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Just saw the movie and it is funny a lot of homage paid to classic Sci Fi movies such as ET Star Wars and Aliens

And the religous right will see this film as another attack on them

Perhaps, but I would have preferred you not add such an obvious baiting comment to your OP. It tempts me to mess with your candy Canadian ass.

P.S. For those who are too new or too stupid to know me better, the "Canadian" thing was in fun--I love Canada. I grew up in Alaska and Canadians were always like our simple-minded but friendly cousins.


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I've heard mixed reviews, so I'll ask this. Dr, have you seen Shaun of the Dead? Because that's possible one of my favorite movies of all time, and I know this will be nowhere near as good, but if you could give some type of idea of how this movie stacks up, I might be able to enjoy it.

Mostly I just have high expectations of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost movies at this point and I'm hoping to not be let down.

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Perhaps, but I would have preferred you not add such an obvious baiting comment to your OP. It tempts me to mess with your candy Canadian ass.

P.S. For those who are too new or too stupid to know me better, the "Canadian" thing was in fun--I love Canada. I grew up in Alaska and Canadians were always like our simple-minded but friendly cousins.


Typical Alaskans. Think they can see everyone from their backyard ;)

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I've heard mixed reviews, so I'll ask this. Dr, have you seen Shaun of the Dead? Because that's possible one of my favorite movies of all time, and I know this will be nowhere near as good, but if you could give some type of idea of how this movie stacks up, I might be able to enjoy it.

Mostly I just have high expectations of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost movies at this point and I'm hoping to not be let down.

It's definitely not as good as Shaun of the Dead. I can tell you that much.

Paul is ok, it gets a little bit thin on jokes by the 2nd half of the movie, but for anyone who has a "geeky" side towards stuff like Star Trek/Star Wars/old school sci-fi and whatnot, it's a fun ride.

I'd personally give it a 6.5 out of 10.

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It's definitely not as good as Shaun of the Dead. I can tell you that much.

I didn't expect it to be. That's a hell of a bar to live up to, honestly. That said, I know Star Wars, not so much Star Trek, and my sci-fi knowledge is spotty at best. Is Seth Rogan playing the same character he played as Bob in Monsters vs. Aliens, or he just playing a stoner (aka, himself)?

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I didn't expect it to be. That's a hell of a bar to live up to, honestly. That said, I know Star Wars, not so much Star Trek, and my sci-fi knowledge is spotty at best. Is Seth Rogan playing the same character he played as Bob in Monsters vs. Aliens, or he just playing a stoner (aka, himself)?

There's maybe one pot joke in the whole movie and it's not really that bad (and I typically hate pot jokes in comedies because they're usually really crappy and unoriginal). So I definitely wouldn't say he's playing any sort of stoner role as the voice of the alien. And it's been awhile since I've seen Monsters vs. Aliens, but if I remember right, he just ate a bunch of stuff and did a lot of "dumb" humor.

I'd say his character is more of a "prankster," if you wanted to try and classify him.

Honestly I thought the characters were all pretty good for the most part. My problem with the film was that overall, it's kind of direction-less. Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz were both witty satires of the genres they were taking on, but while Paul has a lot of funny references to the alien/sci-fi genre, it's just not as sharp. More sappy by the end actually.

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Perhaps, but I would have preferred you not add such an obvious baiting comment to your OP. It tempts me to mess with your candy Canadian ass.

P.S. For those who are too new or too stupid to know me better, the "Canadian" thing was in fun--I love Canada. I grew up in Alaska and Canadians were always like our simple-minded but friendly cousins.


It was a reflection on the complaints about movies like Avatar being seen as an attack by some on their political faith.

---------- Post added March-21st-2011 at 05:55 AM ----------

I've heard mixed reviews, so I'll ask this. Dr, have you seen Shaun of the Dead? Because that's possible one of my favorite movies of all time, and I know this will be nowhere near as good, but if you could give some type of idea of how this movie stacks up, I might be able to enjoy it.

Mostly I just have high expectations of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost movies at this point and I'm hoping to not be let down.

I am not sure if this will enjoy the same cult status that Shaun of the Dead got I will say I thought it was definantly better than Run Fat Boy Run

---------- Post added March-21st-2011 at 05:58 AM ----------

There's maybe one pot joke in the whole movie and it's not really that bad (and I typically hate pot jokes in comedies because they're usually really crappy and unoriginal). So I definitely wouldn't say he's playing any sort of stoner role as the voice of the alien. And it's been awhile since I've seen Monsters vs. Aliens, but if I remember right, he just ate a bunch of stuff and did a lot of "dumb" humor.

I'd say his character is more of a "prankster," if you wanted to try and classify him.

Honestly I thought the characters were all pretty good for the most part. My problem with the film was that overall, it's kind of direction-less. Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz were both witty satires of the genres they were taking on, but while Paul has a lot of funny references to the alien/sci-fi genre, it's just not as sharp. More sappy by the end actually.

That sappy was all part of the ET thing in the end but I felt I missed a couple of Sci Fi references like maybe Close Ecounters

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I've heard mixed reviews, so I'll ask this. Dr, have you seen Shaun of the Dead? Because that's possible one of my favorite movies of all time, and I know this will be nowhere near as good, but if you could give some type of idea of how this movie stacks up, I might be able to enjoy it.

If you haven't seen Hot Fuzz, then, drop everything and run out and rent it right now. It was even funnier than Shaun of the Dead.

If you ever watched the standard 80s and 90s buddy cop action movies, it's hysterical, but my wife never did, and she was laughing so hard the flight attendant had to come ask her to keep it down (we saw it for the first time on an airplane).

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And the religous right will see this film as another attack on them

Apparently the Catholics (at least some of them) ain't too fond of it either (minor spoilers ahead, I guess)...

Aggressively, though illogically, anti-religious satire from director Greg Mottola in which two sci-fi-loving British visitors to the United States (Simon Pegg and Nick Frost) help the alien of the title (voice of Seth Rogen) escape government custody. The trio then embark on a road trip to the spot where his fellow extraterrestrials can rescue him. They're joined, along the way, by a fundamentalist Christian (Kristen Wiig) whose entire worldview is instantly shattered by the spaceman's very existence, freeing her to swear, smoke dope and fornicate at will, since there is no God and therefore no sin. In penning the script for this otherwise routine buddy comedy, Pegg and Frost prove themselves as unfamiliar with Judeo-Christian beliefs as they are contemptuous of them, since they assume that scriptural faith would be fatally undermined by the presence of intelligent life on other planets. Explicit rejection of Christian faith and morals, endorsement of homosexual acts, nonmarital sexual activity and petty theft, benign view of drug use, occasional gory violence, a few uses of profanity, pervasive rough and crude language. O -- morally offensive. ® 2011

I have to admit, though, the t-shirt mentioned in the full review sounds pretty funny.

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Hated it. If you've seen the previews, you've already gotten the big laughs out of the way. Rent it if you have to watch it. I want my money back. Did I chuckle a few times? Yep. But this is nowhere near as hilarious as Hot Fuzz (which I second Techboy on -- if you haven't seen it yet, get crackin'). It's certainly no Sarah Marshall or 40 year old virgin. I had very high hopes for the movie, and I'm pretty disappointed that it came nowhere near the mark.

I also have 0 appreciation for the 20 minute segment where fundamentalist Christians (who I happen to disagree with deeply -- *my* feelings weren't hurt here) are picked on. If they wanted to do irreverence right, they should have taken notes from South Park.

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Apparently the Catholics (at least some of them) ain't too fond of it either (minor spoilers ahead, I guess)...

I have to admit, though, the t-shirt mentioned in the full review sounds pretty funny.

I was not leaving out the Catholics fundamentalists who get upset can belong to all religions

As soon as I saw the t shirt I started laughing

Somehow I do not see Jesus so threatened by the theory of evolution that he feels the need to shoot someone in the face

---------- Post added March-21st-2011 at 10:48 AM ----------

Hated it. If you've seen the previews, you've already gotten the big laughs out of the way. Rent it if you have to watch it. I want my money back. Did I chuckle a few times? Yep. But this is nowhere near as hilarious as Hot Fuzz (which I second Techboy on -- if you haven't seen it yet, get crackin'). It's certainly no Sarah Marshall or 40 year old virgin. I had very high hopes for the movie, and I'm pretty disappointed that it came nowhere near the mark.

I also have 0 appreciation for the 20 minute segment where fundamentalist Christians (who I happen to disagree with deeply -- *my* feelings weren't hurt here) are picked on. If they wanted to do irreverence right, they should have taken notes from South Park.

Speaking of South Park I wonder if there is going to be a DVD for their broadway show the book of Mormon

And South Park is not the king of comedic irreverance of religion I still think Father Ted holds that title

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If you haven't seen Hot Fuzz, then, drop everything and run out and rent it right now. It was even funnier than Shaun of the Dead.

If you ever watched the standard 80s and 90s buddy cop action movies, it's hysterical, but my wife never did, and she was laughing so hard the flight attendant had to come ask her to keep it down (we saw it for the first time on an airplane).

No worries tech, I own Hot Fuzz. And while I don't agree that it's better than Shuan, I still think it's a damn good movie in its own right. Nick Frost is much better in HF than SotD.

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But this is nowhere near as hilarious as Hot Fuzz (which I second Techboy on -- if you haven't seen it yet, get crackin').

Yes, immediately. It's for the greater good.

I was not leaving out the Catholics fundamentalists who get upset can belong to all religions

Well, first, you can't really lump Catholics into the "Religious Right", generally. Even the most devout Catholics tend to be more like the "Religious Left" (see, for instance, the Pope's views on the death penalty, welfare, etc.). There is some overlap, though.

Second, I suspect you're underestimating the number of people that might be at least mildly offended by this movie, given what I've read. It's not just the fundie that converts to a hedonist, it's stuff like the alien announcing that his existence disproves all of the "Judeo-Christian religions". It sure seems like they went a little beyond merely poking at a few sacred cows, and perhaps crossed the line into mild evangelism. I think Simon Pegg might understand that, too, because in an interview, after the standard "they need to lighten up, it's just a movie about an alien on a road trip", he says this:

Simon Pegg: There wasn’t a massive atheist protest when The Ten Commandments came out. There wasn’t a protest at my local school at the Nativity play this year. It’s just a film.

... and those are both evangelistic (at least somewhat) films he's comparing his film to.

Now, personally, I decided I wasn't going to see this film because the previews make it look stupid, but I suspect you'd be surprised at the number of more normal people of faith that might not like this, though I doubt we'll see mass protests or hear much of a peep, really (if you hadn't brought it up, I wouldn't have even known to look, actually).

Of course, maybe Simon Pegg should stir up a little controversy, Might help sell tickets. :)

And South Park is not the king of comedic irreverance of religion I still think Father Ted holds that title

No way. It's Monty Python's Life of Brian.

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Yes, immediately. It's for the greater good.

Well, first, you can't really lump Catholics into the "Religious Right", generally. Even the most devout Catholics tend to be more like the "Religious Left" (see, for instance, the Pope's views on the death penalty, welfare, etc.). There is some overlap, though.

Second, I suspect you're underestimating the number of people that might be at least mildly offended by this movie, given what I've read. It's not just the fundie that converts to a hedonist, it's stuff like the alien announcing that his existence disproves all of the "Judeo-Christian religions". It sure seems like they went a little beyond merely poking at a few sacred cows, and perhaps crossed the line into mild evangelism. I think Simon Pegg might understand that, too, because in an interview, after the standard "they need to lighten up, it's just a movie about an alien on a road trip", he says this:

... and those are both evangelistic (at least somewhat) films he's comparing his film to.

Now, personally, I decided I wasn't going to see this film because the previews make it look stupid, but I suspect you'd be surprised at the number of more normal people of faith that might not like this, though I doubt we'll see mass protests or hear much of a peep, really (if you hadn't brought it up, I wouldn't have even known to look, actually).

Of course, maybe Simon Pegg should stir up a little controversy, Might help sell tickets. :)

No way. It's Monty Python's Life of Brian.

Seeing as Sean Hannity and has had Catholic priests and other Pubs have converted and wear their religion when complaining about others they can be part of the right

Actually the aliens response was to the fact he could not exist and must be a demon

Life of Brian is good but Farther Ted is still the best in my humble opinion :D

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Seeing as Sean Hannity and has had Catholic priests and other Pubs have converted and wear their religion when complaining about others they can be part of the right

Typical Canadian, doesn't understand a thing about U.S. politics. :silly:

Life of Brian is good but Farther Ted is still the best in my humble opinion :D

Or movies/tv shows. :D

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If you haven't seen Hot Fuzz, then, drop everything and run out and rent it right now. It was even funnier than Shaun of the Dead.

Yeah, I love Shaun of the Dead, but I like Hot Fuzz even more. Great stuff.

---------- Post added March-21st-2011 at 12:55 PM ----------

Has anyone seen Pegg and Frost's old British TV show Spaced? I have only seen a little, but it is pretty funny.


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Why does every animated character have to be voiced by a celebrity now? I liked it better when cartoons were voiced by people who were never seen on screen. It's too hard to get into a movie when all you can think about is how the character's voices belong to somebody else.

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