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2011 Academy Awards


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Loved "The King's Speech" for what it was (a beautifully written, acted, and directed piece of fiction) but think "Black Swan" was the best movie out of the bunch.

Having said that though, I don't think Aronofsky deserves Best Director, even though he'll probably get it (does anyone really think his job directing Ernest "The Cat" Miller to a quality performance was LESS difficult than directing Barbara Hershey to one?). I think Danny Boyle SHOULD win. He did the most with less. He made a movie about a guy who had his freakin' hand caught under a rock for 90 minutes, for God sake.

I won't have a problem with Firth winning. I'll be steamed if Helena Bonham Carter wins though. I love her and thought she did a good job, but that character could've been completely eliminated or reduced to an almost non-speaking role and it wouldn't have effected the story (unlike Ruby Dee's performance in "American Gangster" which was only a couple of short scenes but completely informed us of who Denzel's character was and why he did what he did and why he would chose his next path).

Carter's character was an unnecessary McGuffin and a totally non-essential job of stunt casting (and she did nothing so extraordinary that she deserved an Oscar this time). Michael Gambon was the person in this film overlooked.

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My picks:

Best Picture

Will win: The King's Speech

Should win: The Social Network for relevance and Black Swan for being pure cinema

Analysis: I love the top 5 movies, and if any of them wins, I'd be happy (including Inception & Toy Story 3). The King's Speech was the best pure movie and filled with hope. The Social Network is the next generation of film-making with the hodgepodge of techniques used in it and the fact that a movie about computer programming nerds and lawsuits can be so riveting. Inception, Toy Story 3 & Black Swan is what I'll remember 2010 with however.

Best Director

Will win: David Fincher (The Social Network)

Should win: David Fincher (The Social Network)

Analysis: Fincher had that badass script to work with, but **** guys, a movie about Facebook? Who thought it would be one of the best movies of the year? Tom Hooper did an excellent job with the tone of The King's Speech, and Aronofsky had too much ego in Black Swan (he got the performance of the year from Natalie Portman). Christopher Nolan should have at least been nominated for his contribution to the film industry (making one of the best action blockbusters in history). This is the category where they'll honor The Social Network, because I don't think it will win anything else, except for maybe Best Score and editing.

Best Actor

Will win: Colin Firth (The King's Speech)

Should win: Colin Firth

Analysis: James Franco was awesome, Jeff Bridges was great not award worthy, and those are the only two actors who could compete with Colin Firth's amazing performance as Duke/King Bertie. Lock

Best Actress:

Will win: Natalie Portman (Black Swan)

Should win: Natalie Portman

Analysis: Annette Bening, Jennifer Lawrence, & Michelle Williams all delivered incredible performances, but none of them will define a career like the character of Nina. Lock.

Supporting actor & actress

Will & should win: Christian Bale & Melissa Leo (The Fighter)

Analysis: These two were a team. As stereotypical as it is to say actors become their characters fully, these two did. They worked together brilliantly with Mark Wahlberg's super underplayed lead, and they were loud and boisterous. These two performances should be written about in books. They were flawless support, and I don't think anyone else could have done with these characters what these two did. Bale has no competition (outside of Rush for The King's Speech) and Leo's main competition is Hailee Steinfield from True Grit, who was essentially the lead actress anyways... It takes some skill to go head to head with Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon like she did.

After those, True Grit will win cinematography. The Social Network will win for editing & score (I want Inception to win for score). Inception will win sound mixing, sound editing, and visual effects. Randy Newman will win best song. James Franco and Anne Hathaway will be awesome.

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I never watch these things, but I'll Tivo this one just to see if Bansky shows up.

EDIT. I thought the film was nominated. The media was wrong on this one. Guess Bansky fooled me as well. He won't be there for sure.

Exit Through The Gift Shop is nominated for Documentary Feature.

I'd be really shocked if Banksy showed up. It'd basically blow the whole "Banksy" mystique.

Fun fact: I actually have my own Oscar picks on my buddy's website:


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With the money they spent on this show open the Oscars could have signed Pujols. #sports!

---------- Post added February-27th-2011 at 08:52 PM ----------

I can't understand Kirk Douglas

I know he is al egend I know he was in Spartacus

But I can't understand you

Speak up chief

---------- Post added February-27th-2011 at 09:00 PM ----------

Ugh Twitter is merciless towards Kirk Douglas

He's a legend

Leave him alone

---------- Post added February-27th-2011 at 09:05 PM ----------


Mila Kunis is the first thing to go right in this show. Very, very right.
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