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A real NBA coach does not use a 12 man rotation. We had 12 players get over 10 minutes tonight. We had only two, Price and Ariza, get over 30.

Yeah I imagine a team that features AJ Price and Trevor Ariza as its two main guys is going to absolutely suck ass.

Wittman is a complete dumbass. He's not a legit NBA coach.

Price/Pargo/Okafor/Ariza/Webster/Martin/Barron ARE ALL ROSTER FILLER. Get it through your head Wittman! We brought those guys in as vet bodies to stabilize the locker room and play in spots, not to feature their scrub asses!!!!!!

Start as many of the young guys as possible, play them 35+ minutes a game, then give the other ones key reserve spots and the bulk of the other minutes. Go with an 8 man rotation. It does not matter if they lose. There is no ****ing point in playing the stop gap scrubs big minutes.

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A real NBA coach does not use a 12 man rotation. We had 12 players get over 10 minutes tonight. We had only two, Price and Ariza, get over 30.

You are absolutely correct. However, i just dont see us playing the correct people 30 minute games. If Whittman decides to go this route, i expect to see a heavy starting dose of Okafor, Ariza, Price, Beal, and Booker. ( shuddering).

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Wow this game was laughable. I'm DVRing the game now just laughing so hard at Earl Barron chucking up air balls and charging down the lane with 2 minutes left. I feel bad for anyone who watched that game without having a few beers (not even sure if it's humanly possible to not drink during these games at this point). How fast do you think John Wall is gonna get the hell out of here once he hits free agency?

Hahaha first bucket in like 10 minutes a three ball from Cartier but of course it's cancelled out by an offensive foul. One of the worst Wiz games i've watched in a while, and I haven't missed a game since the 2010 season.

Not even sure if I want to write a recap for this game. By far the best moment of the game was Jordan Crawford blatantly cheating by taking Jan's free throws. Makes the first while smirking the whole time, immediately called out by the refs, Jan promptly misses 4 straight free throws. Gotta give a lot of love to Crawford for that move, he knows as well as any of us that there's no way Jan's making those free throws. Taking one for the team...that'll make me overlook his god awful shot selection and shooting % tonight.

Edited by the burgundy and gold
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Getting rid of McGee and Young through trades (instad of letting them walk in FA) and taking on a boat load of ****ty contracts surely paid off! :ols:

The crappy win streak against JV teams to finish the season was the worst thing that could have happened to this team. It pleased the cheerleader portion of the fan base and media and allowed Ted to keep that buffoon in place to sink this team into an even deeper hole.

---------- Post added November-14th-2012 at 01:00 AM ----------

this team has been playing hard

That should be the bare minimum requirement for any head coach.

Randy Wittman is as bad as this roster and the idiot who constructed this roster.

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Getting rid of McGee and Young through trades (instad of letting them walk in FA) and taking on a boat load of ****ty contracts surely paid off! :ols:

The crappy win streak against JV teams to finish the season was the worst thing that could have happened to this team. It pleased the cheerleader portion of the fan base and media and allowed Ted to keep that buffoon in place to sink this team into an even deeper hole.

this happens every year too with this organization and fanbase. We get cysed off garbage end of the season runs and think we can build off that. We never do and it comes back to bite us on the ass.

as for the trades dont really have an issue with getting rid of those guys and getting something, but that Nene contract was never going to be good.

That should be the bare minimum requirement for any head coach.

Randy Wittman is as bad as this roster and the idiot who constructed this roster.

bolded, quoted, and it needs to be repeated ad nausea until it sinks in.

Edited by AsiaticSkinsFan
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Yeah I imagine a team that features AJ Price and Trevor Ariza as its two main guys is going to absolutely suck ass.

Wittman is a complete dumbass. He's not a legit NBA coach.

Price/Pargo/Okafor/Ariza/Webster/Martin/Barron ARE ALL ROSTER FILLER. Get it through your head Wittman! We brought those guys in as vet bodies to stabilize the locker room and play in spots, not to feature their scrub asses!!!!!!


BINGO!!! hit the nail on the head the whole post but the Roster filler part is absolutley correct. I am all for bringing in Vets too the locker room too stabilize but damn we got too many of there sorry asses. This is the most none atheletic team in the league by far.

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Cleveland, New Orleans, and Charlotte came from the same level of suck as us. Yet their rebuilds seem on track in part because they are actually playing their young players and establishing consistency and treating them like legit NBA starters and running NBA-like rotations.

Our coaching has been so awful for so long now. We've still got a loser mentality here despite all of the roster changes and it comes from the top. The plan from the GM seems to have completely gone over the HC's head.

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Getting rid of McGee and Young through trades (instad of letting them walk in FA) and taking on a boat load of ****ty contracts surely paid off! :ols:

The crappy win streak against JV teams to finish the season was the worst thing that could have happened to this team. It pleased the cheerleader portion of the fan base and media and allowed Ted to keep that buffoon in place to sink this team into an even deeper hole.

---------- Post added November-14th-2012 at 01:00 AM ----------

That should be the bare minimum requirement for any head coach.

Randy Wittman is as bad as this roster and the idiot who constructed this roster.

Should be the bare minimum, but it's not. Look at how our former rosters played/responded to guys like Flip. They at least (except for last night) play hard for Wittman. It's sad, but this is where we are as a franchise. What can you do?

Cleveland, New Orleans, and Charlotte came from the same level of suck as us. Yet their rebuilds seem on track in part because they are actually playing their young players and establishing consistency and treating them like legit NBA starters and running NBA-like rotations.

Our coaching has been so awful for so long now. We've still got a loser mentality here despite all of the roster changes and it comes from the top. The plan from the GM seems to have completely gone over the HC's head.

I think if Wall/Nene were healthy and this team was somewhere in the ball park of playing .500 ball, we'd be singing a different tune about the direction of the team. Health is the key to ANY team going through a rebuild. However, it doesn't absolve Ernie for putting together an awful roster outside of a couple of guys. Wall's injury was a bit out of the blue, but as far as Nene - this was a classic case of high risk/high reward. Turning out to be another classic case of EG/Wizards putting all their eggs in one basket. The only saving grace is that Javale is still pretty much the same player. However, if that light bulb finally turns on in his head, this will be yet another blemish on Grunfeld's resume.

*I don't have the time to do it...but is there anyway we can get a list of all the +'s/-'s in Grunfeld's 10 year term here in DC? Obviously, the negatives outweigh positives but I'm curious as to what the positives are. The only one I can think of off the top of my head was trading Kwame for Caron Butler. Other than that, I'm drawing a blank.

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Wow. Looks like I was wrong about the Wizards. I actually gave them more credit than I usually do. Is it too late to change my 32 wins to 20?

I see from the last 5 pages, even the diehards in here are starting to fade. Welcome to my world. It blows big time to be a diehard and not have any faith in this team. I knew you guys would come over to the dark side with me. At least I'm in good company with diehard fans that won't stop being a fan of the team, but have lost faith.

Sad that we just lost to the worst team a year ago statistically in the history of the NBA. Like I've said before, we are the East Coast version of the old Clippers. Clippers East. The 35 year rebuild looks like it needs "just one more year."

Like Stevemcqueen said, Cleveland, New Orleans and Charlotte are on schedule to get better, which just shows the level of suckage we've become. Time to clean house in the FO and coaching. Then purge the roster of all but Wall, Beal, Booker (like his hustle despite not being a good player) and Seraphin. This franchise has been a joke since the disco era, save for a couple of first round knockouts in the 80s, 90s and 00s. It continues to be a joke.

Washington Wheezers!! Whoopee!!

Edited by pjfootballer
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Cleveland, New Orleans, and Charlotte came from the same level of suck as us. Yet their rebuilds seem on track in part because they are actually playing their young players and establishing consistency and treating them like legit NBA starters and running NBA-like rotations.

Our coaching has been so awful for so long now. We've still got a loser mentality here despite all of the roster changes and it comes from the top. The plan from the GM seems to have completely gone over the HC's head.

Ernie sucks. He is as much to blame for this abomination. He re-signed a crippled Arenas to a $100 mil contract and then has made who knows how many moronic trades/deals. He has now left us with a bottom feeder. This franchise goes nowhere until he is gone. Whitman sucks but it's not like his boss is anything more than a joke. WTF does Ted have to see to keep all his half-ass GM's on the teams he owns. But at least McPhee builds teams that chokes ONCE they get to the playoffs. Ernie, I mean, is this a joke? This franchise just continually rebuilds. It is time to CLEAN HOUSE. GTFO Ernie and as for Whitman, sorry but you're in over your head so thanks for trying. The main culprit is Ernie. What a clown. Barely a couple steps above Cerrato.

Why in the hell if you are John Wall do you want to stay and play here? Maybe he loves the city, but on-court why do you want to stay here? The fire Ernie petition should've started long ago.

Edited by Sticksboi05
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Wizards will match any RFA deal Wall gets. I can't see them messing that up.

Leonsis punk ass needs to fire Ernie. There is no plan here, except that Ernie wants to look like he doing work when he is not.

And the Beal pick isn't looking good at all right now considering how the players drafted around him are playing. Oh how I wish MKG slipped to us. That guy has the personality of a try-hard, I won't lose bama. That inspires other, along with his beast talent. He is going to be such a great player in the NBA. I just don't see that with Beal. :(

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Man.. I just realized they were 5-31 from three. 5-31!!! How does that happen?

THis is what i've been saying almost every game' date=' it seems like we're just lazy on offense and taking these threes when we have an advantage in Seraphin, Booker, and Okafur of guys who can go inside. Maybe they don't have confidence in that, but with so few guys who can create shots off the dribble, this is the result. We were trying to surround Wall with shooters and thats what we got, except that they're not shooters, just guys who take jumpshots and threes.

---------- Post added November-14th-2012 at 09:56 AM ----------

Randy Wittman is as bad as this roster and the idiot who constructed this roster.

I'll admit to being in his camp, but after this game and the Milwalkee game, I'm ready to jump ship and say lets bring in a guy like Shaw or Cassell. I mean I want somebody to come in here and inspire these young guys but I also want somebody that's not a retread and somebody who's got some respect behind his name.

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remember the Redskins "Fan Card" that we rolled out of ES when things were darkest? Fans were allowed signs. Vinny was still here. "Extra Set of Eyes" Blah blah blah.

This franchise doesn't have that type of support to get a bunch of people mailing in something to the team, to the WaPo and a few local news outlets. But if Ted isn't going to even attempt putting a team on the court and hiring some real coaches. Then why have a franchise here? The Skins have generational support and the Nats just stole the hearts of the town. With no Hockey......nobody cares about the Verizon center.

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I just realized of the past 6 drafts, we had to pick the worst year to get the number 1 pick. 2012 (Davis) 2011 (Irving) 2010 (Wall) 2009 (Griffin) 2008 (Rose) 2007 (This one is debatable. Knowing us, we probably would have went Oden over Durant). If we did go Durant, I'd want every single one of those guys over Wall.

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We've been a jump shooting team for 10 years. Why are you guys suprised that we were 5-31 from 3? Name one player that has been an inside threat for more than 1 year on this team. We've lived and died (mostly died) from the perimeter. We continue to keep drafting soft bigs or jump shooters. I know it's only 6 games, but Beal doesn't look good right now. He is another in a long list of jump shooters that can't shoot. I'm not saying this is all his fault, but hit a shot dammit. The other rookies are doing it. See guys, I have not been acting like a jerk to be a jerk in here. Everything is happening that I said has happened in the past. I HATE IT. I'm really sick and tired of every one of my teams being the league embarrassment.

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The crappy win streak against JV teams to finish the season was the worst thing that could have happened to this team. It pleased the cheerleader portion of the fan base and media and allowed Ted to keep that buffoon in place to sink this team into an even deeper hole.

---------- Post added November-14th-2012 at 01:00 AM ----------

That should be the bare minimum requirement for any head coach.

Randy Wittman is as bad as this roster and the idiot who constructed this roster.

I said that win streak would set us back when it happened, I hate being right sometimes.

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