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(Blog) MSNBC: Is this man invincible? Perry eyes the GOP nomination


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Well for one he managed Al Gore's 1992 campaign for POTUS in the state of Texas. Two he's a former male cheerleader. Three he personally destroyed the anti-TSA groping bill in Texas while publicly saying he was for it. Four he is in bed with the same bankers boneheads that created OBama. He's fake as hell and far from what he says he is in his fake prayer meetings...

ron paul

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a lock,NO...Formidable, certainly

I will say those of you wanting a real ........ will find it in him.

He has never lost ,despite taking on some real contenders

most candidates who attend bilderberg like perry did in 2008 in Chantilly, Virginia don't lose and do play dirty. (Obama and Hillary were there too; remember the day OBama's plane took off with the press and no candidate? It was that day.)

Anywho, Perry is a lock. We all will vote for him to get the horrible OBama out of office and Perry will come in and act all folksy while continuing the corporate welfare, the endless war, the ever expanding police state, and ignoring the derivatives that the Fed created that are the reason we are in debt. We'll all argue about cutting tax breaks for those who make 125K and cutting welfare just like now. We will continue to ignore the real problem of the fed who created this debt out of nothing but phony derivatives because we all will hate the other side so much that we can't see what's really going on. Milton Friedman said if you raised taxes to 100% and cut all social services it would still take hundreds of years to get out this quagmire. Why's that? Because it is neither the upper middle class' tax breaks nor the welfare queens in the hood that are responsible. But what does Firedman know as one of the men behind reagan-nomics. It's the fed. But we'll all buy Rick Perry's phony BS just like we did Obama's and Bush before him. It may be a different set of supporters, but it's all the same. We stay at war; we make less money and can buy less with what we do make. It just keeps getting worse and we just can't seem to understand why. IT's because we continue to vote for these pre-selected douchebags like Perry and Obama and ignore or mock anyone who dare question that the Fed is our King and that the king is indeed naked.

Yup, perry is a lock; book it. For the fed hath spoken.

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ya can always flee ...if we let ya

Ya, I need to leave because this country is a messed up, farcical shadow of its former self on every level especially its principles of being a shining bastion of freedom for the world to aspire to become. We've gone from being that light for the world to letting glorified mall cops remove diapers from 90 year old cancer patients on the way home to die. Dude, I'm a descendant of Thomas Stone; he signed the declaration of independence. My grandfather is buried in ANC after fighting in WWII korea and vietnam. No man, I'll stay. The TSA can go right along with the fed and their wall street goons in congress and the white house. But I'll stay.

Like I said, it's not walfare queens or those people making 125 k that caused this. Listening to them argue two sides of a totally fake argument is like listening to two abusive parents arguing over which reason they get to knock little nancy's teeth out - like it's Nancy's fault that her parents are complete and total psychopaths. Don't you get it, we're all the victims here. We're listening to the bank robbers themselves tell us that we robbed the bank. And the only reason we buy it up is because they split the population into two groups that already hate eachother and let them fight it out. Stop listening to the the guys with masks and guns. They're the robbers; no matter how many times they tell you it's the guy standing next to you. IT's really that obvious.

---------- Post added August-6th-2011 at 01:50 AM ----------

We could expel Texas from the union, this making Perry ineligible; since he would be from the foreign nation of Texas.

Then we'd lose Ron Paul; besides Texas may jump ship.

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Well for one he managed Al Gore's 1992 campaign for POTUS in the state of Texas. Two he's a former male cheerleader. Three he personally destroyed the anti-TSA groping bill in Texas while publicly saying he was for it. Four he is in bed with the same bankers boneheads that created OBama. He's fake as hell and far from what he says he is in his fake prayer meetings...

ron paul

Just out of curiosity, why do you capitalize the the O and B when writing the President's name?

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Forget the "birther" controversy - can we get a constitutional amendment preventing anyone from Texas being allowed to run for President? It's already burdened us with the 2 worst of all time - LBJ and GWB... and if one counts GHWB as a Texan, well he's up there among the undesirables as well. Sickening to think a guy like Huntsman has no shot, but people are sucking up to this redneck ignoramus or Romney.

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and ignoring the derivatives that the Fed created that are the reason we are in debt. We'll all argue about cutting tax breaks for those who make 125K and cutting welfare just like now. We will continue to ignore the real problem of the fed who created this debt out of nothing but phony derivatives because we all will hate the other side so much that we can't see what's really going on. Milton Friedman said if you raised taxes to 100% and cut all social services it would still take hundreds of years to get out this quagmire. Why's that? Because it is neither the upper middle class' tax breaks nor the welfare queens in the hood that are responsible. But what does Firedman know as one of the men behind reagan-nomics. It's the fed.

Yeah, the government isn't in debt because it borrowed the money. It's all because the evil fed made it up.

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No Presidential candidate on the right is invincible:

1 billion dollars funding President Obama

Moveon.org, KAO, dailyunderground, Soros going deep into his childhood.

Jon Stewart picking him apart with actual comedy that sticks.

The October 21st 2012 MSNBC "Should we report on his sexual harassment reports on several women" or wait until we have facts?

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Forget the "birther" controversy - can we get a constitutional amendment preventing anyone from Texas being allowed to run for President? It's already burdened us with the 2 worst of all time - LBJ and GWB... and if one counts GHWB as a Texan, well he's up there among the undesirables as well. Sickening to think a guy like Huntsman has no shot, but people are sucking up to this redneck ignoramus or Romney.

Uh...No :)

How about Huntsman stepping up his game instead?

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No Presidential candidate on the right is invincible:

1 billion dollars funding President Obama

Moveon.org, KAO, dailyunderground, Soros going deep into his childhood.

Jon Stewart picking him apart with actual comedy that sticks.

The October 21st 2012 MSNBC "Should we report on his sexual harassment reports on several women" or wait until we have facts?

You know, there's several posts in the Daily Show thread on the subject on conservative victimhood.

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I absolute think Perry will be the GOP nominee. Hell, I have been telling TWA that Perry would run for President for years now. :ols: He has been planning this for years. He is a very very very strong candidate. Great support in the Tea Party and Christian Right. Fiscal conservatives will like his budget slash record.

He will declare a few days after the Iowa Straw Poll.

But as for him being invincible? Absolutely not. He has a few major weaknesses, which Politco broke down well this week.

1) Winning a Presidential election is not the same as winning in Texas. Rick Perry has been successful being more "Texan" than any of his opponents. MORE conservative, more abrasive and just more freaking Texan. Texas exceptionalism - "Texas is the best - shut the **** up."

He has never had to move left to win an election. And he will need to do that in 2012. Will he do that? Will the Texas exeptionalism message work in say . . . Ohio? I don't know. We will see.

2) He is extremely socially conservative. Are independents going to vote for a guy who today is praying with the American Family Association (a extreme right-wing religious organization) for Jesus to save our country?

3) There are a lot of strange things in Perry's past, but no smoking gun. Shady land deals and state agency scandals. Rumors of him being gay of course have been around for almost a decade. Nothing sticks and he just keeps winning.

Will the attacks on Perry's record that have failed in Texas work against him in other states?

From the politico story earlier this week:

Multiple former Hutchison advisers recalled asking a focus group about the charge that Perry may have presided over the execution of an innocent man — Cameron Todd Willingham — and got this response from a primary voter: “It takes balls to execute an innocent man.”

Texas is a different political animal then the rest of the world. His entire brand is made to win Texas. We will see if he can adapt for a bigger campaign. He is an amazing campaigner and he will be someone to watch closely.

Also Guero's, which I lived 3 blocks from, is sooooooooooo overrated.

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If Perry is anything,it is adaptable Duckus ,it will be interesting to watch the focus change to American exceptionalism and potential vs eating peas:evilg:

It sure as hell ain't gonna be boring

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