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I was at the St Louis game- what I saw Haynesworth do


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Longtime Redskins STH. I was at the game in St Louis. Somewhere in the 3rd Q (I think), during a long TV timeout, I saw #92 wandering around the field. Thing is, he was on the Rams side of the line of scrimmage, milling around and chatting with the Rams players. Again, this was during the game but almost certainly not on TV because of the timeout.

Near the end of the TV timeout, he returned to the 'skins side and I watched London Fletcher pull Haynesworth up close and have an animated prolonged close-in conversation, complete with Fletcher hand gestures making contact with Haynesworth's chest.

Captain dressing down player after hanging around with opponent *on the field* during a timeout? Huh? Either Haynesworth was running around doing Jedi mind tricks on the opponent or he decided an NFL football game was an opportune time to find out how some friend's wife and kids were doing.

Killer instinct? Or just a well paying job to Haynesworth? I'll never know but it sure didn't look good.

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Reply to brandymac27:

When you say animated by Fletcher, what exactly was he doing to Al?

Open hand, chopping into his chest to make his points, standing close. Similar to how you might talk down some drunk guy at a bar if he tried to hit on your girlfriend.

By the way, the milling around was *deep* on the Rams side of the line of scrimmage. Nowhere near the line or some arguably neutral area.

Maybe Haynesworth was negotiating a trade and Fletcher was coaching him on the finer points of the collective bargaining agreement.

Most of the game, though, Haynesworth stood as close to Haslett on the sideline as he could. This is a positive thing, probably.

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Haynesworth is not a football player. He is a large man with extraordinary strength who fell into the game. He has no passion for football, and even less since he's been paid. His only motivation other than money is anger at slights real or perceived. But the motivation doesn't result in better football, it results in a belligerent attitude toward those who he perceives has slighted him.

I recall when he signed with the Redskins Haynesworth said that he wanted to show he was the best defensive lineman in the game. That statement is a laughable joke now.

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Longtime Redskins STH. I was at the game in St Louis. Somewhere in the 3rd Q (I think), during a long TV timeout, I saw #92 wandering around the field. Thing is, he was on the Rams side of the line of scrimmage, milling around and chatting with the Rams players. Again, this was during the game but almost certainly not on TV because of the timeout.

Near the end of the TV timeout, he returned to the 'skins side and I watched London Fletcher pull Haynesworth up close and have an animated prolonged close-in conversation, complete with Fletcher hand gestures making contact with Haynesworth's chest.

Captain dressing down player after hanging around with opponent *on the field* during a timeout? Huh? Either Haynesworth was running around doing Jedi mind tricks on the opponent or he decided an NFL football game was an opportune time to find out how some friend's wife and kids were doing.

Killer instinct? Or just a well paying job to Haynesworth? I'll never know but it sure didn't look good.

I didn't know they allowed players from the opposing team to go over into offenses side of the ball, whether it be a timeout or not. Other than switching sides during quarter changes. And i find it hard to believe Haynesworth would walk deep into the opposing teams side of the line of scrimmage. I could believe if he was about 5 yards over the line to chat with the players, but not more than that. And again, i don't even know if that is allowed, and if the refs would've told him to get back with the defense.

I've been to games, and i've never seen anything like that from any player from any team, during any long timeouts. Even in prime time games when some tv timeouts might be longer than usual.

I'm sorry that i'm having a hard time believing you, i just don't like the whole "i saw this guy do this at the game" or "this person close to the team told me this." And then people reading and responding to the thread run with it and start having their own input based on information which may not even be accurate in the first place.

You got any pictures of what you saw?

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I didn't know they allowed players from the opposing team to go over into offenses side of the ball, whether it be a timeout or not. Other than switching sides during quarter changes. And i find it hard to believe Haynesworth would walk deep into the opposing teams side of the line of scrimmage. I could believe if he was about 5 yards over the line to chat with the players, but not more than that. And again, i don't even know if that is allowed, and if the refs would've told him to get back with the defense.

I've been to games, and i've never seen anything like that from any player from any team, during any long timeouts. Even in prime time games when some tv timeouts might be longer than usual.

I'm sorry that i'm having a hard time believing you, i just don't like the whole "i saw this guy do this at the game" or "this person close to the team told me this." And then people reading and responding to the thread run with it and start having their own input based on information which may not even be accurate in the first place.

You got any pictures of what you saw?

No pictures, just there with my family to enjoy the game. Not a prosecutor or investigator. Been to many 'skins games over my life, and the fact that this was weird is exactly why I decided to say something. Not really interested in trying to convince you- you're right, innocent until proven guilty and unless you call the Rams media office for the videotape, you'll have to either decide I might be a fellow fan reporting something interesting or a liar. You can decide- doesn't really matter to me.

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No pictures, just there with my family to enjoy the game. Not a prosecutor or investigator. Been to many 'skins games over my life, and the fact that this was weird is exactly why I decided to say something. Not really interested in trying to convince you- you're right, innocent until proven guilty and unless you call the Rams media office for the videotape, you'll have to either decide I might be a fellow fan reporting something interesting or a liar. You can decide- doesn't really matter to me.

It's cool. I'm glad you had a good time with your family at the game.

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And i find it hard to believe Haynesworth would walk deep into the opposing teams side of the line of scrimmage. I could believe if he was about 5 yards over the line to chat with the players, but not more than that.

Really you saw a law or a rule that prohibited that? ;) Please provide a link to that rule that forbids it. :)

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Captain dressing down player after hanging around with opponent *on the field* during a timeout? Huh? Either Haynesworth was running around doing Jedi mind tricks on the opponent or he decided an NFL football game was an opportune time to find out how some friend's wife and kids were doing.

Killer instinct? Or just a well paying job to Haynesworth? I'll never know but it sure didn't look good.

:rotflmao: classic!

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Really you saw a law or a rule that prohibited that? ;) Please provide a link to that rule that forbids it. :)

Hi there. I didn't say i saw a rule specifically stating that, but i was just pretty sure that you can't go into the other teams side of the field when they are in the huddles. And during tv timeouts, player personnel typically go to the sidelines or if they stay on the field, you'll see the players either huddled up, or the team staff out there with the water bottles and stuff like that tending to players standing around. But otherwise, i assume Haynesworth could just go over and get word of the play being called if he can freely go to the opposing teams side of the line of scrimmage, instead of just standing there waiting for the offense to line up.

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