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After a conversation where i was suppossed to send an acquaintance some information, he told me to "hit him up on plus." I THINK this means Google+. Is this thing already so big that people expect me to be on it? Because Twitter isnt even that big yet. Needless to say, that guy is going to be waiting indefinitely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok - I just dont get it.

I am a HUGE google fan...Have my Xoom tablet, my android phone, use Gchat all the time, use Picasa, and have been looking at google docs to replace microsoft at my office (although dont think I am going to be able to pull that off any time soon).

I am also a regular user of facebook..... Google plus has some benefit - namely the integration with picasa and the auto photo update from my phone to my account on all photos I take. But that's it. Circles? Ok...but FB has Lists that offer the sam thing. Hangout? Ok - But Gchat offers the same thing as well....

But here is the BIG thing. Facebook is already integrated into everything. Everyone is one it - status are updated quickly, events work and interface with outlook and google calender, etc..etc.....

What does google + really offer me that will not only get me to use ti primarily - but also all my friends to use it? I have 39 friends on google + and only 3 people post on it regularly....and even then their updates are the same as they are on FB....

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  • 2 weeks later...
So far I have only seen one Redskins' player on Google+, Defensive End, Darrion Scott: https://plus.google.com/106260261306356480322/

Still looking for more too. I think Evan Royster has one now too and even though he's not a skin, I believe that Phillip Daniels is on too.

I'd appreciate if any others are identified that they get posted in this thread. Same goes for good Skins media types too.

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  • 4 weeks later...


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