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SportsIllustrated.com: Break It Down: Dallas burns DeAngelo Hall

Califan007 The Constipated

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The biggest play in Monday’s Cowboys-Redskins game came when Dallas converted a 3rd-and-21 just prior to the fourth quarter’s two-minute warning. Tony Romo sits to pee rolled out to avoid a Washington blitz and connected on a 30-yard pass to Dez Bryant, who was being covered one-on-one by DeAngelo Hall.

After the game Hall slammed the play call, an all-out blitz that left Washington with zero safeties deep. The Redskins had brought the house several times against Romo sits to pee on the night, including on the previous play, which resulted in an incompletion.

“Yeah, but sooner or later, somebody is going f**king figure it out,” Hall said. “You don’t have to be a f**cking rocket scientist to figure it out after a while.”

Here’s a closer look at what went wrong for Hall and Washington:

First and foremost, the pre-snap setup: The Redskins put eight defenders at the line of scrimmage, leaving three players to cover Jason Witten, Bryant and Kevin Ogletree. Dallas also kept two guys, Tashard Choice and John Phillips, split on either side of Romo sits to pee in the backfield. More on that in a moment …


All things considered, the Cowboys really did a nice job blocking. The five-man line slows six Redskins defenders, while Choice and Phillips each slide to Romo sits to pee’s right to find O.J. Atogwe and Ryan Kerrigan, respectively.

“That protection gave them a little more time than I would like,” Redskins linebacker London Fletcher told CSNWashington. “We have to get there, and it definitely puts the cornerback in a tough position.”

While the Redskins would break through eventually, Romo sits to pee has at least a split-second to survey the field — and even had a small pocket he could have stepped up into, had a receiver been open.


The rest at the link...

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What a load...........

The play as called completely depended on the rush getting to Romo sits to pee, period. You don't get him and your scrood, it is just that simple. A different call, a different blitz, you never know what might have happened but dumping it all on Hall is just dumb. Everyone knew they were bringing the house pre-snap, there was no attempt to disguise anything, and one of the consistently biggest advantages that any D has is uncertainty, if you let the O know what you're going to do you'll get smoked. I see other teams with a lot of movement out of the LBs and safeties before the snap, looking to overload a side and break a faster DB thru a gap, there was none of that. I don't know why people are acting all shocked at the outcome.

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Bad playcall and the facemask was BS.

It clearly states in the rule that if you aren't pulling it, and it's clear that Hall is just trying to make the tackle and lets go, then it's not a penalty.

And I'm the worst Hall critic, I was totally against signing this guy at all but that play isn't really on him. He's never been a great cover corner, ask Oakland.

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I posted yesterday morning that it appeared that bryant was just standing at the LOS, facing Romo sits to pee (before Romo sits to pee motioned for him to run), and that Hall must have been running towards him and the LOS either trying to contain Romo sits to pee from trying to run for the first, or he was trying to jump the dump off to bryant so he get a pick/pick 6 (IMO the latter is what I think Hall was trying to do). If his only job was to keep the defender in front of him and in front of the 1st down yardage needed, then this play falls squarely on Hall, and he messed up. He took a risk, which he often does, and it probably works out 50% of the time, but this particular time, instead of just shadowing his receiver and making sure he didn't allow him to get behind him, he tried to jump a play, and he got burnt.


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The Skins 3rd down defense had been best in the league through two weeks & performed well vs Dallas up until that 3rd & 21 play. Romo sits to pee did a great job of moving right in the pocket when the majority of the rush was to the opposite side. Haslett tried to force Romo sits to pee into a quick throw or get a chance to hit him, get a hand up & make a play like week one vs NY. Its that simple. Now because the play didnt go our way people are irate at Haslett ? I understand, in hindsight, it seems like a foolish play to leave Hall one on one vs Dez but isn't that what Hall wants ? The opportunity to go up against each teams best WR ? I dont get it. If the Skins get a sack, scoop & score on that play does Haslett get credit or does the player get all the credit like Kerrigan on his Int/TD on an all out blitz deep in NY territory. Same scenario, different outcome. That's why you play the game. Period.

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What a load...........

The play as called completely depended on the rush getting to Romo sits to pee, period. You don't get him and your scrood, it is just that simple. A different call, a different blitz, you never know what might have happened but dumping it all on Hall is just dumb. Everyone knew they were bringing the house pre-snap, there was no attempt to disguise anything, and one of the consistently biggest advantages that any D has is uncertainty, if you let the O know what you're going to do you'll get smoked. I see other teams with a lot of movement out of the LBs and safeties before the snap, looking to overload a side and break a faster DB thru a gap, there was none of that. I don't know why people are acting all shocked at the outcome.

This is exactly correct. You can only ask your secondary to cover for so long. The ball is supposed to come out hot like it did the prior play when Josh Wilson knocked the ball away. It didn't because nobody got near Romo sits to pee. once that happened we were screwed...

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This is the type of play we get from Hall, and it has good and bad outcomes. Dez's catch was a bad outcome, no doubt, but it makes me wonder if Haslett was trying to make a statement by calling back-to-back blitzes. And as another poster said, if you show AND bring a blitz, especially on consecutive plays, any half decent qb will find a way to beat it. It just sucks that the blitzes being thrown didn't have a bigger impact, i.e. sacks, etc...

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I posted yesterday morning that it appeared that bryant was just standing at the LOS, facing Romo sits to pee (before Romo sits to pee motioned for him to run), and that Hall must have been running towards him and the LOS either trying to contain Romo sits to pee from trying to run for the first, or he was trying to jump the dump off to bryant so he get a pick/pick 6 (IMO the latter is what I think Hall was trying to do). If his only job was to keep the defender in front of him and in front of the 1st down yardage needed, then this play falls squarely on Hall, and he messed up. He took a risk, which he often does, and it probably works out 50% of the time, but this particular time, instead of just shadowing his receiver and making sure he didn't allow him to get behind him, he tried to jump a play, and he got burnt.


Sort of.

Vs. a cover 0 blitz, both the WR and QB have to be on the same page and the ball has to come out hot. Bryant was standing near the line of scrimmage because he's the hot WR on that play so he breaks his route off and looks for the ball immediately.

A CB in that defense is supposed to then drive on the route to be there when the ball comes out, then make the tackle or deflection etc.

Instead, D Hall drives on the hot read, Dez looks for the ball but it doesn't come out. At this time Hall has reached Bryant but no pass has been thrown. Then Romo sits to pee buys some time, the CB and WR tussle a little bit and Romo sits to pee sends Bryant upfield and the rest is history.

Hall did what he was supposed to do. The blitz got stuffed. I would be curious to see the other routes on the play as well.

I will say that Hall's biggest blunder was after he drove the route and the ball didn't come out, he got outside of Bryant. And not only got outside of him, but his hips were turned the wrong way making it impossible to recover or drive on the next pass. He had to swivel, then drive and by that time it was just up to Dez to catch the ball.

Once that happened he was done because there essentially is noone left on the field. Just Hall, Bryant and a lot of green.

Even though he is less to blame for the completion than the other parts of the play, Hall shouldn't have said anything and explained it as professionally as possible.

People already hate the guy, anything he says short of "I drove on the route and the ball didn't come out, and Dez beat me upfield." will be scrutinized.

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Yeah I'm sure Nnamdi and Revis could have covered Dez no problem running around the field for 10 seconds freely. You guys are pathetic. If you want to be mad at something, be mad at the fact that 8 men blitzed and not a single person blew through that garbage OLINE of the Cowboys. It's 3rd and 21 and a turnover on downs is a win, SOMEONE has to make a play on a 8 man blitz.

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Hall needs to shut up.

Last year when Doughty was on Andre Johnson, D Hall complained that he hadn't been given the assignment. This year he gets Dez Bryant on an island during a crucial play and complains about the defensive coordinator. Maybe we should see if Wilson can handle the high pressure situations next week.

The last thing you want a highly paid corner to have is a "I can't do it. It's not my fault" attitude. You think Revis will be on TV anytime soon complaining that Rex Ryan was too aggressive with a play call leaving him vulnerable? They get paid a lot of money to come up big in big situations. Sure being on an island is difficult but you have to make the play... especially when everyone can see that you tried to jump a short route and got beat (something Hall does with or without an all out blitz). Would it have killed him to say "I should have covered it better" instead of throwing his coach under the bus?

Was it the coaching staff that caused him to get smoked by Fitzgerald the week prior? He's acting like a blitz made him give up his first big play.

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Hindsight is A-W-E-S-O-M-E! Here is the truth though, from my opinion. The truth is, what is the risk calling that play? Romo sits to pee's ribs were clearly preventing him from throwing a solid deep ball and if you can't trust DHall to stand in front of the reciever for essentially what should be a jump ball then I'm not sure what to say really. Go watch the play on NFL.com. Hall took the easy way out and played for the tackle, not the agressive play to go after the ball. He was slow in the middle of the field and didn't even attempt to pickup speed to close on Dez until it was to late and even then he still played for the tackle. Had he done that we *should* of had an interception or at least a broken play and we wouldnt even be talking about that right now.

I really wish people would stop blaming the defense for this loss though, the only reason we were in that game in the first place was because of defense. You can't let one questionable play discredit a very well played game and a defense that in my opinion has looked stellar this year, esp considered to how we played the 3-4 last year.

Give some credit where credit is due. In terms of DHall, he's good, but he's not elite and likes to make a heck of a lot of excuses for someone who runs his mouth as much as he does.

Redskins Vs Cowboys Highlights Fast forward to 5 minutes in the video and tell me that had DHall played the ball on that pass would be talking about a loss here?

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Again so many are not correct. Why don't you replay that and watch the lack of effort by Kerrigan. Had he NOT TAKEN THE PLAY OFF!!! he would have been where Romo sits to pee ended up throwing from. The fact is Kerrigan caused this blitz to fail. Simple and plain. Kerrigan didn't really rush the passer and seemed very tired on this play. Anyone that can't see it after watching the replay needs to learn football.................

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Again so many are not correct. Why don't you replay that and watch the lack of effort by Kerrigan. Had he NOT TAKEN THE PLAY OFF!!! he would have been where Romo sits to pee ended up throwing from. The fact is Kerrigan caused this blitz to fail. Simple and plain. Kerrigan didn't really rush the passer and seemed very tired on this play. Anyone that can't see it after watching the replay needs to learn football.................

I too wondered why there was no edge pressure and Romo sits to pee was able to roll out of the pocket. That made zero sense to me. I didn't know what Kerrigan was actually doing. I just noticed that he wasn't there. lol

Edit: I watched it again. Kerrigan heads for the QB and appears to have a clear path, but the weakside HB slides right to pick him up. Had the HB plugged the middle, he would've gone after London Fletcher and Kerrigan would've been free. What happens instead is by Romo sits to pee's design. By both the HB and FB slide protecting right it makes the free blitzer London Fletcher up the middle. Which allows Romo sits to pee to roll right, away from Fletcher while the other 7 try to beat their man. The play was doomed from the start.

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Pretty sure they were instructed to watch for a screen as you can see both Kerrigan and Otogwe back off from rushing a bit. Kerrigan moreso as he COULD have had better/faster play recognition there.

What's done is done though. On to the Rams and learning from this mistake.

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D. Hall said last year he wants to be on the top receiver always. So i guess he meant only with help? D. Green was an elite CB he rarely needed help. Shutdown cornerbacks CAN shut down WRs on their own. Towards the end of the game against Arizona, D. Hall got burned too. Yes Dez and Fitzgerald are studs. But a stud CB can deal with a stud WR yeah even if they have an extra couple of seconds. We've seen in with our own team -- D. Green, and Baily. I never saw D. Hall as a stud but he talks so much you'd think he thinks he's elite.

If Hall wants to blame Haslett, i think the more responsible hit would be something like -- the call made it tough, I was out there one on one with Dez for too long, I still expected to make a play though, etc. then he shoulders some responsibility. His comments make it sound like no one could cover Dez without help, and that clearly isn't true.

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Hindsight is A-W-E-S-O-M-E! Here is the truth though, from my opinion. The truth is, what is the risk calling that play? Romo sits to pee's ribs were clearly preventing him from throwing a solid deep ball and if you can't trust DHall to stand in front of the reciever for essentially what should be a jump ball then I'm not sure what to say really. Go watch the play on NFL.com. Hall took the easy way out and played for the tackle, not the agressive play to go after the ball. He was slow in the middle of the field and didn't even attempt to pickup speed to close on Dez until it was to late and even then he still played for the tackle. Had he done that we *should* of had an interception or at least a broken play and we wouldnt even be talking about that right now.

I really wish people would stop blaming the defense for this loss though, the only reason we were in that game in the first place was because of defense. You can't let one questionable play discredit a very well played game and a defense that in my opinion has looked stellar this year, esp considered to how we played the 3-4 last year.

Give some credit where credit is due. In terms of DHall, he's good, but he's not elite and likes to make a heck of a lot of excuses for someone who runs his mouth as much as he does.

Redskins Vs Cowboys Highlights Fast forward to 5 minutes in the video and tell me that had DHall played the ball on that pass would be talking about a loss here?

Cmon by the time that throw is in the air, Dez Bryant has too much separation. It doesn't matter. He was already chasing the play because he turned his hips to the outside, while Bryant heads upfield to the inside. There is no issue of him playing the ball or the man.

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Cmon by the time that throw is in the air, Dez Bryant has too much separation. It doesn't matter. He was already chasing the play because he turned his hips to the outside, while Bryant heads upfield to the inside. There is no issue of him playing the ball or the man.

Go watch the play please.. DHall was running behind Dez 5 yards, the ball isnt thrown well and Dez pulls up and slows down to run more lateral to catch the ball, if you're DHall you have to see that Romo sits to pee rolled out and #91 drops out of the blitz to cover the screen pass which is indicating the D didnt get to him. DHall was lazy on that play imo and my personal opinion is, had he been more agressive on Bryant that pass doesn't get completed. He gave me the info I needed in his press confrence, he said D should of got there. Which to me means, he thought he could be lazy in coverage, got burnt, and blamed the call/ref/Dline. IN truth he didn't do his job.

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Go watch the play please.. DHall was running behind Dez 5 yards, the ball isnt thrown well and Dez pulls up and slows down to run more lateral to catch the ball, if you're DHall you have to see that Romo sits to pee rolled out and #91 drops out of the blitz to cover the screen pass which is indicating the D didnt get to him. DHall was lazy on that play imo and my personal opinion is, had he been more agressive on Bryant that pass doesn't get completed. He gave me the info I needed in his press confrence, he said D should of got there. Which to me means, he thought he could be lazy in coverage, got burnt, and blamed the call/ref/Dline. IN truth he didn't do his job.

I watched the play. I've seen it a billion times. You're completely incorrect. Theres zero chance Hall could've gotten to the ball because his hips were turned the wrong way when the pass was thrown. He's playing the WR incorrectly, and that's where his mistake was.

After he drove on the slant from Dez and they're just sitting around the line of scrimmage, Dez heads upfield and bends his route inside, but Hall drops his outside foot and turns the wrong way.

If his hips are the other way he can drive on the ball in the air, but once he did it how he did it, he was toast. Romo sits to pee can throw the ball ANNNNYWHERE to the inside and Hall will never get to it.

And that's what Romo sits to pee did. He just put it up and let Dez run to it because there's noooobody on the rest of that area of the field.

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I watched the play. I've seen it a billion times. You're completely incorrect. Theres zero chance Hall could've gotten to the ball because his hips were turned the wrong way when the pass was thrown. He's playing the WR incorrectly, and that's where his mistake was.

After he drove on the slant from Dez and they're just sitting around the line of scrimmage, Dez heads upfield and bends his route inside, but Hall drops his outside foot and turns the wrong way.

If his hips are the other way he can drive on the ball in the air, but once he did it how he did it, he was toast. Romo sits to pee can throw the ball ANNNNYWHERE to the inside and Hall will never get to it.

I'll agree that you and I are talking symantics and we both seem to agree that this play could have been handled better by DHall, likely leading to an imcompletion or at best, at least not a 15 yard penalty.

I will say this though, the image you showed is on Dallas's 36 yard line, the catch is made at the 49 you dont think that if DHall would have turned up out of that hip turn at full speed toward Dez Bryant who was in my opinion at a fast jog that he could have made up that gap? Again, I think we're on somewhat of the same page, DHall could have played it better for whatever the reason.

I wish DHall would have watched the NFL Turning Points episode of Dallas/Jets with Revis on Dez.. Revis had Bryant completely flustered and out of rythum. I wish DHall was move agressive.

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Yeah I'm sure Nnamdi and Revis could have covered Dez no problem running around the field for 10 seconds freely. You guys are pathetic. If you want to be mad at something, be mad at the fact that 8 men blitzed and not a single person blew through that garbage OLINE of the Cowboys. It's 3rd and 21 and a turnover on downs is a win, SOMEONE has to make a play on a 8 man blitz.

This is exactly why the play was successfull.......5 seconds is really pushing it for covering receiver. This is not pop warner folks....Dez Bryant is a good receiver

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