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  • 5 months later...

Just finished book one of Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen series. Everyone says it's the worst book in the series but I actually really liked it. The big thing I've seen people complain about is the lack of info dumps. But I actually appreciate that. There arent info dumps in real life. Just live and learn. And this book (and the entire series as far as I know) is read and learn. I like it. (Probably helps knowing about that going in. I can see people randomly picking it up and being completely turned off by it.) Anyway what an insane world he's created. I mean holy ****. Really recommend it.

I've had a fiction-nonfiction rotating order going for a few years now but i already have book 2 (Deadhouse Gates) and can't wait to read it.

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managed to finish the 2nd half of Words of Radiance over the last couple of days.  Sanderson's epic could be special

Just 8 more to go. He writes faster then anyone but he's a mad man that's taken on too many projects. So it will be more than a two decades until we see it done. Let's just hope he doesn't need a friend to finish it for him, as he did for Robert Jordan.

And at that time Rothfuss will still be fussing with his third book.

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Just 8 more to go. He writes faster then anyone but he's a mad man that's taken on too many projects. So it will be more than a two decades until we see it done. Let's just hope he doesn't need a friend to finish it for him, as he did for Robert Jordan.

And at that time Rothfuss will still be fussing with his third book.


that would be a scary bit of irony if somebody else had to finish his series lol


read somewhere there will be a bit of a break after the 5th

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Him finishing WoT has kept me away from Sanderson. I love the series (got to book 10) but it's so formulaic and cliché fantasy. It's what's kept me from going back and finally finishing the series and from reading anything else from Sanderson. Are his own books like that? Or is he different and it's not fair to hold Jordan's faults against him?

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Him finishing WoT has kept me away from Sanderson. I love the series (got to book 10) but it's so formulaic and cliché fantasy. It's what's kept me from going back and finally finishing the series and from reading anything else from Sanderson. Are his own books like that? Or is he different and it's not fair to hold Jordan's faults against him?

If you like fantasy and haven't read Sanderson's Mistborn series, you've done yourself a great disservice. It certainly didn't follow any formula I've ever read.

Rothfuss seems to be doing a lot of public appearances and fantasy and D&D shows lately.

Anything to avoid his writing desk, the ****. His reviews on goodreads are sometimes fun to read though, especially when he finds a children's book he doesn't like.
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Bury my heart at Wouned Knee by Dee Brown. 


Movie here:


- Gonzalo Guerrero by Eugenio Aguirre

"Gonzalo Guerrero was a sailor from Palos, in Spain who shipwrecked along the Yucatán Peninsula and was taken as a slave by the local Maya. Earning his freedom, Guerrero became a respected warrior under a Maya Lord and raised three of the first mestizo children in Mexico and presumably the first mixed children of the mainland Americas. Little is known of his early life." Wiki


- The Perfume by Patrick Süskind (book and movie)

"Perfume: The Story of a Murderer is a 1985 literary historical cross-genre novel (originally published in German as Das Parfum) by German writer Patrick Süskind. The novel explores the sense of smell and its relationship with the emotional meaning that scents may carry. It is a story of identity, communication and the morality of the human spirit.

The story centers on Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, an unloved 18th-century French orphan who is born with an exceptional sense of smell, being able to distinguish a vast range of scents in the world around him." Wiki


- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

"The Alchemist follows a young Andalusian shepherd in his journey to Egypt, after having a recurring dream of finding treasure there.

The book is an international bestseller. According to AFP, it has sold more than 65 million copies in 56 different languages, becoming one of the best-selling books in history and setting the Guinness World Record for most translated book by a living author.[2]

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Him finishing WoT has kept me away from Sanderson. I love the series (got to book 10) but it's so formulaic and cliché fantasy. It's what's kept me from going back and finally finishing the series and from reading anything else from Sanderson. Are his own books like that? Or is he different and it's not fair to hold Jordan's faults against him?

I like cliche fantasy, but Sanderson's books are mostly not that.  

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I enjoyed the Wheel of Time series, but I can't disagree that it sagged in the middle. Felt like he was stretching the series because it was bringing in a ton of cash. Can't blame him or the publisher too much for that. 

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If you like fantasy and haven't read Sanderson's Mistborn series, you've done yourself a great disservice. It certainly didn't follow any formula I've ever read.

Love fantasy but I've been on a history kick for years now so I'm just getting back into it. I've got book one of Mistborn and read a bit but it wasn't feeling like what I was looking for. I didn't want a series that i wouldve loved if i read it at 10. And that's what it was feeling like. But I still have an open mind and keep seeing people rave about Sanderson, hence my question. I'll give it another shot after I finish the Malazan series (which is exactly what I was looking for).

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I enjoyed the Wheel of Time series, but I can't disagree that it sagged in the middle. Felt like he was stretching the series because it was bringing in a ton of cash. Can't blame him or the publisher too much for that.

That too. What I mean by cliché and formulaic fantasy though is tall, handsome, tortured lead character, his goofy, crazy thief best friend, his dark, brooding, run with wolves in his dreams other best friend, ageless beautiful witches, pretty girls and princesses swooning over the lead character, evil faceless bad guy called The Dark One. On and on. It works because of how big Jordan went but then it starts to drag as a result of that. Is still quality fantasy and I still would recommend it but there's better stuff out there.

Speaking of WoT, you all see it's finally gonna be a TV show?


Robert Jordan’s ‘Wheel Of Time’ Coming To TV With A Major Studio

Be curious to see how they do it. I think GoT works so much because there isn't that much magic and the story, for a big part of it, doesn't require crazy CGI. It's been awhile since I've read it so maybe I'm misremembering but I think WoT might have the same thing going for it.

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I've had Malzaam on ipad for a while. I can't seem to force my way through the first book. i'll get to it eventually, although I hear such mixed reviews on it.

I actually liked the first book. But it can be a struggle at times. It requires a lot of attention. It gets much better once you get to the big city though (100 or so pages in). But yeah, everyone says the first book is by far the worst. It was originally a script that got transitioned to a novel so apparently the writing is better in the other books. After the first one though, I've seen enough people say it's the best fantasy series ever to get me through it. Gods, humans and a bunch of other races and species battling for power across multiple continents over thousands of years? Yes please.

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I've had Malzaam on ipad for a while. I can't seem to force my way through the first book. i'll get to it eventually, although I hear such mixed reviews on it.


I fell off the Malazan wagon after book 4.  I can't bring myself to read a flash back that makes up the entire following book in the series.  Just can't. 

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Love fantasy but I've been on a history kick for years now so I'm just getting back into it. I've got book one of Mistborn and read a bit but it wasn't feeling like what I was looking for. I didn't want a series that i wouldve loved if i read it at 10. And that's what it was feeling like. But I still have an open mind and keep seeing people rave about Sanderson, hence my question. I'll give it another shot after I finish the Malazan series (which is exactly what I was looking for).

Have you read any of Harry Turtledove's alternate history series/books? Some are a mix of Sci-Fi or fantasy and alternate history, others are more down to earth. I thought most of the ones I read were really good. Some of his single novels like Ruled Britania, Agent of Byzantium, and Justinian were especially interesting I thought.

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Be curious to see how they do it. I think GoT works so much because there isn't that much magic and the story, for a big part of it, doesn't require crazy CGI. It's been awhile since I've read it so maybe I'm misremembering but I think WoT might have the same thing going for it.

I hadn't heard. I think it could work in a Game of Thrones sort of way. It sure had enough characters and storylines to keep a drama going for several seasons.


By the way, I think I'll ask a ninja question---

I think I remember you saying that decided to give my book a shot. Did you ever get around to reading it? If so, what did you think?

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  • 1 month later...

I'd heard of the Wayward Pines TV show (haven't seen it yet) so when I noticed the books that the series was based on were included in Kindle Unlimited I thought I'd check them out.  4 days later and I'm almost through with the third book.  Absolutely captivating. Creepy and disturbing but really, really well done.  Along the lines of Cormack McCarthy's the Road or Stephen King's the Stand and I don't say it lightly.  

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