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Wikileaks: Al Qaida on brink of using nuclear bomb


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Al-Qaida is on the verge of producing radioactive weapons after sourcing nuclear material and recruiting rogue scientists to build "dirty" bombs, according to leaked diplomatic documents.

A leading atomic regulator has privately warned that the world stands on the brink of a "nuclear 9/11".

Security briefings suggest that jihadi groups are also close to producing "workable and efficient" biological and chemical weapons that could kill thousands if unleashed in attacks on the West.

Thousands of classified American cables obtained by the WikiLeaks website and passed to The Daily Telegraph detail the international struggle to stop the spread of weapons-grade nuclear, chemical and biological material around the globe.

Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Qaida+brink+using+nuclear+bomb/4205104/story.html#ixzz1ClCrV7Iy

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Yeah, that sums it up pretty nicely.

The article mentions smallpox in the end. Maybe I'm missing something, but, um, wouldn't we know if terrorists had gotten their hands on smallpox? Isn't it only in two labs on earth?

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Doesn't mean they're right. As someone said, it's frightening, but also something we knew was likely to happen one day. Hopefully, they don't unleash that Pandora's Box if they acquire it.

There's no way they won't. They hate us and Israel more than anything on Earth and want nothing but to see every inhabitant of both countries brutally murdered. That's the cold truth.

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Yeah, that sums it up pretty nicely.

The article mentions smallpox in the end. Maybe I'm missing something, but, um, wouldn't we know if terrorists had gotten their hands on smallpox? Isn't it only in two labs on earth?

Hmmm. I recall reading about some recent outbreaks.

(I just went to check for some possible recent cases and nearly threw up when I saw all the pictures that came up on the Wikipedia article.)

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The article made it sound like it might be our troops abroad that are the ones in real trouble. Even if they managed to get a weak nuke, getting it over here would be a whole new mountain of problems for them.

Not really expecting a nuke,but rather a dirty bomb.....those with nukes generally understand the wraith that would be unleashed

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Isn't the standard reason why nobody drops their bomb first because the target will simply reply in kind? Leaving nothing for nobody? That a nuclear war would be the last war regardless of who starts it. Which keeps everyone in check. Does that still apply?

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Isn't the standard reason why nobody drops their bomb first because the target will simply reply in kind? Leaving nothing for nobody? That a nuclear war would be the last war regardless of who starts it. Which keeps everyone in check. Does that still apply?

Not if you don't know where they're coming from, or who's sending them.

Or the people aren't afraid to die.

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Isn't the standard reason why nobody drops their bomb first because the target will simply reply in kind? Leaving nothing for nobody? That a nuclear war would be the last war regardless of who starts it. Which keeps everyone in check. Does that still apply?

If the likes of Al-Qaida have such a weapon, I don't think they'd care.

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Doesn't mean they're right. As someone said, it's frightening, but also something we knew was likely to happen one day. Hopefully, they don't unleash that Pandora's Box if they acquire it.

Honestly, I think it is only a matter of time before they launch an attack using a dirty bomb or a chemical or biological agent. These people need to die.

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The question is, where would the wrath be unleashed if it wasn't evident that a specific nation was behind it ?

I think the real question is how crazy are they? We know more often than not these guys send others to do their dirty work. They don't mind brainwashing folks into tying bombs to their chests and blowing themselves up, but they rarely do it themselves. They also so the conventional reprisal that happened after 9/11. Somewhere in the back of their mind they have to acknowledge that if they did this the entire Middle East could become a sea of glass. So, the question isn't how much do they want to do this or even how much do they hate Israel or the U.S., but how crazy are they? How willing are they to commit suicide and kill off all their family and friends.

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I think the real question is how crazy are they? We know more often than not these guys send others to do their dirty work. They don't mind brainwashing folks into tying bombs to their chests and blowing themselves up, but they rarely do it themselves. They also so the conventional reprisal that happened after 9/11. Somewhere in the back of their mind they have to acknowledge that if they did this the entire Middle East could become a sea of glass. So, the question isn't how much do they want to do this or even how much do they hate Israel or the U.S., but how crazy are they? How willing are they to commit suicide and kill off all their family and friends.

I think many of them would love nothing more than to spark a global holy war between religious fanatics and the Godless West.

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Honestly, I think it is only a matter of time before they launch an attack using a dirty bomb or a chemical or biological agent. These people need to die.

There have already been chem and bio attacks....and yes they do

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