/ (or libertarians--yeh, I know he's "GOP") as I am to praise him/them, but IMO Paul & Huntsman have offered the only real saving graces to the GOP run so far in terms of worthy thought-provoking stances. Paul doing well is good for things.

Thats pretty cool of you Jumbo. Thank you for the fairness.

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Romney vs Obama is going to bore the living hell out of me.

If anyone wants to see how a Romney administration would behave? Look at the last 3 years

it's kind of peculiar how it's always one corpocrat v. another corpocrat

either the people always want that or the system has structural problems that prevent other leaders from getting a chance to be elected

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it's kind of peculiar how it's always one corpocrat v. another corpocrat

either the people always want that or the system has structural problems that prevent other leaders from getting a chance to be elected

Yep, thats why we seem to always end up with more of the same, both parties pimp corporatist nominees, trash any who arent (in collusion with most of the MSM) and leave us with garbage choices.

The saddest part is that most folks cant see through this crap.

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While I really am not a Romney fan, I have so much respect for RP defending him on that.

Yeah I really liked the way he did that and stood up for the people who are supporting him as well.

I wish more of the candidates were like Ron Paul in a lot of ways.

HA HA HA! Gingrich just said that if Romney gets 37 percent it's a failure for him.

(Actually I think according to the anchor, Gingrich said Romney needs to get 50%)

Then he listed about 20 negative things about Romney.

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It seems like there's a bunch of Obama supporters at Newt Gingrich's headquarters...kind of odd.

Anyway, the exit polls showed Romney and Paul splitting the independant votes at 29% each and Huntsman with 26%.

The current vote total is at 3% with Romney at 37%, Paul at 24%, and Huntsman at 15%.

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CNN just projected that Mitt Romney is the winner. The polls have all closed now.

The current vote total is 36% Romney, 25% Ron Paul, 17% Huntsman, 10% Gingrich and Santorum, and 1% Perry.

(this is with 12% in)

Apparently Romney is the first Republican candidate to win both New Hampshire and Iowa.

Hard to believe.

Romney will be giving a speech soon.

Huntsman is on CNN now.

(not speaking, but they are showing him live in his war-room)

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John Sununu completely destroying Ed Shultz and Lawrence O'Donnel.

Larry tried to downplay Romenys win by comparing him to GHWB in 92 who got 57 percent. Softball to Sununu who pointed out the obvious- Bush was an incumbent. O'Donnell is the biggest hack on TV.

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They're saying on CNN that Huntsman's campaign is confident that they will catch up with Ron Paul later tonight.

We'll see.

Right now it's at 16% and Paul is at 25% and Huntsman is at 18%.

---------- Post added January-10th-2012 at 08:17 PM ----------


Update: @NBCNews projects Ron Paul will finish in 2nd place behind Mitt Romney in New Hampshire primary

1 minute ago

Huntsman just said that they are in a solid comfortable position, and they will "go south from here" to South Carolina.

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Huntsman needed to be a convincing 2nd to have a prayer for a surge.

It's over.

Of course, dont tell Larry Odonnell who is about to have a coronary screaming that Romneys win is terrible thing for his campaign. Now he is comparing it to McCain in 2000 who got 49 %.

Oh, and he says that Huntsman really came in second because Paul doesnt count.

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CNN has now projected Paul 2nd and Huntsman 3rd.

(Huntsman projects himself as delusional.)


Romney's wife is giving a speech now, being shown on CNN.

(well, just thanking people so far)

---------- Post added January-10th-2012 at 08:26 PM ----------

Romney speaking now...(that was weird, the sound went off for a second or two).

Romney just finished.

Paul will be up soon.

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Tonight is sad night for the tea partiers. :ols: Tonight is also a sad day for conservatives because for the second straight election and in reality you can say every election since 1988; the moderate or liberal Republican has won the nomination.

What will they do now? It's true Romney won't actually clinch the nomination until late March or early April but honestly who is left that could steal the nomination? Noone.

Perry shouldn't even bother with South Carolina and he should just go ahead and drop out. Newt's imploded and even with all his negative ads; it won't mean support for him. The real Newt has finally shown through. I figure Newt is gone after South Carolina. Santorum might be gone also unless he places a strong second.

So, Romney racks up the wins. Paul racks up some delegates. Everyone else drops out. The only thing left is if conservatives can convince someone else to jump into the race now.

Obama can already plan his second inaugural.

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