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"Cardiovascular endurance..." WTF!!!

Touch of Class 17

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Yea he was told by the Redskins PR department that saying that a black QB hasn't grasped the 2 minute offense was a death sentence in that town! People will know that Donovan successfully orchestrated a 2 minute offense before half time of the Lions game so this would be a lie. So he changed it to "conditioning due to lack of practice time this week due to his hamstring injury". :ols:

Does he think this is Denver Colorado or something? This is the east coast... MEDIA CENTRAL! WASHINGTON D.C.. Every QB move of the Redskins is always political.. He should've asked Gibbs how to handle QB controversies before he decided to try it with one of the most successful and respected QBs in the NFL today.

Yeah, Coach this is DC baby. I hate to keep beating a dead horse but everything is political here.


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Yeah, Coach this is DC baby. I hate to keep beating a dead horse but everything is political here.


Yea man.. Shanahan said on his radio show today that he benched Elway in Denver and had to deal with the entire Colorado media. Well.. we'll see how he feels having to hear about this from the entire world. :)

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I just heard the coach make that exact statement. So I didn't have to read the tweet. Even still, his main point, which he said earlier today and just repeated, was that he had concerns about McNabbs "cardiovascular endurance".

you twisted that a little there sister........ Coach stated, Donovan was playing hurt - with the hammy/thigh contusion/groin injury "down there" and the demands of the cardiovascular and LEG movement needed for the 2 minute drill..........

Honestly, if you are going to quote, quote what is said - not what you heard. Please :)

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I think what Shannahan was trying to say was MacNabb's health COUPLED with his lack of practice with the 2 minute drill led to his snap decision to pull him. I don't think he was changing his story but rather elaborating more from yesterday.

No QB on earth was going to run that 2 minute drill with no timeouts with that O-line. That game was lost already. I disagree with the decision to pull the starting QB because its only going to cause controversy and was unneccessary. Not to mention it is highly unorthodox for any coach to pull the qb just to run a 2 minute drill.

Now we even have B-Mitch essentailly calling Shannahan a racist. Great. Something else to spoil the moral of the team over the next 2 weeks. I thought this team was supposed to be 'up and coming'. Lets shoot ourselves in the foot some more..

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I think what Shannahan was trying to say was MacNabb's health COUPLED with his lack of practice with the 2 minute drill led to his snap decision to pull him. I don't think he was changing his story but rather elaborating more from yesterday.

No QB on earth was going to run that 2 minute drill with no timeouts with that O-line. That game was lost already. I disagree with the decision to pull the starting QB because its only going to cause controversy and was unneccessary. Not to mention it is highly unorthodox for any coach to pull the qb just to run a 2 minute drill.

Now we even have B-Mitch essentailly calling Shannahan a racist. Great. Something else to spoil the moral of the team over the next 2 weeks. I thought this team was supposed to be 'up and coming'. Lets shoot ourselves in the foot some more..

Absolutely the winner here.........and I am glad someone else heard B- Mitch and his statement; I really love B Mitch, but that statement was flat out wrong.

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Actually wasn't a " snap " decision at all. Grossman coming in for a two minute drill was discussed and planed for among the coaches should the situation arise. Grossman has even been quoted that coaches told him to be pre - prepared and study a lot of film because there was a situation where he might play so be ready... just wasn't made aware of what situation until it occurred.

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Actually wasn't a " snap " decision at all. Grossman coming in for a two minute drill was discussed and planed for among the coaches should the situation arise. Grossman has even been quoted that coaches told him to be pre - prepared and study a lot of film because there was a situation where he might play so be ready... just wasn't made aware of what situation until it occurred.

Very interesting. Was McNabb made aware that this might occur as well, or did they only tell Grossman?

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Actually wasn't a " snap " decision at all. Grossman coming in for a two minute drill was discussed and planed for among the coaches should the situation arise. Grossman has even been quoted that coaches told him to be pre - prepared and study a lot of film because there was a situation where he might play so be ready... just wasn't made aware of what situation until it occurred.

An example of the difference between really knowing enough to comment intelligently and with relevance on a specific matter (whether you agree or not with the actual benching) and just commenting because it's "what you do" on a message board when you think you "know stuff." People (at least most we males) just like to "opinionate" and hear ourselves (like smelling our own farts). It makes the world go 'round. :)

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I'm sorry this explanation from Shanny is complete BS. He just needs to stop. I would have preferred he stuck with the BS he gave us yesterday.

So now Donovan is not in shape. I wonder if he will have to do the Haynseworth conditioning test.

Like Grossman could outrun McNabb! When will this team cease being a joke! Cmon Shanny, we are not stupid!

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Actually wasn't a " snap " decision at all. Grossman coming in for a two minute drill was discussed and planed for among the coaches should the situation arise. Grossman has even been quoted that coaches told him to be pre - prepared and study a lot of film because there was a situation where he might play so be ready... just wasn't made aware of what situation until it occurred.

Yes, becasue usually they just tell the #2 QB to have a snack and take a nap.. lol And if it was his plan all along, the last 30 seconds of the 1st half was the perfect time to see if Grossman was even capable of saying "hike".. Consequently, McNabb ran the offense fine, for 2 field goals in the last few minutes of the half, including the 30 second drill.. He also ran for a 40 yard gain.. So, believe the BS about his conditioning if you want (remember, after the game it was due to not being competent in the 2 min drill, and having to call TWO WHOLE PLAYS AT ONCE) but I aint buyin it.. Shanny's the coach and I'll contiue to pull for him and the team, but he's loosing respect with alot of fans (and I have to believe players) with his inability to just say "Hey, I made a mistake and it didnt work" That's all that would need to be said to put it all to bed, but he's gonna dig in and look like an idiot doing so.. I hope he has tough skin! :point2sky

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Very interesting. Was McNabb made aware that this might occur as well, or did they only tell Grossman?

Mcnabb wasn't made aware of this. Grossman wasnt even told exactly mainly a coaches discussion and decision IF the situation arose and it did. IF there was no need for the 2min offense and having to go the whole field with no timeouts at the end of the game Rex would still have zero snaps this year.

“I was put on high alert all week that in some situation I might get in there,” Grossman said Monday morning at Redskins Park.

Grossman conceded that he didn’t know exactly what that situation was going to be or whether he would get in at all.

“Nothing concrete. I just was told to make sure to watch a lot of tape and be ready in certain situations,” he said when asked again if he knew the coaches were planning to play him. “I didn’t think anything of it. I thought they were getting me ready to play just in case of a situation they wanted me to play and it turned out to be that situation.”

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I think Shanahan just gave up on the offensive line, and the game, and quite possibly just didn't want McNabb to get killed. He already had been mugged by Vandenbosch and beat up by Suh.

Grossman doesn't realize he was just cannon fodder.

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Say,, haven't I seen McNabb lack the cardiovascular fortitude in the final minutes of a game before?


the S..

the Sup..

it's on the tip of my tongue..

the Super....




I think the thread starter got pushed...... :D

But, others want to ride a horse until the shoes/hoofs/fur/frothy mouth with no bite left is down for the last truth.

I believe I saw that SUP ERRRRR bOwLLLLLLLLLLL.

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