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To Boo or not to Boo?


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So......as a "REAL FAN" is it OK to Boo the home squad?

Yes, I know and understand the standard of "Well, I bought my ticket, I'm authorized to Boo if I wanna" mentality and I guess legally, of course you're right.

But do the ethics of fandom ever allow for any circumstance that would necessitate and approve of such disloyalty and boorish behavior as booing the home squad?

My take is that:



Yes there are appropriatte times when a good collective BOO is appropriatte, but those scenarios are few and far between.

I guess what we need to ask ourselves is what are you trying to accomplish with your BOO? What results are you tryiing to achieve? Are you trying to get the Boys to play better or do you just want to yell, pout and scream so everybody knows you're upset? Is this just a venting exercise?

As we have heard numerous times, most recently by comments by Redskin players after last week's loss to the lowly Vikes, the players do IN FACT feed off the energy of the crowd. Our booing does have an effect and it does not serve to make them play any better.

SO, if you as a Redskin fan want your team to play better and you start booing them, YOUR actions become yet another factor against them doing exactly what you want them to do. In other words, you Boo'ers are part (albeit SMALL) of the problem.

When is it appropriatte?

1. At the end of the last game of the season in a season like this one.

2. Let's say we have a game firmly in hand, say 28-7, midway through the 3rd quarter and the team goes into cruise control mode and loses 31-28. Clearly this is a case where a full throated raspberry, boo, cat calls are ENTIRELY appropriate.

3. Into the 3rd or 4th QTR of the MONDAY night fiasco against the Eagles would be another justifiable time for the BIG BOO.

So you get my drift.

Whaddya think?

(if I was smart enough to figure out how to build a poll on this thing I would have made one)

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Booing at the end of the last game will be taken as being directed at the entire team. That means you booed London Fletcher, Chris Cooley, Laron Landry, etc. As a player, why should they then feel any loyalty to the team or fans? Some of our more classy players do feel proud to be a "Redskin."

However, if an aashat like Michael Vick was signed by us and chose to flip off the fans, then a Boo would certainly be appropriate. I could see where a certain player might be booed,(ie during introductions) but never the team.

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3. Into the 3rd or 4th QTR of the MONDAY night fiasco against the Eagles would be another justifiable time for the BIG BOO.

Before I even finished reading your thread this came to mind, I'm glad you pointed it out. I was at that game....it sucked. That is a reason to boo. When the 1st pass from the opposing team goes for a TD, then the next play goes for a turnover, and the other team scores....BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

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This is one of those personal opinion topics, where people get their panties in a knot with people who disagree with them. They use garbage, meaningless terms like:

"real fans"

"fair weather fans"


As if a team that has sucked for 15+ years really has any fair weather fans, especially those that actually attend the home games. Or as if you could be a "fake fan", but still pull for a loser of a team. I have news for you - the fake, and fairweather fans, all left. They left when the 'fair weather' left. About 15 years ago. They're now colts, pats, cowboys, steelers, or maybe even a few other teams', fans.

It's a personal preference. I personally would like to think that people would give this staff more time before booing them off the field.

That said, as a fanbase, we've put up with a lot of abuse - from our players, our owner, our coaches, the local media, the national media, and fans of other teams.

I can't exactly fault someone with being so fed up, that they boo.

Now if you're someone who goes to a game once a year, gets wasted, then boos just because they're not winning the game you decided to go to, thats a different story.

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Booing's utterly counter productive, and make's the fan base as a whole look like just A N Other fan base to the rest of the league IMHO.

I'm all for critcizing them as harshly as they often deserve between ourselves. Hell, let the players on any given play know it if they screw up, or worse, give up on a play. But a concerted, group boo is crossing that line and taking ourselves into the gutter fans of the league. Show your displeasure in other ways. Don't applaud, cheer whatever when it's scarcely deserved. But don't lower yourselves to be just another fan base.

We used to have standards. Don't follow the throngs like sheep, and if it's only you as an individual; take solace in yourself at least trying to uphold those standards.


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I also love the people who feel they have been appointed 'King Judge of Fanship', and can run around calling other people 'fake fans' or 'fair weather fans'.

I can't wait until this thread turns into a bunch of..

'well, only fairweather fans', or 'REAL fans don't boo' (which has already been stated...), etc.

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Worst Boo in FedEx History: first home game of the 2009 season. crowd boos Randle El when he makes a fair catch on the FIRST punt of the game. And then the crowd boos the Skins off the field after they WIN the game. Our fans are so ignorant.

Funniest Boo in FedEx History: 2001, first game after 9/11 against the Chiefs. Skins had cut the lead to 14-13 with about 5 minutes left in the half but then Trent Green carves our defense for two quick TDs and we go into the half trailing by 15. On the heels of two road blowout losses, the team limps into the locker room to thunderous boos. The first commercial they show right after is for some 9/11 fund and our coach appears on the screen "Hi, I'm Marty Schottenheimer..." BOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

I don't think Carlos was referring to much to the booing as he was to some that sit close to the field and make personal comments. I think a common time to boo is if the team is having a rough season and comes into a game and is getting really smoked at the half, like they were at the Eagles game.

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:ols: hail2, you're talking about the rams game? i remember that. it was the most pathetic game i think i've seen in a while (that wasn't a blowout). i remember people booing and i had to double check that we actually won.

the same thing happened at the next home game vs the bucs. both games looked like peewee football league games. it was pretty bad.

" "Hi, I'm Marty Schottenheimer..." BOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

i wasn't there for that, but sounds hilarious :ols:

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Yep, Tshile, it was the Rams game. Even though the Skins played like crap, to have us booed off the field was pretty bad.

Another big BOO I remember was during the '98 season versus the Cards. That was our 0-7 season, and we had won a couple games to get to 2-8 but were getting smoked 31-6 at half. The team was booed off the field, but came back and really made a game of it before falling 45-42. Still one of the more entertaining games I've been to at that stadium.

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If I remember correctly, last year during the Tampa Bay game the offense was boo'ed repeatedly. After halftime, the team pulled together for the win. The players need to understand that these days the crowd at FedEx is not necessarily booing the players, but we're boing the management. Thankfully, the booing last year may have helped bring change to this franchise. The only booing I can remember this year was at the Philly game, and I couldn't even bring myself to do that. Just sat in the rain, shocked while listening to Billy Ray bring the mood down even further.

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If I remember correctly, last year during the Tampa Bay game the offense was boo'ed repeatedly. After halftime, the team pulled together for the win. The players need to understand that these days the crowd at FedEx is not necessarily booing the players, but we're boing the management. Thankfully, the booing last year may have helped bring change to this franchise. The only booing I can remember this year was at the Philly game, and I couldn't even bring myself to do that. Just sat in the rain, shocked while listening to Billy Ray bring the mood down even further.

you're remembering correctly.

but i wanted to comment on the 'we're not booing players, we're booing management' stuff. those comments flew around all over the place last year.

but esentially, you are booing the players.

you're booing management for not bringing in the right players, for not bringing in the rich coaches, for not growing you rplayers the right way.

and in the end, that means you ARE booing the players that are on the field... because they are the results of the actions you're booing...

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Boo when they deserve to get boo'd.

You pay a lot of money to see millionaires **** all over the field and give a half effort. the least they can expect is a boo or 23094704 when they can't manage to do their job even acceptably well. If you performed as crappily as this team has at your job, you wouldn't just get boo'd you would be fired and possibly investigated.

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It is a personal decision as a fan. I do not need self appointed fan police to determine and grade my game experience. I reserve the right to cheer, boo in a manner that does not infringe on other fans and does not regress to personal attacks on players or coaches. Booing just to make noise seems pointless and I reserve that for situations where a players lack of effort or skill warrants a boo. (example, Albert laying on the ground taking a nap during the play, that deserved and rec'd a loud boo). Having been a fan for my entire 44 years whether I boo or not is not the test of my fanship. I have cheered and boo'd with many over the years and will continue to do so as warranted.

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Personally? No, never. You just stay silent if you don't like what you see on the field.

UNLESS things get to Zorn-ian heights again. Then, fans need to make it obvious that change is needed.

But on a normal basis, even during a losing stretch...hell no. We aren't Eagles fans.

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Personally? No, never. You just stay silent if you don't like what you see on the field.

UNLESS things get to Zorn-ian heights again. Then, fans need to make it obvious that change is needed.

But on a normal basis, even during a losing stretch...hell no. We aren't Eagles fans.

I agree with this. The only difference I have is that, even though I won't boo the team, I WILL yell stuff like, "WTF was that?!" or "Catch the ******* ball you ******* idiot!" It's in the moment, and pretty much ends with that, but I don't know if it's much better or worse than booing.

Booing seems more consistent than the negative response to a play, but that's just me I guess.

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I won't call anyone anything in this thread since the Redskins (and any team you root for) mean something different to each and every person. Personally, however, I have not and will not ever boo my teams. I don't see the point and it makes me feel like a fairweather fan (example...I boo them on a play where they give up a TD to fall behind and then cheer them when the ensuing KO is returned for a TD to regain the lead).

Won't do it...can't do it.

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I don't boo. I just sit there and sulk or get angry. But, those that do boo? I have no problem with it. I do however have a problem with the annoying jackasses that question other fans "fanhood" because they choose a different method of showing their passion for the team.

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Booing is generally lame, and Skins fans have been way too eager to do it, even in the glory days.

I was at the first home game after the Skins won their last Super Bowl. It was the 2nd game of the year, and we were 0-1 (lost to the Cowboys to open the season).

This is Mark Rypien's first home game since winning the Super Bowl, and winning the MVP, and the awesome home RFK crowd boos him when he takes the field, to pay him back for the Cowboys loss.

I always think of that when the fans boo these days, or when someone starts going on about how rotten the fans are compared to the RFK days.

This has always been a fanbase that will boo at the drop of the hat.

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when AA got that delay of game penalty after that amazing catch and taking that hit, he should not have been booed, but he waved at the fans to keep on bringing it mainly bc it was time to move on to the next play. no matter what happens, i dont think booing on the first drive is beneficial at all. its early in the game and takes away from the tempo of the game.

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when AA got that delay of game penalty after that amazing catch and taking that hit, he should not have been booed, but he waved at the fans to keep on bringing it mainly bc it was time to move on to the next play. no matter what happens, i dont think booing on the first drive is beneficial at all. its early in the game and takes away from the tempo of the game.

No they were booing the refs which they do on every penalty which is standard...

One to the main topic i don't have a problem with booing .... and the players can complain all they want but realistically until we have a smaller relocated stadium the redskins home field advantage will never be that great.... which is a shame

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I boo damnit. There are two ways to communicate with the players, clapping and cheering on one extreme, booing on the other.

I don't come to games to cheer against the team. I'm there cause I love this team and I want to see them win. Having said that, I'm not beholden to their damn feelings, I'm beholden to respectability and victories. These aren't five year olds playing "we dont keep score" soccer. I come to every game ready to cheer my ass off, prepared to help mentally will them to victory and lose my voice in the process. When the team looks like they don't even have their heads in it, I let them know it. I let out more boos in than I have at the Eagles game and the vikings game as I ever have in my life. They deserved every damn one of them too.

If carlos rodgers can't handle the boo birds at this stage in his career, he might not have what it takes anymore.

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I was at the first home game after the Skins won their last Super Bowl. It was the 2nd game of the year, and we were 0-1 (lost to the Cowboys to open the season).

This is Mark Rypien's first home game since winning the Super Bowl, and winning the MVP, and the awesome home RFK crowd boos him when he takes the field, to pay him back for the Cowboys loss.

Didn't Ryp (and others, including Darrell Green) hold out for a while during training camp that season? That probably was the primary cause of the booing.

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