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So should Lorenzo Alexander be a starting LB or not?


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It seems like the opinion of Alexander has fluctuated this season. Everybody likes him and his special teams abillities are beyond reproach, but lately it seems like the opinion of him as a LB has soured a little. At the beginning of the season, he wasn't playing, then when he got in, he was all world for a little while and we'd thought we found a gem and one less position to worry about. Lately the enthusiasm for his LB play hasn't been nearly as effusive. I know Russell and Galdi are really down on him there.

What are your thoughts on Alexander at LB? Is he a starter going into next season or is he more of a depth guy that we'll need to find a replacement for in the starting lineup?

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He is valuable to our team regardless. He has the ability to be a starting LB for us and he has shown flashes of it.. with some work in coverage he will be straight. Id love to see some competition for a better fit 3-4 OLB but 'Zo needs to be here regardless. He could alternate as he is better in run coverage

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Poor Lorenzo. He's a football player, but tough to find the right position for him. He might be best suited for the MLB position. Haslett put him in position to fail by either covering a TE or trying to spy Vick. That being said, the LB's in the 3-4 have to be speedy and have coverage ability.

Lorenzo will be a stop gap reserve guy that contributes to special teams. Maybe we can use him to come in on short yardage situations as an extra lineman or fullback.

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We need more "sacks and stuff" next season. Either we need to upgrade our OLBs, or our DL.

Personally, I think that an elite 5-tech and simply some young blood at NT are of much bigger concern than OLB.

Heck, I think we could stand to upgrade from Rocky before we upgrade Zo.

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Would he be any sort of fit as an ILB or is that even further away from what he does well? I could eventually see Riley and Alexander on the inside with Orakpo and another stud on the outside...but I could be wrong.

I can't see Alexander in the middle personally I think he'll be a reserve OLB in the 3-4 but I think he's not fast enough to be a 3-4 ILB because of the fact they are required to cover TE's and I don't think Zo can do that

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I can't see Alexander in the middle personally I think he'll be a reserve OLB in the 3-4 but I think he's not fast enough to be a 3-4 ILB because of the fact they are required to cover TE's and I don't think Zo can do that

Gotcha...thanks! I wonder if they could ask him to bulk up (AGAIN) to be a DE or if that's too much for him to handle. A reserve OLB/ST star would be fine with me...and hopefully him!

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I think his body type is why it's hard to find a place for him. He's a cross between a LB and DE with some DT in there too.

I actually don't think it's a skill issue.. he has plenty of athletic skill.

Hes just too big to play LB (not fast enough) and too small to play on the D line. I think if he went through a cutting campaign in the offseason and trimmed himself up big time, ala Landry, and worked on his speed, he could fill a starting LB role.

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Tris...covering someone with only 11 yards of field available isn't always the best barometer.

Hopefully his coverage responsibilities on TEs do not extend much further than 15 yards down the field before he hands them off to a safety.

Not sure how many LBs in the league (especially 3-4OLBs) can run stride for stride with even a marginal TE.

Or do you believe that we need OLBs who can cover one-on-one with TEs the length of the field (cuz then we need to replace Orakpo too)?

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Hopefully his coverage responsibilities on TEs do not extend much further than 15 yards down the field before he hands them off to a safety.

Not sure how many LBs in the league (especially 3-4OLBs) can run stride for stride with even a marginal TE.

Or do you believe that we need OLBs who can cover one-on-one with TEs the length of the field (cuz then we need to replace Orakpo too)?

I'm not sure...I was simply saying that a goal-to-go situation doesn't exactly provide a great indicator of if someone is good in coverage. I honestly can't tell you how far down the field our OLBs are expected to cover.

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Would he be any sort of fit as an ILB or is that even further away from what he does well? I could eventually see Riley and Alexander on the inside with Orakpo and another stud on the outside...but I could be wrong.

I would only be concerned with him running downfield, but if Levon Kirkland can play inside in the 3-4 at 270lbs, I don't see why Alexander couldn't. And he'd probably be more adept at dealing with OL and shedding blocks, considering that's all he did as a DL.

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What are your thoughts on Alexander at LB? Is he a starter going into next season or is he more of a depth guy that we'll need to find a replacement for in the starting lineup?

I think he's a depth guy that can give a decent performance at LOLB.

But, to make a 3-4 really work the LOLB has to be able to: set the edge against the run, cover in space, and rush the QB.

Alexander strong suit which is holding the edge in the running game but that's probably the least important of his duties.

He's okay in pass coverage and he's marginal as a stand up outside linebacker (probably the most bankable skill for an 3-4 OLB).

I think LOLB needs to upgraded maybe that guy is on the team? Rob Jackson or a former practice squad player like Curtis Gatewood.

I never understood why Haslett didn't try Rak at LOLB and Carter at ROLB?

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I would only be concerned with him running downfield, but if Levon Kirkland can play inside in the 3-4 at 270lbs, I don't see why Alexander couldn't. And he'd probably be more adept at dealing with OL and shedding blocks, considering that's all he did as a DL.

This is exactly what I had in mind for Lorenzo. I think his lack of speed and coverage ability is exagerrated. He has enough speed to keep up with Cooley in coverage according to reports. I think the area he seems to really fail to make an impact is as a pass rusher. He doesn't make an impact opposite Orakpo and because of that, he's not really suited for 3-4 OLB. I also think that the coverage and open field tackling required from OLB don't suit him well either because he's really responsible for the flats and a lot of open field. When covering the flats, the CBs are gone most times so there's not as much help behind.

As a thumper ILB, he can operate more in a phone booth type of situation. He has the ability to take on offensive linemen, shed them, keep them off Fletch, and then pursue from side to side. As for coverage, he'd primarily be responsible for hook and curl where he'd really be moving back and forth and have safeties behind him. There's a lot more asked of the OLB with having to pass rush, play the run in open space, and cover with a lot less help. To me, ILB is perfect because he can just be violent in a more limited role. That's why you see teams spend top picks on 3-4 OLBs, but fill in with random guys at ILB. Most teams that use a talented guy at ILB have him in Fletch's role racking up tackles. Zo would be like his bodyguard.

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Alexander can play OLB in the 3-4 and did pretty well earlier in the season, then got hurt. I believe he has been playing hurt since that time and that this more than anything else is why he has struggled of late.

What we really need is more depth at all positions so that when a guy like Alexander gets hurt, there is someone else to step up, or, in the alternative, find someone better suited who can play and have Alexander provide the depth.

Either way, he is a keeper and one of the things this coaching staff got right this year.

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I think it would be cool to have him at MLB, like Levon Kirkland in the 90s. Levon Kirkland was a 300lb LB for Pittsburgh in the 90s who could blitz up the middle and act like a lineman, or try to play a traditional LB role. Seeing that Alexander has played both DE and DT, having him blitz from the middle and become an extra DL could be a favorable match up.

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