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If you were the Head Coach of this team after last night....what would YOU do today?


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I haven't posted a new thread in awhile. I think going into this season knowing it would be a rebuilding year, that the highs weren't going to be that high, and the lows...well....the lows can still be awful.

But for those of us who don't live in a Larry Michael world, we knew this season was about putting a system and some pieces in place.

Its important to understand you don't fix a decade of OL neglect in one offseason.

Its important to understand that if you're committed to going to a 3-4, it takes over a full season to get it in place.

Its important to understand that if your running backs in camp were Portis, Johnson and Parker....and now they are K. Williams, Torrain and I guess Sellers. Then you have a problem.

Knowing that at best this team was a .500 squad. What do you do this morning after a beating like that?

I guess I'll go first.


- Galloway (I promise there are better WR's on practice squads DYING for a shot)

- Chad Simpson (find me a real RB)

- Roydell Williams (Same as Joey...get me a young guy)

Lineup moves

- If you think Kory is a good OL, let him play Center the rest of the year and put Dockery back a LG. The OL is going to be back regardless. Casey is a great guy....but he's done.

- Portis should have gone on IR long ago. Lets be honest. He's never going to be 100% this year, and he probably won't be back. So, let somebody else get that spot.

- Activate Barnes for teams and Defense

- Move Beck to the #2 spot. Why not? We're not a QB away from a title. If McNabb goes out, might as well let the guy who under contract beyond this year get some snaps. At least get him 2nd team snaps in practice.

As far as today. No day off unless you can't walk. I would have them out there in full pads practicing in the rain right now and again this afternoon. I get you are trying to change the mindset, and things do happen. Look, Oakland also scored 59 this year and it doesn't mean they are Superbowl bound. But part of changing things is holding players accountable. Coaches too. Out in the rain all day today working on what went wrong.

So....what would YOU do if you were in charge?

HTTR. Yes.....still HTTR.

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As I said in my post earlier.

If I were head coach, as of today EVERY slot on the team would be up for grabs. You want a starting role come show me that you deserve it. Back to a training camp mentality, where no one is guarneteed a start. Lets get some folks that really want to be out there playing like they deserve to be out there.

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in reference to the game?


i wouldn't even spend time reviewing the game tape. it would be a waste of time.

get back to practicing for the next game, and get back to working hard. get the guys who are hurting some time with the trainers to recover.

the best thing you can do is forget that game happened. it's not like this is an every week result. it was a fluke. one team showed up prepared, one didn't. the best thing to do is prepare for the next game.

in terms of personel... this team has had personell issues since the season started. what happened last night should not be a wake-up call for any individual player, these problems have been going on all season. so replace who you can, as you do every week, and move on.

if what happened last night has changed your mind, or made you aware of something that hasn't been an issue all season, then you haven't been paying attention.

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Let me give you a list.

1) Release Jim Haslett and Sign Wade Philips as defensive coordinating.

2) Release Joey Galloway and sign Kevin Curtis in his place.

3) Release the offensive line coach and bring back Joe Bugel

4) Sign Darrell Green as a CB/secondary coach

5) With the 4-12 record that we are about to receive, use the draft picks to get more O-Linemen.

6) Never play on Monday night again. I would buy the time slot for the Sunday night game, rather than Sunday afternoon.

I'm sorry but to play on Monday night, you have to be good. I would much rather Redskins take the spotlight for Sunday night. Once they maintain that, we would talk about Monday Night Football.

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I'd burn the game film. And evaluate where I want things to be. If they aren't there at whatever point I decide they need to be there, I start making changes. That point could be the offseason or next week. I don't know, I'm not there every day. But there needs to be some kind of accountability.

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Let me give you a list.

1) Release Jim Haslett and Sign Wade Philips as defensive coordinating.

2) Release Joey Galloway and sign Kevin Curtis in his place.

3) Release the offensive line coach and bring back Joe Bugel

4) Sign Darrell Green as a CB/secondary coach

5) With the 4-12 record that we are about to receive, use the draft picks to get more O-Linemen.

6) Never play on Monday night again. I would buy the time slot for the Sunday night game, rather than Sunday afternoon.

Number 4.... Make it happen!! I so miss watching that man play this game.

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I would certainly try and shake things up.

The Kory to Center move has been beaten to death, but I would still like to see it in effect.

I'd activate Barnes and try and get him some reps at FS. Kareem Moore has quietly been the worst player on defense this season.

Let's make that Montgomery for Hicks at RG perminant. I'd rather see a 27 year old suck than a 31 year old.

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Buford, I applaud this sensible reaction and personally I would endorse everything you mention. Let the whole team know this was a team loss, not one side of the ball or the other, but suck it up 'cuz everyone was in on this disaster. Bring some of the kids up and give 'em a shot, cull through practice squads elsewhere, basically put the word out that if anyone wants it, come prove you deserve it.

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Wouldn't even look at the tape

As for personell moves, I agree with yours for the most part

1) Move Kory to center, bench Casey, put Derrick back in the lineup. He at least takes up space in pass protection to slow down the middle rush

2) Galloway, Roydell gone. Activate Austin to the active roster and get him reps

3) Agree, IR CP, activate James Davis to the main squad

4) Get Perry Riley more playing time on D

5) From a strategic standpoint, keep working on this ground game. It is the key to the entire offense, having some sort of running game. this o-line has to be able to get this right

6) IR Jamal Brown if he can't give more then he is giving

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Number 4.... Make it happen!! I so miss watching that man play this game.

I'm glad someone agreed with me on that one. The man knew how to work in the secondary. Imagine what wonders he could work if he were on the sideline every game with D Hall. If you think that's cool, imagine what he could do if he were influencing the defense on the sideline with Wade Philips as our defensive coordinator. Both Darrell Green and Wade Philips influencing the defense would rank our defense in the top 10, if we got a good FS in the draft. Again with the 4-12 record we are about to receive, it's obvious that O-Linemen will be drafted. Use another draft pick to get a FS. And I don't mean a safety like Landry from the Ravens that switches back and forth between free safety and strong safety. I mean an actual free safety that plays free safety.

Sense we have passed up on Randy Moss, Terrell Owens and Vincent Jackson, we need to take advantage of Kevin Curtis. McNabb would do better with a former Eagle to throw to. Someone he can talk to and share his mindset with. It would work out in the long run.

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I'd burn the game film. And evaluate where I want things to be. If they aren't there at whatever point I decide they need to be there, I start making changes. That point could be the offseason or next week. I don't know, I'm not there every day. But there needs to be some kind of accountability.

Instead of burning it, I'd make them watch the game film every single week the rest of the season.

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Firing Haslett should have been done last night. A team without all the pieces to run a 3-4 should not give up 59 points, seemingly at will. It is now fully apparent that he has no idea what he's doing. Let's sign Wade. No joke.

Neither should a team with all the pieces for a 4-3 give up 59. As the Titans did to the Patriots just last season. The Pats scored 45 points in the first half, with Tom Brady throwing 5 (!) TDs in the 2nd quarter alone.

That was a far worse performance that last night.

We don't need an overreaction, as much as my emotion tells me we should fire Haslett (and I said as much last night), we need real solutions, not spastic changes.

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Instead of burning it, I'd make them watch the game film every single week the rest of the season.

I agree. They should have that game film playing on every TV and monitor in the Redskins complex all week long. Lets see how these guys respond against the Titans. Then we will know the true measure of their hearts and desire to win.

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god, redskins fans overreact so much.

now we're going 4-12, with no possibility of winning another game.

guess its time to avoid the board for a week.

if they win next week we'll be talking playoffs again.


Over react? Can you honestly say after our last 2 games that this team is headed in the right direction?

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Yes, Yes, Yes! I don't know why this hasn't been mentioned more. But this def needs to happen.

That would be good too. But please take a good look at this former Eagles receiver, Kevin Curtis. Just mute the rap music in this video and watch his highlights. McNabb is at QB as well. Look at how good their chemistry is.

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I've defended Casey a bit, but no more. He literally got tossed around like a rag doll. There was no scheming necessary to get to McNabb, it was just "push their center over" so I'm definitely going to agree with that one.

Otherwise I would bring up a problem from last year that was SEEMINGLY getting better, but just went backwards again: tackling. that first play, there's no reason to dive at a full-stride Desean Jackson, and Landry should know better. He could have brought him down. After that, Landry was diving at people all day, and not tackling them. Typically, a poor tackle will come if you're trying to go for the ball and refusing to just bring the guy down. But it was neither. Diving at a guys ankles accomplishes nothing. It looked like playing Madden in rookie mode, where you can run circles around the field and the computer is just diving guys at you. That crap rubbed off on everyone else, and it made everyone look foolish.

The other thing: I understand the new scheme takes time. But it doesn't matter what personnel is in the 3-4...when you see vick fo 10 for 10 because his recievers are just standing there. W I D E open. That has to stop. Now. I don't care if it's a new system. What? Next year when the system has 'settled', we're going to decide to play guys a little closer? Bull****! I know there's nothing wrong with playing off the ball as long as you do it right. And again, and I know this takes a couple years, but after 9 games you have to be willing to make some adjustments when things are as GLARINGLY bad as that.

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