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Yahoo: Three people hospitalized when pot brownies served at funeral


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HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. (AP) — Pot-laced brownies served at a Southern California funeral sent three people to the emergency room over the weekend, Huntington Beach police said.

Two 71-year-old women and an 82-year-old man were taken to a hospital emergency room Saturday following a friend's memorial service, where a tray of pot brownies was offered. They complained of nausea, dizziness and an inability to stand without assistance.

The three, residents of Huntington Beach and Newport Beach, didn't know the marijuana-laced sweets were being offered in memory of their friend, who ate marijuana brownies. Police say the baked goods were put out without any announcement about what was in them.

Huntington Beach does not permit licensed medical marijuana dispensaries in the city limits. Federal authorities announced Friday they plan to crack down on marijuana sales and growing operations throughout the state.

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Marijuana is not to blame because its harmless, ask some of those 99ers at the Wall street campout. It had to be the sugar and chocolate that caused those symptoms. :rolleyes:

It is harmless.

You just don't feed it to unsuspecting septaugenarians.

The same symptoms they complained of they can get from a simple case of the farts. So why don't you fear baked beans?

But I understand, You're afraid of it, and this ridiculous little news item re-affirms your fears.

So take some advice. When you're in your late 70s, don't eat any brownies that you're not sure of.

And if something else makes you nauseous or dizzy, don't eat that either.

But i wouldn't worry about it. The hospital will likely let you sit in their waiting room long enough to come down, and in about an hour you can go home.


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Marijuana is not to blame because its harmless, ask some of those 99ers at the Wall street campout. It had to be the sugar and chocolate that caused those symptoms. :rolleyes:

Dude, if you were 82, and suddenly got high without doing any drugs that you know of, of course you'd go to the hospital.

Hell, at 26, if I suddenly became high and didn't know I had done any drugs I'd go to the hospital.

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It is harmless.

You just don't feed it to unsuspecting septaugenarians.

The same symptoms they complained of they can get from a simple case of the farts. So why don't you fear baked beans?

But I understand, You're afraid of it, and this ridiculous little news item re-affirms your fears.

So take some advice. When you're in your late 70s, don't eat any brownies that you're not sure of.

And if something else makes you nauseous or dizzy, don't eat that either.

But i wouldn't worry about it. The hospital will likely let you sit in their waiting room long enough to come down, and in about an hour you can go home.


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eating a pot brownie is a far more intense (and potentially deeply distressing) experience than hitting a bong. i agree with rictus that it is a supremely crappy and mean thing to do to a group of people.

yeah but you gotta know your friends. if my biggest pothead friend died, and for some reason they served brownies at his funeral (pretty interesting funeral fare), i'd be suspicious.

plus, it's the dead guy's last wish. eat the brownies and stop being nancies, right?

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I don't see much humor in people being dosed without their knowledge. There should have been a sign or warning or something.

Definitely not for giving people anything without their knowledge, especially some expensive pot. The older folks who had it didn't know it, and the panic of having the odd feeling is likely what caused them to want to go to the hospital. The pot gave them some discomfort, but nothing that bad. Lactose intolerance can cause the same symptoms, but no one is screaming to criminalize milk.

And likewise, i wouldn't try to slip someone who is lactose intolerant any milk.

But there was no real danger, even if it was an ill-advised stunt.. last wish or not. (and you don't put up a sign that there's pot in the brownies unless you want everyone to remember your friend's funeral as the day everyone got busted.)

I only find humor in Navy Dave's predictably narrow response.


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Nah, son. Trust me, you DO NOT want Vick running around out there with a smooth buzz. He would be unstoppable.

Agreed. I know for a fact that a young Randy Moss would smoke $20,000 blounts before big games to help him concentrate.

But it would be pretty funny for the non-gamebreakers to be dragging ass.


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