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Aintitcool.com: Batman 3 Villains--I Pity The Fool Who Posts Spoilers! MET


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I read an interview with one of the producers just before "The Dark Knight" was released and he said the trilogy is very much like "Star Wars." In the sense that the 1st one sets everything up, the 2nd film gives Batman complications that look almost impossible to deal with at the end of the movie, and the 3rd film is about Batman's redemption.

Oh Botched :ols: LOVED IT!

Does the 3rd film contain Ewoks, Jar Jar, Smurfs, or Chipmunks? LOL

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That guy doing the push-up is Bane in jail, not Bruce Wayne.

Looks exactly like Christian Bale to me. And in all promo shots of Bane, he's bald (there's even pictures of a bald child for the flash backs).

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Anyone notice the guy in white in the background of the scene where Batman and Bane are fighting? Who is that?

Edit: Its at the 1:24 mark

Thanks for pointing that out. Interesting to think about, but I have no clue who it could be. Maybe Gordon?

---------- Post added July-19th-2011 at 10:38 PM ----------

Looks exactly like Christian Bale to me. And in all promo shots of Bane, he's bald (there's even pictures of a bald child for the flash backs).

I don't know. Why would Bruce Wayne be in jail? There are prison bars right behind whoever it is.

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The pushups look like Bruce much, much more than Bane. Unless Bane had a period in his life when he was thinner, had Bruce's build, and hair. That doesn't make a lot of sense to me; the shot could easily be a flashback to when Bruce was in prison in the first movie. Or maybe he's back in prison now for one reason or another.

I had noticed the person in the background of the quick Bane/Batman shot, and have really been wondering who it is. Perhaps it's the still-unattractive ghost of Maggie Gyllenhaal?

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I don't know. Why would Bruce Wayne be in jail? There are prison bars right behind whoever it is.

Looks like bearded Bruce Wayne from Batman Begins. Maybe he decides to get back to his roots after being broken by Bane? Or it could be a flash back to Begins? Regardless of the reason why there are bars in the background, the actor looks like Christian Bale over Tom Hardy.

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great little article.......

even though this 1:33 clip showed nothing, it was absolutely brilliantly done and that scene with Batman VS Bane, was unreal emotional......I get the feel seeing it, that Batman is just in for the fight of his life......I love what Nolan has done, and Bale has been nothing short of brilliant as Batman.

I can say this with the VERY FREASH feel of the other batman series.

My family and I started a summer movie watching tradition this summer, that is based on watching movies with at least 3 parts to them. For instance, we first watched the Mummy series, then we did Batman then we just completed, the Lord of The Rings series........We will do this the entire summer....etc. (my daughter just graduated College and is sick and on some treatments causing her to not be able to go back fro her masters degree right away, ....and my son being 15, this is a really cool way to spend the summer for us.....ANYWAY....

We did the Batman series straight threw in 6 days, one right after another....starting with Batman (1989) which I was a sr in H.S in its original release....1989 grad........and I loved the movie when it came out, and thoroughly enjoyed it again this time. Then it was Batman returns (Penguin) even though my memory kept telling me that the movie was actually pretty good........it was far from anything good. That movie was pathetic, and quite frankly much worse then Batman Forever..... with Two-faced and the Riddler......which we watched in order and my son almost liked it. LOL.........after that we watched Batman and Robin, the last and most definitely the worst superhero movie that has ever been created......its hard to believe watching it again, exactly how bad that movie was......from the nipples on thier suites to Arnold Schwarzenegger in the most ridiculous outfit i have ever seen....that movie was completely unwatchable.......Horrendous...........please someone tell me how the hell did that studio allow that movie to hit the theaters as it did????? LMAO....

Anyway, we went right into Batman Begins and The Dark Knight........and sure, time (20+ years) does make a difference, but What Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale have done to this movie series is absolutely brilliant and incredible...i am indeed a batman GEEK, but man, I almost forgot how good Batman Begins was until just re-watching it again......Big props to them for this trilogy, and i will be so flippin upset and distraught if this movie isn't well done like the other two...HOWEVER, i cannot see that happening.......

Count me in as one of those already in countdown mode for this movie...and even though I am not as big of a Superman fan as i am Batman, Nolan has "Man of Steel" coming out in 2012 as well.......Whats the overall thoughts on that?

And for an extra bit of geek-i-ness, I am hyped like a mug for Capt. America as well...that movie looks GREAT IMO!

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Looks like bearded Bruce Wayne from Batman Begins. Maybe he decides to get back to his roots after being broken by Bane? Or it could be a flash back to Begins? Regardless of the reason why there are bars in the background, the actor looks like Christian Bale over Tom Hardy.

See that's what I thought too...looked much more like pre-Batman Bruce Wayne during his prison time, and with all the other flashbacks that are in that preview it seems to fit.

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Count me in as one of those already in countdown mode for this movie...and even though I am not as big of a Superman fan as i am Batman, Nolan has "Man of Steel" coming out in 2012 as well.......Whats the overall thoughts on that?

And for an extra bit of geek-i-ness, I am hyped like a mug for Capt. America as well...that movie looks GREAT IMO!

I am right there with you on the geek factor. I was the kid who had hundreds and hundreds of comic books, and Star Wars action figures.

I am going to see Capt. America this weekend for sure. I am actually not working Friday, so I might try to beat the heat and go see an afternoon showing. Batman is my favorite character and I have read every article I can find on this movie, from different plot rumors to casting. Nolan and Bale have done Batman the way he was always meant to be done. He is the Dark Knight and they got it almost perfect.

Also, Nolan is the producer on the new Superman movie, not the director. Zack Snyder is going to director and write the script. He did 300, Watchmen, and Suckerpunch. Snyder is not near the level of Nolan, but him and Nolan are good firends and have spent a lot of time discussing Superman.

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great little article.......

even though this 1:33 clip showed nothing, it was absolutely brilliantly done and that scene with Batman VS Bane, was unreal emotional......I get the feel seeing it, that Batman is just in for the fight of his life.....

Yep, that split-second scene is terrifying. It looks like Bane is about ready to break a worn out Batman in half. That's all they even needed to show for a trailer.

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Anyone notice the guy in white in the background of the scene where Batman and Bane are fighting? Who is that?

Edit: Its at the 1:24 mark

My guess is that it's Rachel Dawes, looks like the hands are above the head, plus if Bane is Wayne's intellectual equal then finding out who he is shouldn't be too much of a problem and she'd make good bait.

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See that's what I thought too...looked much more like pre-Batman Bruce Wayne during his prison time, and with all the other flashbacks that are in that preview it seems to fit.

A lot of the articles I have read that break down the trailer have said it is Bane in Jail. I am starting to think you guys are right and I think I might go back and watch Batman Begins this weekend. I will let you all know if I catch the scene.

---------- Post added July-20th-2011 at 10:15 AM ----------

My guess is that it's Rachel Dawes, looks like the hands are above the head, plus if Bane is Wayne's intellectual equal then finding out who he is shouldn't be too much of a problem and she'd make good bait.

Spoiler: She was killed by Joker in the Dark Knight. Remember, Batman could only save her or Harvey Dent.

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I think the figure in the background of the Bane-Batman fight scene is male. No way it's Dawes (she's dead) and it just looks way to masculine to be Catwoman. It also appears to be wearing some sort of white suit that implies a purpose. I want to say that there's a possibility it could be Mr. Freeze but that's not based on any inside info or even any logic. It was just a vibe I got from looking at it. For all we know it could just be some sort of facility guard or villain's "henchman."

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I think the figure in the background of the Bane-Batman fight scene is male. No way it's Dawes (she's dead) and it just looks way to masculine to be Catwoman. It also appears to be wearing some sort of white suit that implies a purpose. I want to say that there's a possibility it could be Mr. Freeze but that's not based on any inside info or even any logic. It was just a vibe I got from looking at it. For all we know it could just be some sort of facility guard or villain's "henchman."

I've heard people say it looks like the person is holding a sniper riffle?

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It is probably just going to be one of Bane's henchmen or Gordon or Joseph Gordon-Levitt character. I have read the person has a sniper rifle too. No way it is Mr. Freeze. We already know who most of the big characters will be in this movie and this is not going to one of the bad Batman movies, where we get 3 villains and Robin.

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I've heard people say it looks like the person is holding a sniper riffle?
It is probably just going to be one of Bane's henchmen or Gordon or Joseph Gordon-Levitt character. I have read the person has a sniper rifle too. No way it is Mr. Freeze. We already know who most of the big characters will be in this movie and this is not going to one of the bad Batman movies, where we get 3 villains and Robin.

Yes, I agree with both of you. I suspect it's some sort of guard or henchman. Does anyone know what role Joseph Gordon Levitt is playing?

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Yep, that split-second scene is terrifying. It looks like Bane is about ready to break a worn out Batman in half. That's all they even needed to show for a trailer.

yep......that scene was enough....indeed it was.

I guess we will prolly see another trailer in what? Christmas time or so???

---------- Post added July-20th-2011 at 10:55 AM ----------

I am right there with you on the geek factor. I was the kid who had hundreds and hundreds of comic books, and Star Wars action figures.

I am going to see Capt. America this weekend for sure. I am actually not working Friday, so I might try to beat the heat and go see an afternoon showing. Batman is my favorite character and I have read every article I can find on this movie, from different plot rumors to casting. Nolan and Bale have done Batman the way he was always meant to be done. He is the Dark Knight and they got it almost perfect.

Also, Nolan is the producer on the new Superman movie, not the director. Zack Snyder is going to director and write the script. He did 300, Watchmen, and Suckerpunch. Snyder is not near the level of Nolan, but him and Nolan are good firends and have spent a lot of time discussing Superman.

ahhhh,, ok. Thanks for that tidbit, appreciate it

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Yes, I agree with both of you. I suspect it's some sort of guard or henchman. Does anyone know what role Joseph Gordon Levitt is playing?

Joseph Gordon Levitt is going to play John Blake, a young detective on Gordon's squad. Since the last one was kind of corrupt and Two-face killed a couple of them.

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Spoiler: She was killed by Joker in the Dark Knight. Remember, Batman could only save her or Harvey Dent.

:doh: Jeeze o' petes I'm a dope. How could I forget that?! :doh:

New love interest maybe?

---------- Post added July-20th-2011 at 11:04 AM ----------

But isn't she dead?

Yes, my bad, completely forgot.

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I think the figure in the background of the Bane-Batman fight scene is male.

New love interest maybe?

You could both be right. Maybe Nolan is taking this Batman flick in a totally new direction. It's not even just the mystery male love interest, cause Bane kinda has that S&M look to him. I smell a love triangle.

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Joseph Gordon Levitt is going to play John Blake, a young detective on Gordon's squad. Since the last one was kind of corrupt and Two-face killed a couple of them.

I have a feeling he'll become an antagonist by the end of the movie... same with Marion Cotillard's character. She'll likely reveal herself as Talia. Too many villains? No way.

I have no idea who that is in the background. I have never noticed it till now. But now i really wanna know. :ols:

I'm sure it'll be just a henchman... people tend to look for clues or hints or surprises in everything. Most of the time it's nothing.

By the way, this thread name should be changed to the Official The Dark Knight Rises thread!

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