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The Book Thread

Toe Jam

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I'm in the middle of the Millenium Trilogy (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, etc.), and the first book was really good. The second one is getting really good about a quarter of the way into it. I'd recommend the first at this point, at least.

REad all three thought they were good and am hoping someone will pick up the series after the fighting over the money gets done

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Just finished the penultimate novel Towers of Midnight in the Wheel of Time series. It's by Robert Jordan and sadly he died after Knife of Dreams. He knew he was going to die before finishing the series so he left detailed notes on his vision of how the story concludes and even tape recorded and had close friends in the room as he told the ending so someone could finish. Brandon Sanderson is finishing the series and has done a fantastic job. The final book would have been around 2500 pages so they broke the final volume into three novels. The final book Memories of Light comes out next November. Towers of Midnight just released last week November 2nd. The series sort of started to drag but book 11 knife of dreams picked back up the pace and #12 and #13 by Sanderson have been fantastic.

reading it now and I agree.

also read anythingb by Steven erickson but especially the second book which is the best fantasy/military book ever written.

the anabasis by xenophon is a must for anyone interested in military history funny how little has changed.

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I'll tell you one book that really opened my eyes. It's called "Feed", and it was written by PT Anderson. It's a kind of dystopian novel written for older teens, but I read it for college and it scared the **** out of me.

It's basically about a future world where technology has become so important that people can't exist without it. Imagine the internet on super steroids, and implanted in your head.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, so I remembered that reading is fun as long as you aren't forced to do it for 5 years straight, and I've read these three books all in the last week and a half.


I finished "American Assassin", good read nice "where did he come from" book.


Then I read Micheal Crichton's Priate Latitudes. It's a good book, but hard to get Pirates of the Caribbean out of your brain as you read it, still a pretty decent read.

And last night I finished


This was really good, and I burned through it in two full days of reading, of course I'm at my in-laws so finding a quiet spot in a room apart from the crazee really helps to keep myself out of trouble.

I bought the full Mitch Rapp series from Vince Flynn on ebay last week so I've got 9 more of those books to read.

Any good book recomendations out there?

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  • 1 month later...

I just finished "A Canticle For Leibowitz" by Walter Miller, Jr. It was one of the most enjoyable books I've read and it is literally thought-provoking. People throw that term around a lot, but this one IS. I'm atheist and this book is heavily christian-based and includes a considerable amount of Latin, yet it's still fascinating. I found myself agreeing and disagreeing at times with the characters within. There are some very humorous parts and some very good satire and sarcasm to boot.

Basically the book is post-apocalyptic science fiction about the survival of an order of monks in the wasteland of the U.S. It's broken into three sections (survival after obliteration, a renaissance, then the future). I highly recommend this book to fans of science fiction and of religious-based material...both sides will be satisfied.

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I just finished "The Warriors" by Sol Yurick.

Not much like the movie. It's actually a modernization of the story Anabasis. A greek story about a band of warriors attmpting to return to their home through hostile territory.

Difficult to read because of a choppy writing style, but good nonetheless.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just finished "Reversed Thunder"

This is an excellent pastoral commentary on the book of Revelation from the Historicist/Partial Preterist perspective. Great stuff.


and now I'm reading "Revelation" by Ben Witherington III. A fantastic academic level commentary that engages not only the grammatical and textual issues but also spends a great deal of time addressing the cultural and historical issues that inform a proper reading of the Revelation to John.


I'm prepping for the Revelation bible study that I'm starting in a couple weeks.

Next I'll be re-reading "Revelation and the End of All Things" by Craig Koester, he focuses more on the historicist perspective but is still excellent.


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The Terror by Dan Simmons is a great long read for the winter.

From Publishers Weekly

Starred Review. Hugo-winner Simmons (Olympos) brings the horrific trials and tribulations of arctic exploration vividly to life in this beautifully written historical, which injects a note of supernatural horror into the 1840s Franklin expedition and its doomed search for the Northwest Passage. Sir John Franklin, the leader of the expedition and captain of the Erebus, is an aging fool. Francis Crozier, his second in command and captain of the Terror, is a competent sailor, but embittered after years of seeing lesser men with better connections given preferment over him. With their two ships quickly trapped in pack ice, their voyage is a disaster from start to finish. Some men perish from disease, others from the cold, still others from botulism traced to tinned food purchased from the lowest bidder. Madness, mutiny and cannibalism follow. And then there's the monstrous creature from the ice, the thing like a polar bear but many times larger, possessed of a dark and vicious intelligence. This complex tale should find many devoted readers and add significantly to Simmons's already considerable reputation. (Jan.)

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In the last couple weeks I finished Let The Right One In, the book the movie was based on. Excellent vampire story. Definitely sets a dark tone and pulls you in. I also started reading Harry Potter last week. I was bored and desperate at work so I began listening to the audio of the first book. I got about half way through it and realized I was enjoying it *gasp*. Picked up the first 3 books. I'm digging them. It's a nice, simple read, a break from heavier subjects. Also finished reading a manga called Death Note recently. I've never been even remotely into manga or anime and haven't bought a comic book in about a hundred years but my brother had me check out the first few pages. I was intrigued. Progresses into an interesting game of cat & mouse. Also reading 30 Days to Understanding the Bible. Unpacks the core teaching, geography and key characters, places, events and how it's organized. Good stuff.

Dang I love reading.

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  • 4 months later...

So I helped a friend move a few weeks ago and while packing the books from the study, I found a copy of Uncle Tom's Cabin.

I had never read it but was always curious about the book. I knew of the controversy surrounding the book as well as the negative connotation of the title. So I asked to borrow it and have been reading it for awhile now.


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I've been reading the ESPN book, Those Guys Have All the Fun. Its an interesting read so far, about half-way through it. If you're a sports fan, you'll probably enjoy it. Starts out with the history of ESPN and then goes into the behind the sences stuff and relationships within the company.

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Somebody mentioned The Decent the other day (the book is very not like the movie apparently) so I am making it the first book I read on my Kindle that came today. Not sure how much I like the thing yet, though I could see the tremendous benefit if you traveling.

Great book and I'm in love with kindle. As much as an inanimate object can be loved. Adjusting text size, check. Light enough to hold with one hand and turn pages while contorted in bed or on the couch, check.

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Picked up Blind Descent a couple months back, and it was a great read. The geology nerd in me couldn't resist a book about supercave exploration, but it really isn't a scientifically intense book. It's more of a biography of the two men (on opposite sides of the planet) and their expeditions into the deepest caves on Earth. Tabor does a fantastic job of describing that almost alien world beneath our feet and how it feels to journey down into it, sometimes spending weeks on end in utter darkness. You really get a pretty good feel for the different supercaves--about as good as one can get from reading a book, and not actually descending into that panic and awe inducing world.


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I just finished reading this:


It was hilarious. The concept is that this book fills in Christs life that the bible doesnt cover, his teens and twenties, through the eyes of his best friend/apostle, Biff. Biff is a hilarious scumbag. They travel the silk road learning kung-fu and mediation and since Christ can't sin, he gets Biff to sin and tell him about it so that he can understand sin. So Biff spends the whole time banging prostitutes, stealing, and fighting people.

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