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What Celebrities Did Your Exes Look Like?

Califan007 The Constipated

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Got this idea from another message board...If you were to pick a celebrity look-alike for any of your exes, who would you pick?...(or current partners/spouses for that matter)

For example, three of my exes looked like these women:



(I even took a photo of her in almost this exact same pose)...

An ex-gf:


Same hair, same eyes, same lips, same figure...she didn't dress this way, though lol...

Another ex...


She even had an accent lol :D...(not an english one like Emily, though)

I'm not saying they looked JUST like these women, but there is definitely a striking similarity :yes:...

So what celebrities have you been involved with? :ols:

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She has the same eye color as her, too.

We're still good friends, but I'd be a liar if I didn't stay I was still smitten :)

I'm still good friends with the three I mentioned in the OP, too :yes:...the one that looks like Emily Blunt, we talk all the time. And yeah, there are still some lingering embers there, definitely lol :D...

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Fun thread! Look at all the hot exes we have. :ols:


Jennifer Love. I thought she looked like her but she disagreed at the time. I think it was because she thought she looked slutty. Go figure.


Shania Twain. She would hear this all the time


Pink. She had the short spiky deal going and a big smile. Of course she was bad news but man... oh man. Moving on.


Sandra Bullock. It was in the eyes and also the quirky personality. The only one I still talk to.

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