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If you were the Head Coach of this team after last night....what would YOU do today?


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I don't know that last night changed my view of the team much, if at all. I thought they'd be 6-10 this season, and 8-8 at best. I still see the same thing.

Most of the pieces most of us thought we were missing, we're still missing:

A new center

A Nose Tackle

A better FS (that WAS a bit of a shocker to me, I thought Moore would be better there)

New WRs (though I was hoping to see some of the young guys get a chance)

Mostly, last night was all about not containing Vick in any way. He had the game of his life, and not just because we played bad, the guy was ON last night. I don't know that anyone, any DC in the league, could have imagined he would be playing like a HoFer last night, and he definitely was.

Our defense came out and got punched in the mouth from the first play of the game and never recovered, it's like they had no idea what to do after that. We got outplayed/coached everywhere. I don't know that cutting some players midseason, or firing coaches, is going to do anything to cure that. It's not that we've played great, but we haven't played as bad as we did last night in any game this season.

I'm all for making changes, and I wouldn't mind seeing some of the things Buford suggested, but if people are expecting midseason changes to bring more wins this year, you should probably just stop watching the team this season or you're going to have a long 2 months. I would like to see what we've got in Lichtensteiger (sp?) because I don't know that you can even evaluate the guards since Rabach isn't even remotely stopping anyone in the interior. It's tought to blame everything on guards when you really can't tell since every time someone comes up the middle, regardless of whether the guards are pushed out of the way or not, Rabach is dancing backward into the pocket. That's the only change that has potential to actually make us a little better this year, and only if Lichtenstieger is actually better at Center. The pass-blocking has progressively gotten worse, and I'd say that's definitely because Lich is playing guard and Rabach center.

Other than that, only moves that allow us to see how our youth play would make sense.

The biggest reason last night was so depressing wasn't really because we lost a game, it's because it looks like this team is going to take another two years to be truly competitive for an entire season.

EDIT: Giving Barnes a chance at FS would be entertaining if nothing else. I don't know how he'd play there, but he's a good hitter and he's got enough speed to play the deep coverages necessary. I don't know that it would improve the team this season, but it has potential for next year.

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One of two things:

1 - Fire Haslett.

2 - Sit down with Haslett and tell him that if the unit isn't top 17 during the remaining 7 games he's automatically fired at the end of the season.

You can't take a top ten unit, turn it into a laughing stock, and not face consequences. It sends the wrong message to the entire organization.

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Today I sit down with Jim Haslett and watch the tape, and try to figure out how he screwed up so badly. Regardless of how much we'd love to forget, Vick's going to be in our hair for two games a year for a while now, and we'd best figure out a way to stop him without counting on hurting him in the first quarter like last time.

Then i show the tape to the players, and point out obvious mistakes and such.

Then I burn the ****ing thing and never speak of it again. Then I send the league a letter requesting to never be on MNF again,, we're lousy at night.

Wednesday = time to get ready for the Titans, and that's it.


Eagles fans I know say the word in Philly is unless Kolb is gone, Vick ain't staying there. Somebody is going to offer him a lot of money and make him the #1 starter without question. Reid can't do that now. Teams like Minny and AZ are going to offer him everything,

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I wouldn't overreact. Of course...lunatic Skins fans would. I can only imagine if this was a 59-14 blowout like the Raiders-Broncos

I would cut Joey Galloway and just try to fire up the team. Hope Torain and Portis comes back healthy...and try to re-energize my team for the next 7 games...with our 5 NFC opponents being a top priority

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Here's what I don't think anyone is grasping. Shanahan wanted the 3-4. Shanahan wanted Haslett. If Shanahan takes him out behind the barn now and shoots him, the message he will be sending is "If one of my decisions fails, I will immediately look for a scape goat."

If anything, Shanahan needs to own the defense. He needs to make sure that everyone understands that he chose the defense, the coach, the personell, and has signed off on every decision that Haslett makes. It needs to be a "Jim and I will be working very hard to make sure that the defense performs to our expectations."

I thought Gibbs overplayed the "It starts with me" stuff. But Shanahan already has a reputation for taking credit for what works and deflecting blame for what doesn't work. If he intends to be here a long time, he can't crucify his hand-picked coordinator after 9 games. Especially since he already through his hand-picked QB under the bus once. I don't want to give Haslett a 5-year $25 million extension next month as an apology.

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Eagles fans I know say the word in Philly is unless Kolb is gone, Vick ain't staying there. Somebody is going to offer him a lot of money and make him the #1 starter without question. Reid can't do that now. Teams like Minny and AZ are going to offer him everything,

NO chance Philly let's Vick walk after this season. NONE.

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Eagles fans I know say the word in Philly is unless Kolb is gone, Vick ain't staying there. Somebody is going to offer him a lot of money and make him the #1 starter without question. Reid can't do that now. Teams like Minny and AZ are going to offer him everything,

why couldnt reid trade kolb and sign vick to a big 4-5 year deal?

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NO chance Philly let's Vick walk after this season. NONE.

We'll see. Reid loves Kolb. Vick ain't young and he's already been hurt once this year. I still think he doesn't stay healthy enough to stay the rest of the season. He'll miss a game or too. His style doesn't work over the long haul. Its amazing in story bursts until a head hunting LB puts him down.

why couldnt reid trade kolb and sign vick to a big 4-5 year deal?

Its possible. But Philly doesn't give big money to players over 30.

I guess we shall see. They just gave Kolb something like a 6 mil per year extension. Reid knows that Vick isn't a sure bet to start 16. If you trade Kolb and go with Vick and he gets hurt. Then what?

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portis to IR

galloway to the street

austin to the 53

davis to the 53

roydell to the street

bring in SOMEONE young and hungry (pref with speed)

k.moore to bench, doughty in (at least he can tackle after he get's burned)

rabach to bench, ???? in

bottom line is the team ain't going anywhere this season, if you get blown out with guys like galloway (who has been dropping passes left and right btw anyways) then put in some young talent to see what you got, it honestly can't be any worse. in terms of the defense, i am just at a loss for words, there is nothing you can do, they are just quite simply the WORST defensive unit i have EVER seen...

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I don't think I would make any cuts because with 7 games left the possibility of bring in someone who doesn't know the system and them being effective is low. But I WOULD have a "open practice" today with the entire roster and make each player earn the starting role for the next game. Find out who really wants to play for you the rest of the season and who is having doubts in themselves and/or the team. Give the younger guys who have not seen playing time a chance to show they can perform as good or better then those who have underachieved all season

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I pictured Shanahan being like Henry Winkler in "THE WATERBOY"....creepin back behind the players....hiding under the bench...lol. j/k I actually mentioned the cut Joey and bring up Austin thing several weeks ago. Still can't understand why the staff hasn't jumped on this??????

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I don't think I would make any cuts because with 7 games left the possibility of bring in someone who doesn't know the system and them being effective is low. But I WOULD have a "open practice" today with the entire roster and make each player earn the starting role for the next game. Find out who really wants to play for you the rest of the season and who is having doubts in themselves and/or the team. Give the younger guys who have not seen playing time a chance to show they can perform as good or better then those who have underachieved all season

you DO have guys on the practice squad you can move up though that have been practicing and know the system. bringing in guys off the street at this stage rarely helps, but you can cut dead weight (galloway, roydell, IR portis) and bring up guys who can conceivably help right away...

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Hire McD5.

We wouldn't have had JC, would have traded Portis years ago for additonal linemen and WRs.

We would have TO or Randy Moss right now.

And Vick would be our QB.

Or, don't, and just accept that we are on par with the Buffalo Bills and Raiders of the world.

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Let me give you a list.

1) Release Jim Haslett and Sign Wade Philips as defensive coordinating.

2) Release Joey Galloway and sign Kevin Curtis in his place.

3) Release the offensive line coach and bring back Joe Bugel

4) Sign Darrell Green as a CB/secondary coach

5) With the 4-12 record that we are about to receive, use the draft picks to get more O-Linemen.

6) Never play on Monday night again. I would buy the time slot for the Sunday night game, rather than Sunday afternoon.

I'm sorry but to play on Monday night, you have to be good. I would much rather Redskins take the spotlight for Sunday night. Once they maintain that, we would talk about Monday Night Football.

Actually, you don't have to be good to be on MNF. MNF is the b-game now. It's SNF that's the prime primetime game now.

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Not much you can do right now to make us better. We need three or four new starting offensive linemen, two more wide recievers, and another running back on offense. We need another safety and more linebackers on defense. It is not as though we can just go out and get those guys this week.

Of course, I would do some things different this week:

1. I would give our reserve offensive linemen a long look, it is not as if they could do much worse than our starters, we might as well see what we have there.

2. I would also make practice as long and arduous as the league allows this week, because somebody has to hold this team accountable for the lack of effort we saw.

3. Finally, I would put Haslett in a room with game tapes of last year's defense, so he could see how much better this defense can play in a scheme that is suited to them. This amoeba defense is pathetic, and that is something we could fix.

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god, redskins fans overreact so much.

now we're going 4-12, with no possibility of winning another game.

guess its time to avoid the board for a week.

if they win next week we'll be talking playoffs again.


You must not be near civilization right now. Possibly the worst beating in NFL history took place last night. Only the grace of Andy Reid kept the Eagles from scoring 80 points.

And no, they won't win another game this season. If they do, it will be because of the luck that it's taken to get the 4 that they have.

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