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CSM: Joe Biden says Egypt's Mubarak no dictator, he shouldn't step down...


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Why does the administration let Joe Biden speak? The administration is clearly failing on the Egypt issue.

I am really fearing we are going to end up on the wrong side of history again, like we did in 1979


Joe Biden says Egypt's Mubarak no dictator, he shouldn't step down...

and wonders what the Egyptian protesters want

Vice President Joe Biden spoke to the PBS NewsHour tonight with the most direct US governent comments yet about the gathering Egypt protests against President Hosni Mubarak's 29-year reign.

Mr. Biden's comments are unlikely to be well-received by regime opponents, as they fit a narrative of steadfast US support for a government they want to bring down. About eight protesters and one policeman have died this week as Egypt has sought to bring down the heavy hand of the state against opponents. Since the US provides about $1.3 billion in military aid to Egypt a year, the repressive apparatus of the state is seen by many in Egypt as hand in glove with the US.

IN PICTURES: Egyptian protests

Tonight in Cairo, activists said that internet service was being systematically blocked, as was the use of instant messages on local cellphones, despite repeated calls from the US State Department for Egypt to allow social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to remain available to the nation's people. Egypt is bracing for a showdown tomorrow. Organizers have called for massive protests against the regime after noon prayers on Friday, seeking to build on the unprecedented wave of public demonstrations this week calling for an end to Mubarak's rule.

Whether the protests will be as large as democracy activists hope is an open question. Overnight in Egypt, the government was doing everything it could to head them off.

Ahead of a day that could prove decisive, NewsHour host Jim Lehrer asked Biden if the time has "come for President Mubarak of Egypt to go?" Biden answered: "No. I think the time has come for President Mubarak to begin to move in the direction that – to be more responsive to some... of the needs of the people out there."

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I don't know anything about Mubarak. Can you all explain why Biden is stupid for what he said? Because all I'm seeing is Biden sticking with someone the US has assisted but also stating that the guy needs to listen to his people. Has Mubarak done a lot of nasty things proving he is a dictator? Do the protestors have a good replacement candidate?

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I would have personally kicked the **** out of him if I were president.

How embarrassing for the US.

Why? I keep seeing people saying this in here, but I already admitted I don't enough about this to understand why Biden's comments are so dumb and have asked for people to explain their opinion on the matter.

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Why? I keep seeing people saying this in here, but I already admitted I don't enough about this to understand why Biden's comments are so dumb and have asked for people to explain their opinion on the matter.
Because this is a bad situation over there that needs to calm down. Our response should be smart and calculated. Telling the rioting people that their President is a good ally of the US and a strong ally of Israel is straight retarded right now.

They probably don't believe a word that comes out of Hilary's mouth, but at least she's trying to do some damage control.

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I assume that there's some calculated reason for this. That this statement was planned.

Although I'll grant that from where I sit, it sure sounds like a :wtf: moment. Of really huge proportions.

That's a good point. Heck, the comment may have nothing to do with Egypt at all. It may be a message intended for the ears of the kings and emirs from the other countries that support America in the region, the ones that have our bases and soldiers and the oil we need. A little bit of lip service that the US doesn't abandon you at the first sign of trouble. :whoknows:

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Because this is a bad situation over there that needs to calm down. Our response should be smart and calculated. Telling the rioting people that their President is a good ally of the US and a strong ally of Israel is straight retarded right now.

They probably don't believe a word that comes out of Hilary's mouth, but at least she's trying to do some damage control.

Ahh, thank you. I understand better now I think. Yes, you definitely need to be cautious in how you approach this because you don't want people who may succeed in an overthrow in the Middle East (technically, tho it is in Africa) to start blaming the US.

I think Biden would have been better served by saying at the end that he will make sure the U talks with Mubarak and gets him to see the error og his ways, else he loses US support. Mubarak is opressing free speech and comunication, which goes against US ideals. Biden and Co. actually, I think, have a chance to diffuse the situation by using their help as leverage in getting Mubarak to play ball. I think Biden should have stated this strongly, instead of weakly saying Mubarak needs to be "responsive to some of the needs."

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