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What were the glory days like?


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I have not witnessed a successful season ever as a Redskins fan.

I am rather young, but I always have been a Redskins fan, and I always will be. It sucks not to really see them ever dominate in my life time, so how were the glory days?

How come we can't be like that again? It's been so long, I wish I witnessed it. What was it like?

Hail :logo:

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In the Glory days, Pettibone would have blitzed ALL 11 players and knocked the living **** out of Vick when the score got to 35-0. IN fact, that never would have happened in the first place. They would have sent a message that you will not leave your starting QB in the game in the 3rd quarter, running around making plays, making us look STUPID. They would have risked another touchdown just to NAIL him.

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Thank you for making this thread!

I've been watching football since I was 5

since then, it's been nothing but failure

big name free agent fails...coaching fails... Stars murdered

consistent failure on national television primetime games

1 division title... I endured constant ass whippings from Dallas and the giants

numerous hopes crushed

yet I (me...not my family) spend 100s on tickets every week

buy merchandise for naught

I go to school and am constantly heckled by fairweather eagles, cowboys fans

my sports life is pure hell

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I think the best thing was that you expected to win every game, if the team struggled in the first half they fixed it and got better in the second, and when you close your eyes and think Redskins... those are still the faces you see... plus, you see Green chasing down Dorsett or vaulting over a Bear on the way to endzone. You see a concussed Doug Williams play out of his mind and make every play magical. You see no names fill in during injury and the team not lose a beat. You see Rypien and Monk and Clark and you see Riggo just stare into the defense and know that third and short or fourth and short was yours for the taking. You know that every team and every analyst in the league respected you and knew what you were capable of.

In short, it felt like the first thaw after winter and the first beams of sun light heating your face after days of dark bleary rain. It tasted like water in the desert. It looked like a childhood hero.

And best, it'll come again. We've barely seem glimpses of this team become a team, but this season they've displayed fight and resilience and that's one of the first steps. It's not about the blowouts... it's about the will.

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Every year the team was a legitimate contender. Every year we had a chance. Good times.

That's what I loved...year in and year out we went into training camp knowing that we had a shot.

Imagine being a fan of the Colts, Patriots, or Steelers now. You pretty much knew that every year, you would have a chance at the Lombardi.

Yep...obviously we went through ups and downs, but imagine having 7-9 be your low-water mark for a 12-year period?? Gibbs finished under .500 one time in his first stay in Washington. Unbelievable.

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King of the World. Getting out of elementary school for the parade. Feeling RFK shake and rock. Knowing how special getting a game ticket meant (they were so freakn hard to get). Having team nicknames for every group on your team (hogs, smurfs, the fun bunch), having the original kick returner Mike Nelms, knowing every player on the roster and knowing outside of injury that they were going to be back next year, Art Monk, D. Green...damn I think I am going to cry.

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Here's what it was like. Every freaking Sunday, you sat down in front of the TV and you EXPECTED to win. When something went wrong, you didn't say, "Oh, here we go again." You expected the team to bounce right back.

If we had a lead in the fourth quarter, you were confident that we wouldn't blow it. If we had a crucial third down, you somehow knew we'd convert it. If we were getting beaten, you knew we'd adjust and come back. If we DID lose, it was a travesty, an outrage, and almost ALWAYS, the team came back the next week fired up and ready to absolve themselves. If we were playing a pathetic team, you could be confident that we would beat the living crap out of them. If we were going up against a rookie QB, you could be confident that we would make him wish he was back in college.

It was a team that, for the most part, you could be proud of, a team you knew would not quit, would give their all. It was a coaching staff that you believed in and trusted, a front office and ownership that ran things properly.

It was Camelot, basically. I'm glad I got to live through it, and I truly pity you younguns who have only experienced crap like we saw last night. You truly are loyal to still be with this team after all these embarrassments.

My advice? Track down some old videos and see for yourself.

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it was very cool. i was a little kid for the first two super bowls, and a young adult for the last one. We were always relevant and had great players...Art Monk was always one of my favorite Skins...

it wasnt all fun and games though. the loss to the Raiders in the Super Bowl was the worst loss ever for me, i swore forever that someone had given them our playbook.

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