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To Boo or not to Boo?


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So......as a "REAL FAN" is it OK to Boo the home squad?

Yes, I know and understand the standard of "Well, I bought my ticket, I'm authorized to Boo if I wanna" mentality and I guess legally, of course you're right.

But do the ethics of fandom ever allow for any circumstance that would necessitate and approve of such disloyalty and boorish behavior as booing the home squad?

My take is that:



Yes there are appropriatte times when a good collective BOO is appropriatte, but those scenarios are few and far between.

I guess what we need to ask ourselves is what are you trying to accomplish with your BOO? What results are you tryiing to achieve? Are you trying to get the Boys to play better or do you just want to yell, pout and scream so everybody knows you're upset? Is this just a venting exercise?

As we have heard numerous times, most recently by comments by Redskin players after last week's loss to the lowly Vikes, the players do IN FACT feed off the energy of the crowd. Our booing does have an effect and it does not serve to make them play any better.

SO, if you as a Redskin fan want your team to play better and you start booing them, YOUR actions become yet another factor against them doing exactly what you want them to do. In other words, you Boo'ers are part (albeit SMALL) of the problem.

When is it appropriatte?

1. At the end of the last game of the season in a season like this one.

2. Let's say we have a game firmly in hand, say 28-7, midway through the 3rd quarter and the team goes into cruise control mode and loses 31-28. Clearly this is a case where a full throated raspberry, boo, cat calls are ENTIRELY appropriate.

3. Into the 3rd or 4th QTR of the MONDAY night fiasco against the Eagles would be another justifiable time for the BIG BOO.

So you get my drift.

Whaddya think?

(if I was smart enough to figure out how to build a poll on this thing I would have made one)

You sir are a hypocrite

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I don't boo this team.

There simply isn't enough talent to win most of the games they play.

No sense in dumping on guys that are trying (like the OL) but lack the ABILITY to make the difference.

Now, if the Redskins had the talent of the Cowboys or Chargers and started off 1-5 you can BET I would be vocal in my displeasure because the team should be winning these games.

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As fans you have the right to cheer great plays, victories, and memorable achievements... By the same token, you have the right to BOO poor plays, indiffferent attitudes or drama queen players, and for the team/player not playing with hear/pride!

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Okay here is a a question ... if it is your right to boo my team is it my right to beat you to death with a billy club to register my displeasure with your response ? would that be okay ? If your booing effects my team ...and supposedly your team ...why can I not action against you? and if it doesn't have an effect then why do it ?

(okay beating to death is probably a little extreme but hey)

If you don't want to support the team don't buy the tickets, don't go to the game, don't read the papers and don't buy the merchandise .... it is really really easy not to support a team ... you don/'t rob a bank to show your displeasure with the legal system ...please don't boo and suck the life out of the team .....

This is absurdly stupid. I simply can not comprehend how you got this analogy.

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