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WaPo: School bus driver fired over Confederate flag


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School bus driver fired over Confederate flag

The Associated Press

Wednesday, March 9, 2011; 8:49 PM

GRANTS PASS, Ore. -- An Oregon school bus driver fired after he refused to remove a Confederate battle flag flying from his pickup truck has enlisted the help of a conservative civil liberties group in hopes of getting his job back.

The Rutherford Institute of Charlottesville, Va., sent a letter Wednesday to First Student Bus Transportation Services demanding that Ken Webber of Medford, Ore., be reinstated. The institute says flying the flag is covered by his First Amendment right to free speech.

More at the link....


His truck was parked in the parking lot at his work. He wasn't flying it on the school bus. Discuss.

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If he was fired for just driving around town with the flag on his truck I'd say his employer was clearly in the wrong, but I guess if the parking lot is privately owned, the owner can decide what is displayed on it?

I'm not sure.

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Seems excessive,but his contract probably allows for firing over such things

The employer has rights and responsibilities to it's other employees and in this case the public.

I don't agree with the decision, but understand it.


I hope he prevails in a lawsuit

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Not to sound like one of those guys but I wonder what the school system's repsonse would be if he was celebrating his Puerto Rican heritage by flying the flag of Puerto Rico on his truck?

I wonder what a school system in Atlanta, GA would think if one of their employees flew a big flag that said "The South lost! Get over it!" with a map charting Sherman's march to the sea on it.

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I wonder what a school system in Atlanta, GA would think if one of their employees flew a big flag that said "The South lost! Get over it!" with a map charting Sherman's march to the sea on it.
Henry you mean you think this is politically motivated? :)

Where does it end? Scouring the parking lot for Pro Choice or Pro Life bumper stickers?

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Henry you mean you think this is politically motivated? :)

Where does it end? Scouring the parking lot for Pro Choice or Pro Life bumper stickers?

I think it's culturally motivated. The battle flag of Lee's army is offensive to a lot of people up north. Just like the flag I described would be offensive to a lot of people in the south.

I don't think the flag of Puerto Rico is comparable in any way. Nor is a bumper sticker stating a political position.

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Broadly speaking, employers can fire employees for just about any reason unless they have agreed otherwise in an employment agreement or CBA. Setting aside the legal issues, I think it's wrong to fire him. I'm sure the ACLU will be interested in the case; contrary to popular belief, they've represented right-wing clients in the past.

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Not to sound like one of those guys but I wonder what the school system's repsonse would be if he was celebrating his Puerto Rican heritage by flying the flag of Puerto Rico on his truck?

We're comparing the confederate flag to any random nations flag now? Hmmm interesting.

I can easily argue the south rose to defend the institution of slavery. It's not a hard argument to make being that Southern leaders at the time of the civil war have already done all the work. At best I think the flag represents a failed attempt to destroy the United States of America. At worst I think it represents a time in this nations history where brother was made to kill brother in order to keep human beings as property. I don't get the same vibe off of a flag representing an unincorporated territory of the United States of America. Are there any other such areas you feel equate to the confederate flag? Does the little boat in Guam's flag bring out feelings of injustice when you see it?

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I like this post. I think I agree with this.

Ultimately, depending on the letter of the law, I could see this decision being reversed. However, I don't mind that someone flying the stars and bars gets his cage rattled a bit.

the law probably will find in his favor (as it should), but the message should be pretty clear to the guy.

Living as a pariah sucks.


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I wonder what a school system in Atlanta, GA would think if one of their employees flew a big flag that said "The South lost! Get over it!" with a map charting Sherman's march to the sea on it.

That another carpetbagger has arrived?....would you support a firing over that?

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We're comparing the confederate flag to any random nations flag now? Hmmm interesting.
I think it's possible that someone flying a Confederate flag on their personal vehicle could be celebrating his American Southern heritage like someone flying a Puerto Rican flag could be celebrating his Puerto Rican heritage.
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