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Holding no-calls


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all i can say is this.....if it is true that holding could be called on just about any play then it is awefully suspect when ones opposition goes the entire game without getting a flag. i beleive this happened to us more than once this season.

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I doubt anyone's gonna make a video of them lol :ols:...but there did seem to be a lot of holding that was never called. Not sure if there were more this year or not, though.

I cracked up seeing Orakpo being held by his shoulder pads on one play yesterday that was never called lol...the O-Lineman just said "**** it" and hooked his fingers around BO's pads when Orakpo started running by him.

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I doubt anyone's gonna make a video of them lol :ols:...but there did seem to be a lot of holding that was never called. Not sure if there were more this year or not, though.

I cracked up seeing Orakpo being held by his shoulder pads on one play yesterday that was never called lol...the O-Lineman just said "**** it" and hooked his fingers around BO's pads when Orakpo started running by him.

I seen this one as well. He even had him hooked when Orakpo turned his back to him like he was going to pick him up under the arms!

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I think the refs are spreading word around to go lax on holds on orakpo.

I'm guessing that they feel that can't call it on every play. Kinda like how NHL refs will stop calling tripping on someone who constantly falls

Clay Matthews gets the same treatment but he still gets to the QB

Just playing devils advocate

But yeah it's still bs

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I think the refs are spreading word around to go lax on holds on orakpo.

I'm guessing that they feel that can't call it on every play. Kinda like how NHL refs will stop calling tripping on someone who constantly falls

Clay Matthews gets the same treatment but he still gets to the QB

Just playing devils advocate

But yeah it's still bs

Even so, some of the holds they get away with are outrageous esp. in comparison to some of the holds I've seen called against us.

And I agree with you and Bang as well. Orakpo must learn a way to beat the hold. Still, some of these are really so outrageous they MUST be called and it's a flagrant abuse that they were not.

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I doubt anyone's gonna make a video of them lol :ols:...but there did seem to be a lot of holding that was never called. Not sure if there were more this year or not, though.

It would be nice... I'm thinking if there is a video showing a bunch of flagrant ones, then enough fans will get riled up and the league may notice.

I have been seeing way too many flagrant uncalled holds this season. Maybe I'm just paying more attention, but this is the first time I remember seeing our guy blatantly held, his arms up in the air, and nothing is called... repeatedly.

Last few games I've been seeing one of those early in the first quarter, and it seems to really set the tone for the first half of the game. If I remember correctly, there was one here:

1-10-NYG 30 (10:16) 10-E.Manning pass short left to 82-M.Manningham pushed ob at NYG 39 for 9 yards (31-P.Buchanon).

---------- Post added January-3rd-2011 at 05:36 PM ----------

Orakpo needs to figure a way to break the holds or avoid them outright.

The flags aren't coming, that means you must adapt.


I notice that he started to get his arms up in the air recently...

It's hard enough to beat a guy in the NFL. A fraction of a second makes a difference here. A blatant hold can always buy you a fraction of a second. Yeah you can adapt, but it doesn't seem fair to allow those.

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I notice that he started to get his arms up in the air recently...

It's hard enough to beat a guy in the NFL. A fraction of a second makes a difference here. A blatant hold can always buy you a fraction of a second. Yeah you can adapt, but it doesn't seem fair to allow those.

I agree, they should call it.. but if they're not.. get him some film of Dwight Freeney, Lawrence Taylor, Derrick Thomas, Justin Tuck, etc etc.

Find out how they beat the holds.

the one yesterday with the guy literally giving him the prison-shower clench from behind,, that was ridiculous. I can't understand how the ref standing RIGHT there failed to see that.


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I don't think its an anti-Redskins conspiracy though. I think we just notice it against our team since we watch each play so closely.

It's certainly a conspiracy during Redskin games. Look at how many holds get called against us versus how many are called for us. It's a 4-1 ratio.

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I agree, they should call it.. but if they're not.. get him some film of Dwight Freeney, Lawrence Taylor, Derrick Thomas, Justin Tuck, etc etc.

Find out how they beat the holds.

the one yesterday with the guy literally giving him the prison-shower clench from behind,, that was ridiculous. I can't understand how the ref standing RIGHT there failed to see that.


One thing that I saw about Freeny is that he gets so low and still has speed. Often, you either have to hit him off the snap so his angle is bad or hope the QB can move away from him.

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I wish somebody could explain to me why this is in the rule books but not called consistently. Unless you're gonna call it 100% of the time, then make it legal. Otherwise it's BS and opens the door for referee bias, which in turn ruins the game of football.

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One thing that I saw about Freeny is that he gets so low and still has speed. Often, you either have to hit him off the snap so his angle is bad or hope the QB can move away from him.

Yeah, sometimes it looks like Freeney is going full speed at a 40 degree angle, remarkable. I think that Orakpo could play this way.. he's very explosive and obviously gets his blocker in trouble. He's got the power and upper body strength to go with the speed, and if he could develop a little better technique for these moves, he'd be a pro bowl player every year.

I do note that he comes from both edges. maybe instead of trying to get the edge he should explode into them once in a while and try to drive them in. I don't know,, but I'm also sure that he and his coaches have noticed it, and they'll definitely make it a priority this offseason to work on it.


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Orakpo needs to figure a way to break the holds or avoid them outright.

The flags aren't coming, that means you must adapt.


I think he needs to try running his feet out fropm under him, anytime somone gets him around the neck, and fall backwards on his ass.. (hollywood it up, so it appears he's been swept off his feeet) That seems to get the most attention from the refs..

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It's certainly a conspiracy during Redskin games. Look at how many holds get called against us versus how many are called for us. It's a 4-1 ratio.

So you are certain that there is an actual conspiracy among the refs to not call holds against the Redskins?

Are you serious?

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Certain types of flagrant holds will rarely be called. Also, when the game is not all that high scoring, like many of our games, the refs are less likely call those holds which are often drive killers.

I tend to think that DT's explanation here makes more sense than a pre-meditated consipiracy where officials are instructed not to call holding against the Redskins. I just don't think that stuff really happens in the NFL -- not that deliberate any way.

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I'm finally going to fold on this. I've been saying all along that it's unfair bull**** for Rak to have to 'change his game' because the refs don't see holds. They don't see this type of hold that Brian always gets even though he's completely stood up and it's the most obvious kind of hold you can do.

But after watching freeny spin on guys all day, and watching ware(:puke:) stick his knee down and come in at a nasty angle...I will regretfully get on board with the folks that want brian to 'learn a new move'

he should anyway. NOT just because his bull rush is holding bait and the refs aren't seeing it. Refs are still a problem. They were HORRIBLE this year, across the board, and Booger in particular should be seriously evaluated. He butchered the hawks/rams game. he was even saying the wrong things over the speaker. he's an arrogant dick, and just plain has bad judgement.

Anyway, Rak needs new moves anyway. Everyone does. Think about it: If you KNOW you're more powerful than the guy you're about to hit.. and you KNOW the guy has no choice to hold you when you lift his ass off the ground... you're going to do it every time. Sounds like a smart play to me. But he's sacrificing even the opportunity to put another move. Maybe the QB scrambles a different way, well, now he's outta position.

I'm surprised we didn't see any change in his game throughout the season. Lookin at you, linebackers coach. If not him, another reason I don't like Has. I don't think he can relate to players very well. They're all pissed off at him on the inside anyway cause they were put out of position. It would seem NO ONE has spoken to Rak about fixing this. Sure the refs suck, but you can't just go your whole career pointing fingers.

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I tend to think that DT's explanation here makes more sense than a pre-meditated consipiracy where officials are instructed not to call holding against the Redskins. I just don't think that stuff really happens in the NFL -- not that deliberate any way.

Not talking conspiracy but FACT.

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