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The "Down By Contact" Rule Needs To Be Revisited.


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that's true. I'm not a fan of subjectivity, but there are places it is needed. i.e. late hits, roughing, and catch in bounds. Trust me, just a matter of time before someone goes up for a jump ball and gets carried 3-5 yards out of bounds :)

And there is nothign wrong with that cause its within the rules, its the QBs fault for throwing so high.

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Football is not a constant sport...it can be predictable. A rule book...which is constant will NEVER be able to account for the unpredictability of the NFL. Trust me...there would be an opposite controversial situation where they'd have to change the rule yet again

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If you fall down it's your fault. The rule is fine.

He didn't fall down, he was diving for an interception. I'd actually like to see that play again to see if he was touched before he had complete possesion of the ball. I don't really like the rule myself. It seems that the player should have to be trying to touch or tackle the player. But if they change it then we have another judgement call for the refs & the NFL doesn't need anything else to confuse the refs. They have enough trouble throwing flags for obvious penalties.

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If the rule is so clear cut, Then why was Kareem Moore not called down after his interception against the Saints last year???

His thigh pad slid against the recievers back as he was going to the ground after making the interception. If this had been called correctly it would have prevented the strip for a touchdown.

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If the rule is so clear cut, Then why was Kareem Moore not called down after his interception against the Saints last year???

His thigh pad slid against the recievers back as he was going to the ground after making the interception. If this had been called correctly it would have prevented the strip for a touchdown.

Calling a rule correctly versus changing a rule to suit your whim are two different things. The rule as written is fine. Refs need a crash course in officiating from time to time and need to be suspended by the league when they severely screw up.

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Calling a rule correctly versus changing a rule to suit your whim are two different things.

Exactly my point, every time there is something that doesn't go exactly the way that would advantage us we want to change the rules, at a certain point it's just silly, and if they changed the rules every time that something went against us then ball carriers would never be down, and we'd score on every drive.

Change terrible rules; i.e. force out incompletions, but leave simple things like down by contact alone.

BTW, Landry's foot hit the WR's thigh and calf, it was as clear a day, and there was no question about it.

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Some of you remind me of my dad. Whenever I say this or that is stupid and shouldn't be that way, he always responds "well, that's the rule." Well, no crap. The question is does that rule promote football as you imagine it ideally in your head. In my world, a "tackle" requires effort and, at the very least, intent. The receiver in this case was kicked in the butt while Landry rolled after making the interception. So, yes, technically, he's "down by contact" and was "tackled," I don't think he should have been. So I'd be fine with adding something in the rule about intentionally touching the down runner. And I don't think it would be too hard to judge.

I guarantee you situations would come about where it would be difficult to judge intent.

The rule is fine.

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Okay, I've given this some thought. Keep the rule the same, but start calling it "down with contact".


Down with contact or down by contact, what's the difference? It seems like a lot of folks around here are nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking. You were either touched or you weren't, there's not much else to it.

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You were either touched or you weren't, there's not much else to it.

:) What about when no one touches you? but you touch someone else? (as what happened in this situation) Down with contact! :)

If I go outside and ball my hand up into a fist and hold it arm length from my body and someone decides that they would like to walk into it, did I punch them? Did they punch themselves? Did they hit me with their face? Who knows? But I'd love to have a word for it.

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:) What about when no one touches you? but you touch someone else? (as what happened in this situation) Down with contact! :)

If I go outside and ball my hand up into a fist and hold it arm length from my body and someone decides that they would like to walk into it, did I punch them? Did they punch themselves? Who knows? But I'd love to have a word for it.

Does it matter? I don't know, I'd say no.

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I'm fine with this rule the way it is. The more judgment calls a ref and crew has to make the more inconsistent it becomes. It also gives a chance for them to think rather than react, and that again leads to a greater opportunity for a mistake. Make it black and white with no interpretation. That's the main reason I like the force out rule, or lack there of. It's all clear cut now.

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Down with contact or down by contact, what's the difference? It seems like a lot of folks around here are nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking. You were either touched or you weren't, there's not much else to it.

the word 'by' implies a causal relationship.

But backing up for a moment, it was meant to be somewhat tongue in cheek.

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