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No Oline = No Offense = No wins. And btw, no draft picks


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Did you see the graphic during the game about our lack of draft picks on the field vs Packers draft picks now playing for them? But we have good coaching and a veteran quarterback as well as a defense that will continue to get better as the season goes on so that is how we are going to have to roll for this season. Meanwhile Allen needs to work hard in the off season to bring in some more young talent. I like number 13 and we did not miss number 11 today at all.

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You know it's funny. It's the same thing over and over in Redskins land. You look at the threads and fans will say McNabb is a bum, Shanahan can't call plays, ect, ect. None of that matters. The Redskins can't block. They have had the worst oline in the nfl for several seasons now.

The Redskins can't run block, and they can't pass protect. Guys used to talk about how terrible Campbell was last year, and he probably is a bust, but bring in HOF QB McNabb and other than a little more success on broken plays nothing looks any different. People used to dump on Zorn, who was definitely in over his head, but HOF coach Shanahan and all the talk of how much better the off-season was, and things really don't look different.

Aikman was exactly right when he siad it doesn't really matter what Shanahan does, Bruce Allen is the one that has to change things. But how long will that take?

The Skins have almost zero young talent to develop other than Orakpo and Williams, and once again they don't have many draft picks next Spring. They need a NT, a RB, a WR, at least 1 LB, and at least 3 olineman. Meanwhile we just cut our top draft pick from a couple of seasons ago and the other is on IR and can't stay healthy. New England in contrast has 2 picks in each of the first 4 rounds next season.

I hate to say it guys, but this situation is going to be bad for a long time. It's a shame b/c put a decent line in front of McNabb and this is a decent team.

Savvy fans in ES have been saying it for years: It all starts up front and the Skins just don't have the horses on the line. But Redskins management, no matter who that is, continues to propigate the fantasy that they are a McNabb, or a Haynesworth, or a Jason Taylor away from being contenders so they continue to trade away those critical second and third round picks.

When will the Redskins admit defeat and truly start over? Until they face the fact that the formula they've used for the last decade has been a failure, they will continue to stink it up on the field. Me, I don't know how much more I can watch of this.


"You sound like a gay."

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I believe it's very hard to judge how bad the "situation" is going to be. Some very good teams do as well with UDFA's as draft picks.

Right now at NT there's a young Antonio Bryant who could concievably develop, at RB Torrain, Williams and even Chad Simpson, at WR there's Armstrong, Banks('m not especially high on him as I see potential for his NFL career to end... violently), Kelly and Terrence Austin, at LB we've got Rak, Rocky, Riley, Robert Henson(someday we need all four of these guys starting, The Four R's) as for young OL we have Williams, Lichtensteiger, Cook and Capers,.

No team can ever fill every position with top draft picks. All the people I've just listed are young talent. Whether or not we agree with the rosters, there's really only so much we can do. I was heavily against the Thomas cut, I'll admit, so maybe I'm being hypocritical, but in that case I just felt it was a case of them not really giving him a chance. I'd hate for any of the guys I listed to be cut without playing a down.

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The OP in general is right.

This team seriously lacks talent. The coaching and intelligence of this team is what has us at 3-2.

It is going to take 2-3 drafts to restock this team

With free agents and other possible trades I think that same coaching and intelligence could make that up sooner then expected. We finally have a good coach and decent plays. I think the main problem with the Oline is missed blocks which can be fixed with training.

Overall it might take some time to get the Skins to the top but you got to hand it to them these games are anything but boring.

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lol I think it's hilarious all these threads started at about 3:22. What happened around that time?

I'll admit I go into another world and hate on the skins mid-game, but I wouldn't start threads because of the possibility of looking stupid later. I'm gonna REALLY try to stay positive during games from now on.

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that's not the argument GSF made...follow the logic:

- trading draft picks undercuts the ability to restock with youth

- the team created greater off-season needs by shifting to the 3-4 w/o the right talent

- the team still has 2-3 gaps on the O-line and obvious problems in the receiving corps

he's saying the ability to turn this around might actually take longer than expected because of current decisions. and if that is the case...the part he left out is when does QB become a concern again?

Point is that he started this, when the Skins weren't playing very well. Did he start anything like this last week? NO!! Thread fails!! Shanahan is the coach. He wanted the 3-4 defense. Not all of the parts are there. I agree. No way they could overhaul the entire team, without giving up draft picks. A 2nd for McNabb. Worth it? Where is Campbell? On the end of the bench in Oakland.

Receiving corps? Come on, man!!

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that's not the argument GSF made...follow the logic:

- trading draft picks undercuts the ability to restock with youth

- the team created greater off-season needs by shifting to the 3-4 w/o the right talent

- the team still has 2-3 gaps on the O-line and obvious problems in the receiving corps

he's saying the ability to turn this around might actually take longer than expected because of current decisions. and if that is the case...the part he left out is when does QB become a concern again?

I for one am tired of the ****ing about the 3-4.

"Oh let's rebuild!" "Hey, you think we should rebuild?" "Yeah, we should definitely rebuild!" "Great idea! Let's rebuild!"

Team switches to rebuilding a 3-4

"Oh my god what are they doing?" "Idiots!" "Fire Haslett!" "Shanahan is a moron!"

McNabb was a steal regardless of what anyone says, and he was brought in to improve the culture in DC just as much as anything else. Shanahan is using this year as almost a year-long tryout to see who can succeed in his system.

We're a ways away but this isn't the same old **** we've been seeing. Hey, I enjoy trading away great players for draft picks in Madden 11 just like everyone else, but how many times do you see the type of rebuilding everyone on here dreams about? Not to mention the complete lack of thought put towards contracts and finances when talking about all of this. Some things you just can't do.

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While I think it's obvious we lack talent in key areas, our coaching staff has us at 3-2 right now, which is nothing short of a miracle.

I just wish all the hate against whoever would stop, it's ridiculous. We would have sacrificed a family pet to be 3-2 last season.

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You know it's funny. It's the same thing over and over in Redskins land. You look at the threads and fans will say McNabb is a bum, Shanahan can't call plays, ect, ect. None of that matters. The Redskins can't block. They have had the worst oline in the nfl for several seasons now.

The Redskins can't run block, and they can't pass protect. Guys used to talk about how terrible Campbell was last year, and he probably is a bust, but bring in HOF QB McNabb and other than a little more success on broken plays nothing looks any different. People used to dump on Zorn, who was definitely in over his head, but HOF coach Shanahan and all the talk of how much better the off-season was, and things really don't look different.

Aikman was exactly right when he siad it doesn't really matter what Shanahan does, Bruce Allen is the one that has to change things. But how long will that take?

The Skins have almost zero young talent to develop other than Orakpo and Williams, and once again they don't have many draft picks next Spring. They need a NT, a RB, a WR, at least 1 LB, and at least 3 olineman. Meanwhile we just cut our top draft pick from a couple of seasons ago and the other is on IR and can't stay healthy. New England in contrast has 2 picks in each of the first 4 rounds next season.

I hate to say it guys, but this situation is going to be bad for a long time. It's a shame b/c put a decent line in front of McNabb and this is a decent team.

Savvy fans in ES have been saying it for years: It all starts up front and the Skins just don't have the horses on the line. But Redskins management, no matter who that is, continues to propigate the fantasy that they are a McNabb, or a Haynesworth, or a Jason Taylor away from being contenders so they continue to trade away those critical second and third round picks.

When will the Redskins admit defeat and truly start over? Until they face the fact that the formula they've used for the last decade has been a failure, they will continue to stink it up on the field. Me, I don't know how much more I can watch of this.

I agree sir.
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Yes we won, but cmon we got lucky. All those Packers injured including Mattews. Everyone want to move on and talk about drafting a WR or RB when really we are still not finish building this offensive line. We can't allow McNabb to be taking hits like that every week. Grateful for the win though...

You're right, we certainly didn't have to deal with replacing both of our starting tackles and a starting guard.

Oh, wait....

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BS!!!! The score is currently 13-10, Green Bay. Green Bay is a good team. The Skins win, you are mine

+1 lmao after the win GSF shot outta here like a bullet I dislike when the wrong do not own up.

Good luck with that. Defense and packers' injuries are keeping us in it.


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Didn't shoot out at all. Logged out, watched the end of the game, had a bite to eat with the fam, but I'm back now. I still stand by my original point.

I'm glad as anyone that the team won, and the big difference this year that I did not acknowledge in my OP is that Shanny and McNabb have the team playing with a ton of heart, and I applaud that. That doesn't change my original point though that this team can't block consistently, and has holes all over the roster. Do I think Shanny can turn it around? Yes, of course, but I think we're several good drafts aways from being serious contenders. If you think this team has any chance of getting deep into the playoffs with that oline you keep enjoying the kool-aid.

Kudos to the defense, especially Rak and Landry, for their great play, but the Skins got some serious help from the football gods today. The Packers had a ton of injuries and penalties, and the Skins capitalized. I'm enjoying the win just like everyone else, but it is what it is.

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Kudos to the defense, especially Rak and Landry, for their great play, but the Skins got some serious help from the football gods today. The Packers had a ton of injuries and penalties, and the Skins capitalized. I'm enjoying the win just like everyone else, but it is what it is.

I'm glad we got some help from the Gods, because we certainly didn't get any help from the Refs. :2cents:

I'm glad we won too, and i'll take a team full of heart any day of the week and twice on Sunday.


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I got to admit with the Packers first drive and the horrible play of the Oline and McNabb I thought this was going to be a blow out. They gutted this one out. Oh andby the way injuries are a part of the game and overcoming them is a sign of a good team.

With the situation that Shanahan/Allen were presented, with overpayed, mediodre, old talent, and what 5 draftpicks, They made the most with what they had.

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The OP in general is right.

This team seriously lacks talent. The coaching and intelligence of this team is what has us at 3-2.

It is going to take 2-3 drafts to restock this team

That was always the case. I think the huge thing to me that is different is that both of the higher profile trades they made this past offseason were intelligent, good values. It doesn't have to be all or nothing, draft or trades. I think the upgrade at QB was sorely needed because without it, how do we even develop or know what we have around him at offense? A bad QB can stunt the development of the skill players and line around him. It's clearly going to take several offseasons but isn't that what we all were asking for? Get rid of Vinny and start fresh? Right now we are an undertalented, scrappy, tough, smart and well coached team. That's a major improvement over recent seasons and we will all just have to wait and see what gets done in the next couple offseasons. In the meantime, we're getting wins against quality teams in an NFC and NFC East that is chock full of flawed teams where anything can happen.

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Do I think Shanny can turn it around? Yes, of course, but I think we're several good drafts aways from being serious contenders. If you think this team has any chance of getting deep into the playoffs with that oline you keep enjoying the kool-aid.

I still think we are an 8-8 squad. But GD, if we can do this with the holes we have, just imagine year three of Shanny...

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Didn't shoot out at all. Logged out, watched the end of the game, had a bite to eat with the fam, but I'm back now. I still stand by my original point.

I'm glad as anyone that the team won, and the big difference this year that I did not acknowledge in my OP is that Shanny and McNabb have the team playing with a ton of heart, and I applaud that. That doesn't change my original point though that this team can't block consistently, and has holes all over the roster. Do I think Shanny can turn it around? Yes, of course, but I think we're several good drafts aways from being serious contenders. If you think this team has any chance of getting deep into the playoffs with that oline you keep enjoying the kool-aid.

Kudos to the defense, especially Rak and Landry, for their great play, but the Skins got some serious help from the football gods today. The Packers had a ton of injuries and penalties, and the Skins capitalized. I'm enjoying the win just like everyone else, but it is what it is.

Like I said, there was no way Allen could overhaul Vinnys mess in 1 offseason. No way. Injuries are part of football. Do you think the Packers would care if it were the other way around? No.

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