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By the way, it is entirely possible that Waiters is going be my favorite player in the league next year. I've been missing Ricky Davis and now he's back.

Bomani Jones made a great point this week: "How good does Cleveland think Waiters could end up being that they are actually considering keeping him on this team?" I now think he has the potential to be better than Wade at his peak, if only because that's the only justifiable reason to keep this particular maniac on this particular roster.

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I liked the point someone made about Waiters: him talking trash would be like B.J. Armstrong talking trash.


It's more than the trash talk. I thin that if you gave Waiters a lie detector test and said, "Who is the best player on the Cavs?" you would find out that he believes the anser is Waiters.


I love players like that.


He is Westbrook if Westbrook was a below average player and playing with two other Kevin Durants.

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It's more than the trash talk. I thin that if you gave Waiters a lie detector test and said, "Who is the best player on the Cavs?" you would find out that he believes the anser is Waiters.


I love players like that.


He is Westbrook if Westbrook was a below average player and playing with two other Kevin Durants.


Serious question, has he been a starter since high school?


Isn't his nickname Fats Waiters, or did I just dream that up?  If not, that's what I'm calling him anyway.

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It's more than the trash talk. I thin that if you gave Waiters a lie detector test and said, "Who is the best player on the Cavs?" you would find out that he believes the anser is Waiters.


I love players like that.


He is Westbrook if Westbrook was a below average player and playing with two other Kevin Durants.


Same thing can be said of Jordan Crawford. 

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Same thing can be said of Jordan Crawford.

Yup, but who didn't like Steez? I loved him. He's clearly got an attitude problem or something behind the scenes though, because he's in China now and Nick Young is a grizzled NBA veteran and they are essentially the same guy.

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After 5 days of #Wizards camp Otto Porter and Glen Rice Jr. are using their summer league success to have a great camp so far. #WizardsTalk

Beal on Pierce: "he doesn't want me to set screens for him... He wants to get me open to score, & I'm not going to argue.." #Wizards #NBA

Daniel Orton is in much better shape than @ summer league. Got some compliments today after about 2:30hrs of practice #WizardsTalk #NBA

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Didn't realize Daniel Orton was still with us. Anyone know when we have to finalize the roster down to 15?

Wonder what kind of contract a guy like Daniel Orton signs? Is it like a ten day contract? I've never thought about it before.

You pretty much have to be a certified agent to understand the NBA's CBA.

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I'm not to the point where I'll abandon watching the Redskins to watch a European soccer team. Though I don't fault anyone who does.

For me, I still love watching football. The game itself, not necessarily who the players are playing for. It used to be that I needed that rooting interest in teams to get into the game, but I've kind of divorced myself from that because of all the disappointment from losing. The fun for me is more about the event of a game, sharing it's viewing with family members, celebrating the players who play well, and enjoying the raw competition of the game itself. I still get excited when we do well, but I don't get as angry when we don't. Football is a game invented for children and college kids to play. It's supposed to be fun. And it is if you don't live and die with the outcomes on the scoreboard.

My favorite football experiences are watching games with opposing fans. It forces me to be a good sport about it and not take it too seriously. Football should bring people together. But the NFL takes itself way too damn seriously and it's fans do too.

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#wizards owner Ted Leonsis is chairman of the NBA’s media committee

Click on the link to read the rest,





3 consequences of the NBA's enormous new TV deal




Monday the NBA is announcing a new deal with ABC/ESPN and Turner that will keep the league on those broadcasters' channels through 2025 for the cool price of $2.67 billion per year, according to reports. (That's up from $930 million per year on the current deal, a near-tripling of the contract's value.) The deal will kick in for the 2016-17 season. Here are three practical consequences of the new deal.

Player salaries are going to explode


Under the current collective bargaining agreement, just about half of all of the NBA's basketball-related income is earmarked for player salary. The league's annual TV revenue is going from $930 million to $2.67 billion, an increase of $1.74 billion per season. (This assumes a flat contract, which may not be the case, but work with me here.) Half of that is $870 million. That's what players stand to gain per year from the TV contract bump.

Players are forecast to receive a combined $2.33 billion in salary this season. Now add an additional $870 million to that. That's an incredible increase ... without any increase in the pool of players receiving salary. (Even if there is two-team expansion in the near-future, you're only adding 30 players to the 450 current roster spots.) 


Total player salary will increase by 167 percent just because of the TV deal, excluding any other growth.


The salary cap will explode, too. Based on current NBA projections and the new TV deal, basketball-related income in 2016-17 could reach $6.7 billion. If that were the case and benefit costs remained relatively stable, the team salary cap would be about $94 million. For comparison's sake, this season the salary cap is at $63 million.


Adam Silver says NBA plans to help teams plan for dramatic rise in basketball-related income in '16 by "smoothing out" salary cap

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I'm not to the point where I'll abandon watching the Redskins to watch a European soccer team. Though I don't fault anyone who does.

Either Ron was being sarcastic(Which I hope) or he honestly didn't understand that "Going to United" meant "Going to United Center to watch the Wizards @ Bulls preseason opener"

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Yup, but who didn't like Steez? I loved him. He's clearly got an attitude problem or something behind the scenes though, because he's in China now and Nick Young is a grizzled NBA veteran and they are essentially the same guy.

Crawford passed and rebounded his rookie year. He notched a couple of triple doubles and I think Wall and Crawford were the only rookies on the same team ever to have triple dubs.

I had high hopes for Crawford.

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Either Ron was being sarcastic(Which I hope) or he honestly didn't understand that "Going to United" meant "Going to United Center to watch the Wizards @ Bulls preseason opener"

Oh, I didn't realize you were talking about the preseason game either. I'm jealous, that would be fun to go to. It's a great arena and preseason basketball should be fun. I've only been to the United Center once and it was one of my funnest live sporting experiences. It was a Blackhawks vs Avalanche game of all things, on a random week night late in a lost season for both teams and I had absolutely zero rooting interest in either team. Just got dirt cheap tickets with my friends, moved down to good seats, drank reasonably priced beer, and cheered loudly at anything of note that happened. Half of the interest of hockey games for me is all the goofy crap they do in the stands and during breaks. I was entertained.

If the game is on comcast then I too will watch it, but I'll probably flip back and forth between it and MNF. At least until things get out of hand for the Redskins.

Do max deals grow with the cap? The max ceiling is a percentage, so if the cap goes up does the payout for players under max contracts currently when the new tv deal kicks in?

Actually I think you might be right. Because Wall's deal went up this summer when the cap increased.

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TV rights increases on new deals: NBA +186%, NHL +167%, MLB +105%, NFL +64%.

This new TV deal makes the $2 billion Ballmer paid for the Clippers seem more reasonable. Lot of teams could be worth $1 billion or more now

ESPN will also have an additional 15 games on Wednesdays & Fridays. It will also stream games on live, delayed & on demand platforms




Also in new TV deal: ESPN networks will televise at least 20 D-League games and Summer League games will be on ESPN.




Individual max contracts for players with 10 or more years of service would start at $28.2 million in 2016-17 based on these projections and calculations negotiated in the 2011 CBA. This explains why James signed a two-year deal with a player option for 2015-16 when he returned to the Cleveland Cavaliers as a free agent this past summer. James' current max deal pays him $20.64 million this season. Other prospective free agents such as Kevin LoveLaMarcus Aldridge and Marc Gasol are expected to take the same approach to maximize their earnings under the new TV deals.

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Either Ron was being sarcastic(Which I hope) or he honestly didn't understand that "Going to United" meant "Going to United Center to watch the Wizards @ Bulls preseason opener"



LOL...I was being sarcastic...and 1/2 read your post. 


Reading is Fundamental - for me. 


I'll take the "L" on this one. 

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