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NH GOP Primary stuff


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I hope this isnt a rule breaker by starting this thread, but I figured NH was important enough today that it would be OK. (Mods: if its not cool to have this thread, my feelings wont be hurt if you need to merge it with another)

Here are the midnight results from the tiny bergs that kick off the day's voting early in the wee hours.

From Dixville Notch & Hart's Location.

Romney - 7

Paul - 5

Huntsman - 4

Gingrich - 2

Perry - 1

Mind you, that this is maybe 20 people max, and has little to no prediction value for the state as a whole.

Though I take solace that Paul got zero votes there in 2008 (kind of like Santorum did today!)

On a side note: I hear Huntsman now isnt on the primary ballot in 3 states. (VA, IL, an now AZ)


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CBS Poll: Independents Prefer Ron Paul Vs Obama


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In a head to head match up with incumbent President Barack Obama, the indie voter chooses Ron Paul, a CBS News poll suggested on Monday.

A total of 47% of independent voters said they would choose Ron Paul compared to 45% of independent voters choosing Mitt Romney against Obama, and 41% of independents saying they would choose Rick Santorum. If a Paul-Obama showdown were ever to take place, 47% of independent voters would vote for Paul, 81% republicans and 10% Democrats for a total of 45% of the vote. Obama would get just 40% of the independent vote in that contest, with 85% of the Democrats choosing Obama and 9% of Republicans choosing the President on election day in November. Obama would win the general election by a narrow one point margin if the election was held today between the two.

more at link

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People don't want change. Change is scary to them, no matter what level we're talking about. Paul and Huntsman have no shot. I don't have a vote any more, but I can't help but watch this comedy show.

Pretty much. If the GOP were serious, they'd nominate Huntsman or Paul (though I think Huntsman gives them their best shot). Most voters can see Newt and Romney are about as slimy as they come (even by political standards) and don't want someone like Perry or Santorum who's so far to the right he can't even see the middle anymore.

This is a throw away election for the Republicans, as far as the Presidency is concerned. Their real victories are probably going to come in Congress.

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Pretty much. If the GOP were serious, they'd nominate Huntsman or Paul

Arguing they should nominate the one getting less support seems counterintuitive .

Of course if you are saying the majority doesn't know what is best I would agree. :D

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How crazy is this:

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, run neck-and-neck with President Obama in a general-election matchup, according to a new CBS News poll released late on Monday that shows the two front-runners in Tuesday's New Hampshire GOP primary running stronger against the president than their fellow Republicans.

Romney posts a two-point lead over Obama, 47 percent to 45 percent, within the poll's margin of error of plus or minus 2.8 percentage points. He leads Obama, 45 percent to 39 percent, among independent voters.

Obama's lead over Paul is just one point, 46 percent to 45 percent, as Paul leads among independents by 7 points.


:doh: Of course SS beat me by a mile.

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I thought it was kind of funny that Obama won the Republican Primary vote in Dixville Notch.

I still think that a Huntsman second place finish will likely only help Romney, unless of course he comes close to Romney (or beats him).

Anyway, I'm excited to see how this shakes out and if anyone gives an interesting speech afterwards, or drops out.

Rioght now they're saying on CNN that Perry is really going after Romney on Bain and calling it a vulture picking people's bones.

Could be an interesting foreshadowing towards some of the stuff we'll be hearing the next couple of weeks.

Between Perry and Gingrich, things could get pretty nasty in South Carolina. (if they are still in the race)

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