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What were the glory days like?


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Actually, I know I watched games before Super Bowl 17, but that is the first game I have distinct memories of. My parents, who are admittedly casual fans of football threw a Super Bowl party. I remember watching "70 Chip" LIVE. Incredible memory. I also remember getting into it with my uncle, who hated the Redskins back in those days, during Super Bowl 18 when the Raiders and Marcus Allen beat us senseless. We are close and great friends, but he really made me angry during that game with all the **** talking. lol

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Here's what it was like. Every freaking Sunday, you sat down in front of the TV and you EXPECTED to win. When something went wrong, you didn't say, "Oh, here we go again." You expected the team to bounce right back.

If we had a lead in the fourth quarter, you were confident that we wouldn't blow it. If we had a crucial third down, you somehow knew we'd convert it. If we were getting beaten, you knew we'd adjust and come back. If we DID lose, it was a travesty, an outrage, and almost ALWAYS, the team came back the next week fired up and ready to absolve themselves. If we were playing a pathetic team, you could be confident that we would beat the living crap out of them. If we were going up against a rookie QB, you could be confident that we would make him wish he was back in college.

It was a team that, for the most part, you could be proud of, a team you knew would not quit, would give their all. It was a coaching staff that you believed in and trusted, a front office and ownership that ran things properly.

It was Camelot, basically. I'm glad I got to live through it, and I truly pity you younguns who have only experienced crap like we saw last night. You truly are loyal to still be with this team after all these embarrassments.

My advice? Track down some old videos and see for yourself.

Young guys read this real close:

From 1971 to 1992, we had ONLY TWO losing seasons.

That means from the time I was 10 until I was 31, I could count on one thing in my life: the Redskins.

The job or women could be driving me crazy, but, for three hours every Sunday, I had guaranteed entertainment.

The Giants and Eagles were generally God-awful (we laughed at them), and our stadium was actually a place no opponent ever wanted to play in.

In those 21 years, we basically had only six starting quarterbacks: Sonny, Billy, Joe, Jay, Doug, Ryp.

In those 21 years, we had only three coaches: George, Pardee and Joe.

In those 21 years, our running backs were Larry Brown, Calvin Hill, Duane Thomas, Mike Thomas, Clarence Harmon, John Riggins, George Rogers, Timmy Smith and a few other guys the Hogs made look great.

In those 21 years, we had "The Over the Hill Gang,'' "the Fun Bunch,'' "the Hogs,'' "the Posse.''

In those 21 years, we never had a debacle like last night.

Now when my job and chick (my wife) are driving me crazy, I don't have those three guaranteed hours of entertainment.

Last night, I had 7 seconds (from the time Vick threw the bomb to Jackson on the very first play).

Take it from an old guy who's spent his life (and, at times, job) consumed by this team:

This is the low point.

Damn, these two posts really hit where it hurts. I almost wish I was a little older so I could've enjoyed this team more in the 80s.

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Young guys read this real close:

From 1971 to 1992, we had ONLY TWO losing seasons.



Like i said earlier in this post, I was 9 years old when we won the superbowl in 1991 with Ryp, and I've been a die-hard, absolute maniac Redskins fan my entire life. I feel like the Redskins owe me...and I'm waiting for the day they actually pay me back for the 28+ years of blind loyalty.

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Damn, these two posts really hit where it hurts. I almost wish I was a little older so I could've enjoyed this team more in the 80s.

I don't blame you. Gibbs was hired when I was 4 and retired when I was 16. So, for me, from as far back as I can remember until I was a junior in high school and being distracted by sports of my own, girls, etc. I had a perennial contender in DC. I'm so happy that those glory years aligned so perfectly with my childhood. For me it was ideal...we won Super Bowls when I was 5, 10, and 14. Those are the ages right before you do start to grow up and put the NFL into perspective.

So, as a kid in 5th grade and a freshman in high school, I watched championship seasons (I only vaguely remember watching parts of the 1982 season). I honestly wouldn't trade those Sunday afternoons for anything. They are a major part of my childhood memories. Christmas gifts tended to include some Redskins gear or toys or memorabilia. From August through January I would read the sports page of the Post every morning and soak in any information I could.

Anyway, I'm making this about me...but I do hope that you younger fans get to experience something like that. The journey through those seasons was just as exciting as the final hours of winning the Super Bowl (both that I remember well were over by halftime, so the actual winning was a formality). We'll get back there...we have to.

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Young guys read this real close:

From 1971 to 1992, we had ONLY TWO losing seasons.

That means from the time I was 10 until I was 31, I could count on one thing in my life: the Redskins.

The job or women could be driving me crazy, but, for three hours every Sunday, I had guaranteed entertainment.

The Giants and Eagles were generally God-awful (we laughed at them), and our stadium was actually a place no opponent ever wanted to play in.

In those 21 years, we basically had only six starting quarterbacks: Sonny, Billy, Joe, Jay, Doug, Ryp.

In those 21 years, we had only three coaches: George, Pardee and Joe.

In those 21 years, our running backs were Larry Brown, Calvin Hill, Duane Thomas, Mike Thomas, Clarence Harmon, John Riggins, George Rogers, Timmy Smith and a few other guys the Hogs made look great.

In those 21 years, we had "The Over the Hill Gang,'' "the Fun Bunch,'' "the Hogs,'' "the Posse.''

In those 21 years, we never had a debacle like last night.

Now when my job and chick (my wife) are driving me crazy, I don't have those three guaranteed hours of entertainment.

Last night, I had 7 seconds (from the time Vick threw the bomb to Jackson on the very first play).

Take it from an old guy who's spent his life (and, at times, job) consumed by this team:

This is the low point.

Great one Man, thanks, now that's stability

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It was much more than that 1991 team. That was a perfect culmination of the Gibbs era, but most seasons were not like that. We were in dog fights every week but we toughed out 10 wins more often than not. We definitely had some blow outs against weaker teams, but I will remember that era for the classic team wins more than that one isolated dominant season.

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These were the greatest sports days of my life, but to me, it is a lot different now.

Back then there was no salary cap, so the big $ owners could spend for the best players. Our second string could line up with half of the other teams in the NFL and win, it was great that we had JKC as an owner, anything Gibbs wanted, he got.

Today it is so hard to have a dynasty, players move around so much

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The '91 Season was just sick. I mean it's hard to explain how dominant we were that year. Just to put it in perspective, we beat the Lions in week 1 45-0...we met them again that year...in the NFC Championship game. Think about that for a minute.

I remember the week one game you speak of. We had a chance to go up 52-0 but Gibbs had enough class to have Ryp take a knee at the goal line.

1982 was the first season I remember, I feel blessed to have seen the glory days even as a child. I feel bad having to watch the product on the field for the past decade basically, with the exception of Gibbs 2. I feel bad for the younger fans that have only known the losing. With all of the losing, and especially after last night, I really wonder if the competitive days are behind this franchise. I say competitive days because I know there will be no more glory days. It really makes me want to give up on professional football all together.

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These were the greatest sports days of my life, but to me, it is a lot different now.

Back then there was no salary cap, so the big $ owners could spend for the best players. Our second string could line up with half of the other teams in the NFL and win, it was great that we had JKC as an owner, anything Gibbs wanted, he got.

Today it is so hard to have a dynasty, players move around so much

Which is why Gibbs REALLY left in the first place; he saw and knew exactly what was happening with free agency and got out while the getting was good...

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In the glory days, Bostic and Grimm would come up to the Cowflop's D-Line and tell Randy White they were running at him on the next play, and then bury him. Theismann and Rypien could have taken a lawn chair into the backfield and taken a nap they had so much time in the backfield. Going for it on any 4th down was an option any time the Skins were on their side of the 50 yard line because the OLine dominated. And inside the 5 was a guaranteed run up the gut with a cloud of dust, and the pass plays were only in their to keep the safeties honest.

There wasn't a game the Skins weren't in. Winning 10 games a season was considered poor. Games when only 3 touchdowns were scored by the Skins was considered a defensive struggle.

The biggest disappointments came in the post-season, when they came.

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It started after Gibbs 1 retired.

Agreed, when he retired, the wind was just sucked out of the franchise. We had a few average years with Norv, but those years were marked with teams that lacked a killer instinct, and teams that gave up leads to consistently lose games late. The 1999 team could have gone all the way. They were really close that season. The loss to Tampa Bay in the playoffs still bothers me to this day. Shottenheimer should have been left alone, I will believe until my dying day that had he been left alone we would have had a much different team over the last 10 years. I won't even address the Spurrier debacle. When Gibbs returned, he quickly made the franchise respectable again, and we had a couple of decent seasons late in '05 and '07. Gibbs retires again. I won't even address the Zorn debacle.

Shanahan and Allen need to be given time to get things turned around.

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We were the Yankees in good old days. Stockpiling good players left and right. Sure we didn't win it most years, but we were in contention almost very year. Seems like our Snyder and co still thinks that's the way it is now. Maybe, when Snyder gets to 70 years old, he'll finally understand.

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I'm fortunate to remember the 91 season, it was pure magic.

Think of the 2007 patriots, we were that good.

And if it wasn't for a Cowboys hail-mary catch, probably would have been undefeated. The last game at the Eagles was meaningless and we pulled the starters, yet still only loss by a field goal at the end. In Superbowl the Bills had a huge break early with a Monk TD being overturned on replay and then missing the field goal, yet we just pounded them silly. These memories make it particularly hard to see what the Redskins have become, and it's very hard for me to believe we are approaching two decades of this junk. It will never be that good again I'm afraid.

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Short answer, and I know this is hard to believe for you younguns...The Redskins were a well oiled, very efficient team in all phases of the game (Coaching, Offense, Defense, Special Teams, Ownerships, Off-Season). Year in and year out this team fought with the best of them, and more often than not, won. Not only did they win, but they dominated by winning the division multiple times, and also going to 4 Superbowls in 10 years. It was basically either the 49ers or the Redskins who were dominating the NFL during that time.

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Like i said earlier in this post, I was 9 years old when we won the superbowl in 1991 with Ryp, and I've been a die-hard, absolute maniac Redskins fan my entire life. I feel like the Redskins owe me...and I'm waiting for the day they actually pay me back for the 28+ years of blind loyalty.

Hell yeah they owe me.

I didn't really watch sports until about 10 years ago, I was too busy playing sports to bother watching them. But when I started watching, it was all Redskins for whatever reason. Never needed a reason.

So I'm 24 and the Redskins have always sucked. Feels great.

Call me a fake fan or whatever you want, but today I just wanted to quit the Redskins. But I know, Redskins, I can't quit you!

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I like to think of the old days in the early seventies. We had Billy the kid Kilmer and Sonny fighting it out to be the starter. We had Larry Brown toting the rock. He had 5 straight years of 1000 yards. That was tough to do in those days. He was'nt very big but he put everything he had in every carry. It was all about Redskin pride in those days. We lost the Super Bowl in 72, but that was a gutsy team. George Allen , in my opinoin was the best caoch we ever had. Of course, Gibbs was a very close second. I say Hail to the Redskins and keep the faith brother. Things always come around in time.

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