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I was there, and that crowd was electric. That event was my present to my mom for her birthday (which is on August 2nd, so it was that day) who grew up a Redskins fan. Art Monk was her favorite player. That 4 minute standing O and chants of "It's about time." are priceless memories for both of us. I met my wife in college, and she wasn't really into football (but thank God for that, because her dad was a Cowboys fan), and she sort of started to like it by the end of college. After that day, she looked at me and said "I think I finally get it. I understand how you can be so passionate about it even when they're doing bad." I honestly wish all of you could have been there, it was a fantastic day.

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I still get choked up about that, my HAPPIEST moment as a Skins fan. I remember starting the "It's About Time" chant. My boy lost his voice and look at me and said NOW. I started chanting "It's About Time", praise gibbs joined in and the rest is history. I remember talking with the mayor of Canton and he said HOF weekend had NEVER been like that with one team's fans. We made history that weekend and I am glad that we gave Art his due respects.

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I was there and it was one of the highlights of my life! Loved every second of it! I still can't believe I was there!

One thing I will never forget about it...it was about a minute into the ovation and I looked over at the ESPN set and I saw Tom Jackson yell, "Now that's what I'm talkin' about!" And he threw his headset down, stood up and started cheering with the rest of us.

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I was there at that HOF indcution, and it was great. A week or so ago Art Monk came and spoke at Liberty Baptist church, and I got a chance to meet him. He is my favorite Redskin of all time, and after actually hearing him talk about his experiences and getting to meet him, I know why. I don't know of may players in todays NFL that played with the class that #81 exhibited. Here are two pictures I took from that day. The second was a little blurry, but it will be one of my favorite memories because I shared it with my dad.



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