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No Oline = No Offense = No wins. And btw, no draft picks


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You know it's funny. It's the same thing over and over in Redskins land. You look at the threads and fans will say McNabb is a bum, Shanahan can't call plays, ect, ect. None of that matters. The Redskins can't block. They have had the worst oline in the nfl for several seasons now.

The Redskins can't run block, and they can't pass protect. Guys used to talk about how terrible Campbell was last year, and he probably is a bust, but bring in HOF QB McNabb and other than a little more success on broken plays nothing looks any different. People used to dump on Zorn, who was definitely in over his head, but HOF coach Shanahan and all the talk of how much better the off-season was, and things really don't look different.

Aikman was exactly right when he siad it doesn't really matter what Shanahan does, Bruce Allen is the one that has to change things. But how long will that take?

The Skins have almost zero young talent to develop other than Orakpo and Williams, and once again they don't have many draft picks next Spring. They need a NT, a RB, a WR, at least 1 LB, and at least 3 olineman. Meanwhile we just cut our top draft pick from a couple of seasons ago and the other is on IR and can't stay healthy. New England in contrast has 2 picks in each of the first 4 rounds next season.

I hate to say it guys, but this situation is going to be bad for a long time. It's a shame b/c put a decent line in front of McNabb and this is a decent team.

Savvy fans in ES have been saying it for years: It all starts up front and the Skins just don't have the horses on the line. But Redskins management, no matter who that is, continues to propigate the fantasy that they are a McNabb, or a Haynesworth, or a Jason Taylor away from being contenders so they continue to trade away those critical second and third round picks.

When will the Redskins admit defeat and truly start over? Until they face the fact that the formula they've used for the last decade has been a failure, they will continue to stink it up on the field. Me, I don't know how much more I can watch of this.

Sorry they could not turn it around completely in one offseason with very few draft picks and a bad free agency season because of the CBA issues. I mean they did use their #1 pick on OL but if you would like we can refund your fan card!

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Wow @ the double standards people hold to our team. So we didn't get bad calls? We didn't get injured players? We aren't in Week 5 of a new offense and defense? We aren't lacking at Wide Receiver? McNabb didn't get pressured and sacked a bunch of times on a bad leg?

Some of you disgust me...anything to put down our team. I sincerely hope this team keeps the momentum going for the rest of the season so you all can apologize for acting like the sky is falling every time something goes wrong

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Three of the starting OL from last year are gone. In their place is a 1st round draft choice, a former pro bowler free agent, and a starter from another team. In addition, a fourth OL has been benched in favor of youth and quickness. Now really, how much more attention could we give in one year? Most of us said that realistically, 8-8 was about the best we could hope for in Shanny's first year of rebuilding. I would say we are right on target.

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We add two bookend tackles in one offseason ... not to mention a veteran qb ... and people still think we arent doing enough.


It's been bad ... but it takes time to rebuild things ... Shanny and Allen have been here for months ... not years, but months.

We are 3-2 and yes we have holes, but so does the entire NFL.

I hope some of you have more patience than this in real life.

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how about: good QB = chance in every single game.

i like that better.

Yeah I like that too, which is the big difference from last year. It doesn't concern you though when 5 doesn't get any time in the pocket to throw for an entire game, and the line gets consistently pushed back on running plays?

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Yeah I like that too, which is the big difference from last year. It doesn't concern you though when 5 doesn't get any time in the pocket to throw for an entire game, and the line gets consistently pushed back on running plays?

Well Rome was not built in a day and neither is an offensive line. Given what was available in free agency, the draft and on the roster I think the front office did about as well as could be expected while not hamstringing the team financially in the future. I do think you will see steady improvement along the O Line as the season progresses but never will they be considered "elite".

This entire season is all about evaluation while trying to remain competitive. They gave up 1 sack against Dallas, 3 against Houston, 1 against St. Louis, 1 against Philly and 5 against Green Bay. Other than two games, the line has not been abysmal though there is room for improvement.

Give them a little time to gel. They are still evaluating.

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Yeah I like that too, which is the big difference from last year. It doesn't concern you though when 5 doesn't get any time in the pocket to throw for an entire game, and the line gets consistently pushed back on running plays?

its a concern, but heres a fact:

even getting killed all game and running for his life, our QB managed 357 yards and a huge game changing TD to a guy from the dolphins practice squad. all last year i heard how no QB could succeed with poor oline play and how the line needs to give guys time, blah blah. well were already seeing how much impact a great QB has on an offense regardless of the oline play.

figure this: think of how much BETTER mcnabb would be right now if we did have better oline play? the oline will be fixed, its a process and were doing it piece by piece. its looking like we have our bookend LT for the next 5-7 years already, which is a huge sigh of relief.

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figure this: think of how much BETTER mcnabb would be right now if we did have better oline play? the oline will be fixed, its a process and were doing it piece by piece. its looking like we have our bookend LT for the next 5-7 years already, which is a huge sigh of relief.

This was my perspective as well. If we can do this now, with how poorly our line is playing, how paper thin our WR core is, how out of position some of our defenders are, what can we do year 2, year 3, etc.?

We aren't going to win every game left on our schedule, but we should recognize the progress that is being made.

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....People used to dump on Zorn, who was definitely in over his head, but HOF coach Shanahan and all the talk of how much better the off-season was, and things really don't look different.

Probably the biggest fail of the thread.

I hate to say it guys, but this situation is going to be bad for a long time.

If by "bad" you mean "not winning superbowls" then you're probably right.

But we've taken worse teams to the playoffs....twice in the past 5 years.

So....I guess the overall point of this thread was that the Skins have work to do and needs to rebuild the O line? :whoknows:

I'm pretty sure this is obvious to about 99.9% of Skins fans.

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