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American Idol 2011


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Even if you DO consider him one, he's still one of if not the best contestants this year.

He is a one trick pony. 100%.

So, sorry Pia couldn't win. But get over it, man.

I've been over it. And I was never really all that pissed about it. I just think its crap that the judges crawl up Scotty's ass telling him how good he is, and then get on other people for doing the same thing Scotty does... But with a different genre.

Btw, where are all the Scotty haters?:ols: Tried to tell you guys!

Still here. Still don't like Scotty.

I can admit he's got a great voice. I can't watch him. His facial expressions and hip hop hand motions drive me nuts.

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Scottie hater here, he sounds like many other country stars, he isn't very original.

You're forgetting he's only 16 (maybe 17 now). He will just be entering his senior year of hs.

He's incredibily talented for a kid his age.

And I guess you guys know more about musical talents than the music producer guy that have on each week? Yeah, he was just quoted last week as saying that he "has no doubt that Scotty will land a lucrative contract" after Idol (win or lose). And he went on to say that he would no doubt have alot of success in the industry.

And guys, I'm as big of a country music hater as anyone. But even I recognize this kid's talents.

KDawg, you're nothing but a hater, man. It couldn't be any more obvious.

Btw, your girl Pia recently dumped her longtime bf to date some guy on Dancing With the Stars.

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Who said I know the music business? I'm not allowed to think the kid looks like a clown with his non sense hand motions and facial expressions?

:ols: you know, a lot of people on this forum dislike you. I like having you around. You stir the pot quite well and make for some interesting discussion.

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Who said I know the music business? I'm not allowed to think the kid looks like a clown with his non sense hand motions and facial expressions?

:ols: you know, a lot of people on this forum dislike you. I like having you around. You stir the pot quite well and make for some interesting discussion.

I think you're confusing his mannerisms with "confidence". That's how he comes across to me. He's a baseball player in hs. He acts no different than any other one of them I've ever been around.

I will admit that he amuses me sometimes with some of his antics on stage. Like the way he holds the mic. And I think he got so much teasing from the other contestants on that, he stopped doing it. And yeah, the arm motion thing he does sometimes does make him sorta look like he's doing a rap song, instead of country. But its just funny to me. I don't think he's trying to come off as "hard" or anything like that. I think he's just being Scotty. And again, I think, you, and some others here are forgetting the guy is only 16 or 17. He has amazing performance skills for a guy so young, with so little experience.

And I'm not stirring any pot. I just speak my mind. Alot of people don't like that, I suppose.

---------- Post added May-16th-2011 at 05:55 PM ----------

Wait...How do you know this ? Hmm...

I heard some girl mention it the other day. Then I later saw it online. Don't think its because I watch DWTS, though. I've never seen one episode of that show.

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i think the reason Haley has made it this far is because now that Casey is voted off, she is now essentially getting two people's votes. I just see teenagers voting that way.

Did anyone catch the show the other night? Haley was acting like a real *****! She was talking back to the judges, and generally making a fool of herself up there. I was embarrassed for her. But to her credit, she pulled it together and nailed her final song to redemm herself.

I think she lost a lot of votes doing that. I can't see her making the finale now, unless Scotty or Lauren just really screw up this week. Which I could see Lauren doing so.

The best two contestants this year are easily Scotty and Lauren. Scotty is better, though, and should win the whole thing. But with America voting, you just never know.

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james should have won. scotty sucks. the end, goodnight.

This might be the dumbest thing I've ever heard James should have been gone before he got sent home. He was so ****ing overrated. The best two ended up being the final pairing. Sorry, but they just were. And in the end, the best one won.

Sucks to be a Scotty hater. I tried to tell you guys!:ols:

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Did anyone catch the show the other night? Haley was acting like a real *****! She was talking back to the judges, and generally making a fool of herself up there. I was embarrassed for her./QUOTE]

I loved Haley... She was my favorite.. I didn't have a problem with her going at the judges.. It seemed their only problem with her was her song choice because she didn't pick a popular song.. Especially when it's a week to pick a song that inspires YOU, not everyone else. That and the fact that she was being criticized by JLo.. Atleast get someone to judge that has musical talent. Haha

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  • 2 weeks later...

Scotty haters gonna hate! (bashing him for his hand gestures and looks? Really? This is a singing competition people).

I'm a big country music fan, so I was happy with the final 2. Both going to be very successful with their own careers.

Scotty's second single "Out of Summertime" leaked on Danish iTunes, I like it a lot better than "I love you this big".

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Oh my goodness I'm sorry I thought she was hot

It was the 6 AM fog, I'm telling you


First off, she's only 16. So I'm not about to say whether she's "hot" or not. But take it from someone that watched all year, she's not a bad-looking girl. She's pretty cute, in fact. But like most girls, is a little overweight. It appeared that she gained a few pounds over the course of Idol. She could stand to lose about 10 pounds.

---------- Post added June-5th-2011 at 03:24 PM ----------

Did anyone catch the show the other night? Haley was acting like a real *****! She was talking back to the judges, and generally making a fool of herself up there. I was embarrassed for her./QUOTE]

I loved Haley... She was my favorite.. I didn't have a problem with her going at the judges.. It seemed their only problem with her was her song choice because she didn't pick a popular song.. Especially when it's a week to pick a song that inspires YOU, not everyone else. That and the fact that she was being criticized by JLo.. Atleast get someone to judge that has musical talent. Haha

Dude, I liked Haley, too. But she was completely out of line that one particular show. It was not only her going back n forth with Randy, but she was mumbling stuff under her breath after they critiqued her. Plus her facial expressions were uncalled for. She is just one of those people that don't take being criticised very well. She had a bad attitude, at times. And she also thought she was alot better singer than she actually was. She was fortunate to make the top 3.

---------- Post added June-5th-2011 at 03:28 PM ----------

Jofizz, I could be wrong, but I don't think that "This Big" song was one of his own. I think that is a song written by a viewer to be sung by one of the contestants on the show. Same with Lauren. I think there was a contest where anyone could submit a song. Wasn't a fan of that song either. But, like with everything else, he sang it well.

Guy is terrific. And to a lesser degree, so is Lauren. I see both of them having nice careers. Especially Scotty. I would be shocked if he isn't a superstar down the road.

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