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California Passes 50% Budget Requirement Initiative...


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California just gave all its purse strings to the Democrats. I'm ticked off about this one. Of course the state is mostly Democrat so providing majoritarian rule isn't the most un-democratic thing... wonder this will create some Republican gains over the long run.

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California just gave all its purse strings to the Democrats. I'm ticked off about this one. Of course the state is mostly Democrat so providing majoritarian rule isn't the most un-democratic thing... wonder this will create some Republican gains over the long run.

They (GOP) also lost some house seats in state.

Andy Pugno, who was one of the major players in writing and getting Prop 8 passed (the prop where we hate gays but we are going to call it the defending marriage) lost his re-election.



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Why would he? DC takes most of California's money and gives it to states like Maryland and Virginia. As much as you hate liberal California - you should thank them for paying for your infrastructure.

If they're stupid enough to give it away, I'm glad those states are smart enough to take it.

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I'm so glad this prop passed. It probably has the most potential for good in CA than any other proposition. Prop 19 would have been a cool novelty, but this one can actually get stuff done.

If they're stupid enough to give it away, I'm glad those states are smart enough to take it.

I think you mean "we're" when you say "they're"

the suburbs of Maryland, Virginia and DC are bloated with worthless bureaucrats and contractors which all seem to own $700k+ houses ,

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I am referencing federally collected taxes from the state. Not all of it goes back into the state, it gets overpaid to recipient states (which, ironically are mostly red states).

I know what you meant, and Cali, a strongly blue state, generally votes to continue its own raping at the federal level. Therefore, they're only getting what they want and deserve. I have no sympathy for that state full of idiots, but I thank them for the amusement they provide the rest of us.

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California just gave all its purse strings to the Democrats. I'm ticked off about this one. Of course the state is mostly Democrat so providing majoritarian rule isn't the most un-democratic thing... wonder this will create some Republican gains over the long run.

I think passing that prop was very very good thing for the state. Budget gridlock has been killing California for years now. That 2/3rds rule was a disaster and had to be repealed. I'm glad to see they finally did it.

It doesn't matter which party is in power at any given moment. The system has to be able to function, and it wasn't functioning before.

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I voted Yes on Props 20-22, 24, and 25.

Only 3 of them passed...and I can live with that result.

To be honest, the only 2 Props that had to pass or be defeated, to make me happy were 23 (it had to be a no) and 25 (it had to be a yes).

Being that I live on the other coast, I'm not up on CA local politics, and the only Prop I know about (along with everybody else) is Prop 19. What are those 2 that you're happy about failing/passing respectively?

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Prop 23 was financed by Big Oil. It would have repealed California's Global Warming Act of 2006 (AB32). AB32 requires that greenhouse gas emission levels in the state be cut to 1990 levels by 2020

More info here --> http://www.ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php/California_Proposition_23_%282010%29

Even the Governator hated the prop (full disclosure - he does have a legacy of being pro-environment).

Prop 25 was the prop to change the state budget vote to simple majority. The current system requires a 2/3 vote to pass the budget each year. It also states that the legislature will not get paid for the days in which the budget is late.

More info here --> http://www.ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php/California_Proposition_25,_Majority_Vote_for_Legislature_to_Pass_the_Budget_%282010%29

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California didn't give its pursestrings to the Democrats. It gave the majority the ability to pass a budget just like other states. The 2/3 requirement was insane.

It took away the ability of a one-third minority to block the passage of the budget until they get some other non-budgetary concessions - something that happened every single year until now.

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California didn't give its pursestrings to the Democrats. It gave the majority the ability to pass a budget just like other states. The 2/3 requirement was insane.

It took away the ability of a one-third minority to block the passage of the budget until they get some other non-budgetary concessions - something that happened every single year until now.

Do you think this could this be the first step in repealing or amending the god awful Prop 13?

Or will that always be a pipe dream?

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Do you think this could this be the first step in repealing or amending the god awful Prop 13?

Or will that always be a pipe dream?

Pipe dream. Forget about it.

We are stuck with Prop 13 until the Big One comes and sends us all to the bottom of the Pacific.

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So now the Dems in CA have nothing stopping them from fixing the problems in the state. Just like the Ds did ib Wash after 08.

and they won't have Southern Democrats / Blue Dogs to point the finger at when things don't happen. Should be interesting. :munchout:

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How do you spend $162+ million running for Governor and still lose by nearly 1 MILLION votes?


my initial thought was, well California has a lot of people, so maybe a million votes is not that much when compared to total votes cast, but your link shows 97% of polls reporting, and less than 7,400,000 of California's 37,000,000 population voted for governor, that's less than 20%. Is that an average voter turn out or low? Please do not tell me that it is a high turnout for California, that would be sad and scary at the same time.

I though Canada was bad at voter turnout, usually landing around 50% of voters/40% of population, but with at 20% voter turnout (based on population), I suggest a ban on all California government related posts, since it is obvious that the people of California could care less about their government.

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