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I was at the St Louis game- what I saw Haynesworth do


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Dont you think if this really happened as the OP said it did the cameras and announcers would have picked up on it and ran with it? They picked up on AH looking mean week 1 and accused him of not being with the rest of the defense when the rest of the defensive line wasn't in the huddle either. They would have had a field day with a story like this and it wouldn't be hard to notice a big guy like AH on the opposite side of the field.

Don't you think ANYONE in the press writing a story would have written about this? Out of the thousands of people at the stadium this guy is the only person to see this? I'm calling BS on this one.

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AH knows this is a lost cause.

Jason Taylor knew this was a lost cause.

We are a joke of an organization. I for one don't care about this AH story. He knows he wont be here soon and he's thrilled

I agree completely. It's still a total debacle, even with the upgrade @head coach.

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I agree completely. It's still a total debacle, even with the upgrade @head coach.

Whether it's a debacle or not, lost cause or not, he STILL signed on. We were a bad organization before he signed on. He knew what he was in for. Don't even give him an excuse to not honor his contract. I thought his signing was terrible because of his character issues......I'll take a guy with heart and work ethic over talent any day.........Wes Welker anyone?

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Let me ask you a question. Say Orakpo during a key part of the game was seen talking to Rams players on the other side of the ball, then pulled back and yelled at by the team captain? What would your thought be? Mine would be that there was some smack talking going on and his captain reminded him not to do anything stupid.

Perhaps that was what was happening with AH?

Or - perhaps he has a friend he was talking to. Hell, many times I see where a player goes out on the other teams sidelines, and you see him give a quick hug, or high five to a friend on the other team.

These guys are doing a job. They play hard - Probably play even HARDER when they are playing against friends. But these seems like a non story.

and for those that say AH doesn't care - You dont get to the NFL without having a competitive drive. Its very possibile, even likely, that he hates playing for the skins now because of what has happened, but I have no doubt that when he is on the field, he is pushing himself.

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Hayneworthless bench this clown or cut him loose and take the hit the guy clearly does not want to play he is making a joke out of the whole thing the guy is worthless.

I understand why people want him out but no self respecting GM will let him go for nothing. Vinny sucked and would have let him go like L. Coles. That is why we are currently in this sistuation. It was the way the Skins did business for the last decade. A new front office is going to set a standard that lets any future player know they are not going come here for a payday with not effort. And if they do then it will be unpleasent. That is the way it should be. AH is the least happiest person the team. It is going to stay that way until he falls in line, or gives back money, or someone offers a 2nd. Giving him away only helps the team short term but hurts long term.

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Thinking about it more, I'm less bothered by the fraternizing. This does go on during many games- FedEx Field included (although I still think it's very unusual when the game clock is actually on- it's normal and common postgame).

I'm more bothered by the fact that ten defensive players were all together on the Redskins side, and one was on the other side by himself with the opposing team. Really didn't look good.

I'm going back to my theory that he was asking around if anyone wanted to move to Washington as part of a trade. (okay, before you all jump on me, I'm kidding.)

As far as the BS comments, okay. Not sure what my agenda would be- I actually want Albert to stay in DC if he can get his head on straight. He's worth far more than a 2nd rounder or a cast-off receiver. When he jumped over the center (offsides by a mile but fortunately not called), he looked like a beast again for a moment. Take it for what it's worth- from a first-time poster, long-time lurker and dedicated fan. By the way, there were a lot of Redskins fans there- good to see. And the Renaissance Hotel across the street was full of burgundy and gold.

And to TMK9973- very good point and I've thought about that too. I hope he was fired up and making trouble over there. Didn't look like it, but you're right that if it had been Fletcher or Orakpo it would have looked different. Fair point.

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Some of you guys are ridiculous. You say, fraternizing is no big deal, yet you can't believe the OP. No media people have "picked up on it" because no media people were WATCHING THE ******* GAME. No media people care about the Rams vs the Skins. Why would you need proof when we've seen that AH likes to wander off and do his own thing during practice, during the offseason, during half time meetings, during games. It's pretty obvious, the OP is telling the truth, it's not like he said Fletcher was over taking pictures with Rams players during the timeout. THAT would be unbelievable.

I don't care what AH was doing during timeouts, because during the game he was busy getting his *** handed to him over and over again, especially against the run. Anyone remember the huge hole up the middle that the Rams created on one of their 4th quarter drives, one that we really needed to stop, AH was the one that got bowled over and flattened to the turf. He was supposed to be filling that enormous hole, but his *** was on the ground with two grown men on top of him.

He was pathetic, talking to the other team or not, Fletcher was right to yell at the dude. He needs to get his ******* head in the game or retire. Currently we'd be better off with any of our backups manning his spot.

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We have spent millions over the years bringing in overhyped underachieving Dbags to this team, what's another 100 million? JT comes to mind...anyone remember Trotter? Anyone remember Stubblefield? They never did anything for this team. Sure we have gotten lucky with some like Fletcher and Moss. Just deactivate his sorry butt every game for the year then get rid of him after the season. He is nothing but a crybaby distraction now.

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Yeah I'm not sure what to make of this. Players talk to opposing players on the time during TOs and such. I think if this was anyone other than AH, we wouldn't care.

The irony is that when he's on his own sideline, he's off by himself not talking to anybody. But on the field, he's chatting up the other team like he's a guest host on The View.

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The irony is that when he's on his own sideline, he's off by himself not talking to anybody. But on the field, he's chatting up the other team like he's a guest host on The View.

It seems like he chats it up in the locker room too. So who knows what he's doing thinking half the time. But I don't see this as much of an issue. Who knows what was going on at that point in the game.

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I see nothing wrong with talking, but I see EVERYTHING wrong with Haynesworth's play! The two long TD runs against us were with him in the game. It just seems like when ever Haynesworth is in there we give up really big runs. I look at him and he gets turned by offensive linemen very easily. He doesn't play square in his gap assingments and find the football. He's always in pass rush mode even in running situations. He did that last year with Blache too. Waste of money!

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I think it'd be interesting to see how AH would react at the present time if he were to have an opposing player pull a dirty move on him in the bottom of a pile, or get into a scrap with him after a play is over. Right now he just seems to be going through the motions, completely oblivious to what is going on around him. I'd like to see if something like that would snap him out of his haze, or if he just brush it off and show no retaliation at all. I'd almost say he'd have to get fired up about it, because you would think that would be the natural competitive human spirit. But the way he's been acting lately, it really wouldn't surprise me if he just backed down. :whoknows:

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