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NFL.com: Grossman: 'I'm in my prime as a quarterback'


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There ought to be a board policy that the first person to mention Jason Campbell in any thread not specifically about JC gets a one week ban.

It seems like Grossman has really come into his own, I hope to see it on the field tonight.

Ok, so everybody should just agree about everything. Sounds like an interesting board.

I didn't mean for this turn into a bash JC thread, just wanted to point out how JC and RG are polar opposites for better or worse.

If you're tired of hearing about JC, who like it or not was a major factor in this organization for a few years, there are lots of other threads.

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I give a $% if someone "thinks" he had a good game. I didnt realize we all had to agree in harmony on this message board. If that were the case..... Message boards wouldn't exist lmao

But we all need to agree with you that he's a bad QB. OK then. Someone thinks he had a good game, that's their prerogative. You went out of your way to try to convince them they're wrong, and that they should agree with you.

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So you can talk up Campbell with falsified information but I can't critique his performance that didn't match the claim that he had a "good" game ? The Jason Campbell coddling over the years has been ridiculous.
Seconded. To say Jason Candle had a "good game" where he had his usual 100yd 0td game or thereabouts, while his team won relying on running and D as usual. But hey bet his QBR is great as usual and the Raiders won anyways, so fanboys still want to praise him in a thread about OUR QB. The REDSKINS QB.

Fine. It's a great comparison. Thank god our version of Trent Dilfer is gone. Glad we got a real QB now. Go Rexy!

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I watched some of that Jets - Raiders game on DTV. Campbell actually looked pretty good. McFadden was huge and is probably the best back in the league right now.

I would take Rex over Campbell in a heartbeat. I love Rex' confidence, and I think his teamates do too. I also think Rex sees the field better than Campbell.

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So you can talk up Campbell with falsified information but I can't critique his performance that didn't match the claim that he had a "good" game ? The Jason Campbell coddling over the years has been ridiculous.

what's ridiculous is that he's been gone two years now and some people still can't get over vitriolic hatred of the man.

Good god man, just let it go.

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II would take Rex over Campbell in a heartbeat. I love Rex' confidence, and I think his teamates do too. I also think Rex sees the field better than Campbell.

True. Rex's strength is 1) that he reads defenses quickly, 2) sees the field very well and 3) gets rid of the ball well. His weaknesses are that he has no mobility and is turnover prone.

He really is the polar opposite of Campbell. He is a safe guy and has some mobility, but doesn't see the field well or anticipate receivers coming open. He is a game manager, whereas Grossman is an aggressor, which in his case comes with the good and the bad. Rex gives us points, but he also takes some off the board and gives some to the other team. Campbell doesn't really give either side points, lol.

Grossman is in his prime though. If he can mature to the point that he doesn't turn the ball over that much than he can be a top QB. Not in the Brady/Rogers tier, but in the Flacco/Matt Ryan (who's also over rated) tier.

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Somebody bringing him up gives me the heebie-jeebies ... Blame them, not me.

Blame others for how you feel and blame others for how you react?...

It was such a benign comment, too lol..."JC had a good game yesterday". It didn't derail the thread...nobody really paid attention to it. Hell, the guy who said it even said he was glad Campbell was off the team.

People are allowed to think Campbell played well yesterday...It's ok lol. It doesn't require immediate correction, especially when the comment hasn't derailed the thread in any way.

Anyway, I'm expecting the mods to come in here and *****-slap anyone else who mentions JC in this thread, so we'd probably all be wise to just drop it. :yes:

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Blame others for how you feel and blame others for how you react?...

It was such a benign comment, too lol..."JC had a good game yesterday". It didn't derail the thread...nobody really paid attention to it. Hell, the guy who said it even said he was glad Campbell was off the team.

People are allowed to think Campbell played well yesterday...It's ok lol. It doesn't require immediate correction, especially when the comment hasn't derailed the thread in any way.

Anyway, I'm expecting the mods to come in here and *****-slap anyone else who mentions JC in this thread, so we'd probably all be wise to just drop it. :yes:

I already stated I was exiting the thread because I didn't want to derail it & you come back with this. Take your own advice.

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JC had a good game yesterday as the Raiders upset the Jets.

I was happy to see him go too - he and the Skins badly needed a change of scenery - but I hope for the best for him.

Yeah... good day. 18/27 for 156 yards with no td's...

Typical JC day... But that's a "good" day in some books I suppose.

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Saying he had a good game is slurping him? Yeah, I guess you're right. Unless you say only negative things about Campbell, you're slurping him. Good policy.
You didn't know?

That's been the long standing policy here.

Must never say anything good about Campbell.

God forbid you say that Campbell is an average QB, high treason!

Rex is a testament that Kyle's playcalling and offense works.

Now lets run the ball down the Cowboys throats and kick some tail down in Dallas!

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Somebody bringing him up gives me the heebie-jeebies ... Blame them, not me. I don't hate any man. I'm glad Shanahan fleeced Oakland & got a 4th rounder for him.

Judging by the tenor of your posts concerning him. I certainly think you have an unhealthy distaste for the man.

He's no longer on this team. Wish him well and try to just let things slide. He's a mediocre quarterback in a situation that is a better fit for him. One person mentioned him, and you went off. ( and then complained about others having different opinions. It's ok for someone to think he had a good game. They did win after all) ( now you can insert they won in spite of him)

In this thread alone.


Myth. He threw for 150+ yards & zero TD's... That running game is great & the defense is tough. They win in spite of him. They'd be really legit if they had a good QB.


Im bringing rational thinking into this thread. He didnt have a "good" game. You must have a low standard for QB's or some sort of sympathetic feel for the guy. He's had more than 5 years as a starter to show us what he is. A below average starting QB. If you're going to be sympathetic for a guy how about Rex Grossman who has already proved he's a better QB than Campbell ever was, has won playoff games, and has gotten no opportunities over the past 4 years while guys like Tavaris Jackson, Jason Campbell, Jay Cutler, Chad Henne & other bad QB's continue to get opportunity after opportunity. Oh yeah, im so happy for Jason Campbell lol Poor Jason Campbell smh


So you can talk up Campbell with falsified information but I can't critique his performance that didn't match the claim that he had a "good" game ? The Jason Campbell coddling over the years has been ridiculous.


I didnt bring up Jason Campbell. However, making a statement that I should be banned for not slurping a former underachieving Redskin is disgusting on your part.

And you say you don't hate on the man? Ok, an unhealthy obsession with disliking the man then. Either way, just let it go. He's in the past, and he's in another conference and division.

Really, what does it matter, and why must barbs be flung when his name is mentioned?

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I think they'll have to run the ball on Dallas for a while to get the pass rush off Grossman. He's not going to out run anybody, lol.

I expect we will see a healthy dose of Hightower in the first half with Helu coming in to spell him and going against a tiring defense. ( much like the Arizona game)

Expect quite a bit of play-action. If the stretch play works, expect a naked bootleg with passes to Moss.

Defense has to get pressure, and the line rotation will be key in keeping them fresh.

always a tough game, but I have a good feeling about this one.

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Damn...Rex is a GREAT phone interview. He's a bit awkward in person, it seems, but that's because he's not looking for the spotlight. He just wants to play, and win. He's not Mark Sanchez-like, more style than substance. He'd be perfectly content with kicking the Cowboy's collective ass and then quietly retreating to the locker-room. I LOVE that. We don't need a QB who's larger than life. We've got a team, now.

This is the kind of guy that you can go places with, I think. He's the experienced veteran who's already been to the big show, learned from his younger, gunslinger days, and has the balanced persona to show for it. Its so refreshing, and so....confidence-inducing. Its like Todd Collins back in '07, but better, and younger. With him and a grateful Santana Moss on one side of the ball, and London Fletcher on the other side, this team has real leaders.

This team feels like an underdog sports movie right now. I love it.

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I love Kyle Shanahan's quote about Rex watching HBO sitcoms and not knowing what profootballtalk is. I know he might have a few bad games this year, but I really like the head this guy has on his shoulders. Also, Rex seems to have a loyalty to his teammates which is refreshing to see. Saying we have the best receivers in the league, whether true or not, pumps up the guys he's throwing the ball to and makes them want to make plays for him. He may not be the most charismatic or vocal leader, but I think the team is really rallying around the guy. Hail.

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It all sounds nice, but he better be more carefull with the ball than he was last week.

Can't put 100% of the blame on REX. Granted I am sure he would like a do over, but the second one could have been a catch if Armstrong wasn't held. Also, Moss said the first one he didn't run the route exactly right.

I like what Rex did with the couple other balls tipped at the line, granted wish they didn't happen, but he had the smarts to get to the ball to knock them to the ground.

I can't WAIT for tonight... Day is SOOOOO Dragging!

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