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Even if we put aside the fact that multiple mediocre NBA players on each team will receive max deal type contracts, I couldn't think of anyone else I wouldn't want on this team besides Joakim Noah. 


Ernie needs to go swimming at Disney if he makes this offer.

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Also there is no chance that Noah will command a max deal in this market. There are like 5 or 6 centers ahead of him on the totem pole.


I hear you, but there is too much money for these owners to spend.  Not saying he's worth it, but just won't be surprised when he gets it.  Someone will overspend.

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That is a crazy amount of money to commit to Noah. He's 31 and coming off two injury ravaged seasons where he looked significantly diminished. He should be making like 10 million a year at the most and they should be short term deals.

I'd rather have Dwight Howard on a max deal than Noah. 


But don't want either, really. 


On paper, Howard would fit in nicely.  In real life, that dude is a cancer.

Yeah that pretty much sums it up. But I would love to have Noah at a reasonable dollar amount. He is exactly the kind of personality I want in the locker room. Someone who lives and dies by the results of every game.

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That report makes ZERO sense.


I don't buy it as far as the numbers go. 


Do I expect the Wizards to make an offer?  Yes.  Do I expect the Wizards to offer Noah a contract with an AAV around 20-30 mil?  C'mon, bruh.....what the hell kind of sense does that make?  Dude was a shell of his former self, and you're telling me that he's going to command a contract that would make him one of the, if not THE highest paid 5 in the league? 


He's a backup at this point in his career.  He'd certainly help balance things out with the Wizards by coming off the bench due to how skilled he is on both ends of the floor (amazing passer/court vision for a big).  But he shouldn't get a contract more than 12-14 mil per year.  And that might be pushing it. 

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Even Ernie isn't that dumb. Or is he?

Every single Wizards fan is asking themselves this question right now. It is a measure of how bad things have been that none of us can be sure about it.

But he shouldn't get a contract more than 12-14 mil per year.  And that might be pushing it.

I think his agent is the source and I think this is the reason he floated the outrageous max contract claim. 12-14 million is a pretty big stretch for Noah coming off such a disastrous season. He lost his starting job, his numbers tanked, and he missed most of the year, plus he is coming off a bunch of surgeries and he turned 31. But if you float some crazy ass max number and some dumbass reporter runs them for you and you completely blow up the expectations around his market, then maybe 12-14 million actually becomes realistic.

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Ive reported Wizards want to get younger and more athletic bigs. Noah doesnt fit that #WizardsTalk @CSNWizards



Nene's role/minutes have been decreasing for 2 yrs. The Wizards "panicked" over his departure? Theyve expected it #WizardsTalk

Leonsis lauded Grunfeld for getting Markieff Morris at $7.4M. Said fiscally good moves like this reason for keeping him #WIzardsTalk


Going from Morris at $7.4M to Noah at $28M is the exact opposite of that. Leonsis wouldnt sign off on that anyway #WizardsTalk @CSNWizards

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The guy who reported this destroyed his credibility.


I don't see how. It is apparently a league wide fact that we are more than willing to overpay. Its natural that agents will use that to their benefit as well


I wish we could easily dismiss the bull**** rumors, but Grunfeld is the captain of this ship. Bull**** is his M.O.

Edited by StillUnknown
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Predictable result. Grunfeld doesn't have the balls and salesmanship ability to sell someone like Durant.


Look at Scot McLoughan when Josh Norman became a FA. THATS who the Wizards need as a GM.


It isn't just about having money or even the hometown factor. You gotta be able to sell to superstars.

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Predictable result. Grunfeld doesn't have the balls and salesmanship ability to sell someone like Durant.


Look at Scot McLoughan when Josh Norman became a FA. THATS who the Wizards need as a GM.


It isn't just about having money or even the hometown factor. You gotta be able to sell to superstars.

I wasn't counting on EG.


I was betting on Ted.....but whatever. If KD doesn't want to give us a meeting, that's fine

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