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Who do you blame for the loss?

Lar0n Landry

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I blame Andre Johnson. Goddamn him for being so freaking awesome.

This, they just made a few more plays then we did, that's a quality team. A lot of positives for us out of this game. Honestly, I'm not upset. New coaches, new schemes, lots of new players but it's clear that we're a real NFL franchise again and we can play with anyone. You had to expect a few losses like this as the team grew, tough losses like this, in the long term, build team character and resolve. This is something that, with the competent coaching staff we have, can be used to build on for the future. Who here thought we were a Super Bowl team this year? I didn't. We have some weaknesses on our roster.

Also, on the defense, call me crazy but I didn't think they played a terrible game. The Texans made some good adjustments at half time to slow down our pass rush and our rushers ran out of steam. Credit Schaub for being able to take that kind of a beating all first half and shrug it off and find his rythm as soon as they blocked it up. Not many QBs can do that. People are over reacting to Reed and our secondary, too. He was in the right places, made the tackles. Bottom line was Schaub began having time and they did a good job finding the holes in our zones.

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Ok.. Am I the only one that saw Galloway unable to run under that deep ball that McNabb threw??? I mean C'mon .. McNabb bought time in the pocket stepped right, threw it ten miles in the air and Galloway STILL couldn't run under it! lol He also didnt even close his hands or dive. Game is over at that point if he catches that TD. Armstrong should've been running that route not Galloway! It was a perfect play call for the coverage and we couldn't make the play!

I agree with you on that one. Galloway is 38 years old if I'm correct. Maybe his age is taking a toll on him. He was a hot shot when he played for Tampa. So maybe back in those seaons he was able to do it. Now that he plays for the Redskins, we did not see that happen last night. There was no excuse for that. And I don't agree with the play-by-play guys about the ball being over thrown. The ball was perfect. The game would have been over if it was caught.

Galloway needs some practice on running under the ball in double coverage.

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I agree with you on that one. Galloway is 38 years old if I'm correct. Maybe his age is taking a toll on him. He was a hot shot when he played for Tampa. So maybe back in those seaons he was able to do it. Now that he plays for the Redskins, we did not see that happen last night. There was no excuse for that. And I don't agree with the play-by-play guys about the ball being over thrown. The ball was perfect. The game would have been over if it was caught.

Galloway needs some practice on running under the ball in double coverage.

You guys are crazy, he burned the coverage by by almost ten yards, the ball was a little too deep and I think Joey lost track of the ball in the air. If there's one thing Galloway can still do it's run like a Gazelle.

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My Dear Redskins Family,

As the sun was rising this morning over the magnificent Chihuahuan Desert, yesterdays loss stood in stark contrast to the exceptional effort put forth by the Washington Redskins. They left all they had on the field of play for which I am grateful.

By hook or by crook, the Houston brokebacks did enough to win the game when looking at the scoreboard so I blame them for the loss. However, this Redskins team played better than they have in years and I salute them for achieving such a high level of competence so quickly after years of decline.

There is no looking back. The Washington Redskins are on the move. If you felt lost in the misty fog of the tumultuous past, now is the time to look ahead and travel with these gallant Redskins as they clear the way to a new era of greatness.



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missed holding calls aside, too many other things to blame. Horrible coverage by our back up safeties. No running game, WHATSOEVER! We let them back in this game so many times, but honestly I can't help but blame fluke.

In the 2nd half, we rushed schaub and he just threw up prayer passes hoping someone comes down with it. Total improv offense, and so many missed holding calls in the process. Our defense needs to work on closing, when we get pressure we need to gravitate towards the ball.

you could blame Davis for the miff black on the FG, or you could blame Heyer for holding on the 3rd down conversion. You could blame Doughty for being a step too late numerous times. Too many things to blame, just one after another.

I choose to blame fluke, that fluke TO called by houston in OT. That fluke catch to a no name texan to seal their FG, that fluke TD catch by johnson on another prayer pass from a rushed schaub just throwing it up. Its like the more we rush QBs the more accurate they get (refer to Romo sits to pee last week). So many fluke missed tackles on foster in the backfield.

and guys please refrain from cussing it up, it gets the threads locked, geez

The only plus i see from this is we get to see how this new team handles adversity

I agree with you, and maybe this is exactly what this team needed was to lose a game that they had complete control of. Maybe it will inspire better defensive play, offensive play and special teams. This team is only predicted to win at best 7 or 8 games this season. I can pretty much guarantee that the win total will exceed that and I think that we have a real shot of winning the division. The other teams in the division are not as great as everyone has made them out to be. It maybe a good thing that adversity has hit so early in the season.

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My Dear Redskins Family,

As the sun was rising this morning over the magnificent Chihuahuan Desert, yesterdays loss stood in stark contrast to the exceptional effort put forth by the Washington Redskins. They left all they had on the field of play for which I am grateful.

By hook or by crook, the Houston brokebacks did enough to win the game when looking at the scoreboard so I blame them for the loss. However, this Redskins team played better than they have in years and I salute them for achieving such a high level of competence so quickly after years of decline.

There is no looking back. The Washington Redskins are on the move. If you felt lost in the misty fog of the tumultuous past, now is the time to look ahead and travel with these gallant Redskins as they clear the way to a new era of greatness.



Quoted this just to say this is a great post. I'm right there with you. Skins fans can still hold their heads high this week, we've got something to build on, we're going in the right direction but it doesn't happen overnight. Be patient and enjoy the ride.

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I blame the defensive coverage call on the hail mary TD pass to Jhonson. He had been killing us all day, and ona 4th and 10 we leave him single covered. On that play he should have been doubled with Hall and Landry....especially on 4th an 10 you know they are looking for the play maker of the team so its going to him or Foster.

I am not much for morale victories but even though we gave it away we put it to a pretty good AFC team and put up some actual offense. I am excited for the rest of the season for the first time in a long time.

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this is my list in order.

1. Fred Davis for that poor effort on that blocked fg.

2. the entire secondary minus Landry. reed doughty was horrible in coverage as well as Carlos, Buchanon, and Horton.

3. Clinton Portis and Larry Johnson, dreadful effort running the ball tonight. more so LJ than CP but CP is still pretty bad.


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well i couldnt watch the game yesterday, but im kinda glad i didnt. just by watching the highlights i can see that i would have been pissed off and throwing **** around the room during the Texan comeback in the second half.

i mean how do you let a team come back like that, 17 pts?? it seems there were just too many mistakes: Davis, Doughty, Running Game (18 friggin yards), Brown. seems like a team loss.

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to react to some of the accusations here:

gano: you cannot blame the kicker for blowing a 17 point lead, for havign a kick blocked, or even for missing a 52-yarder. those are 50% kicks even by the best. he's not the goat here.

portis: he ran hard, and got what was there. early on, he was getting dropped in the backfield because there was no room. later, he had room and exploited it, and began to build some decent stats, but he hurt his wrist. unfortunately, larry johnson running ten yards backwards on one play made the bad stats look even worse. on the final balance sheet, the running total looks attrocious but it really wasn't a factor in losing this game at all. when the running game wasn't working, we were absolutely lighting it up with the pass and actually scoring points. the offense couldn't have worked better, to be honest, except late in the game where penalties and absurd miscues (NOT lack of a running game) killed a couple crucial drives (and this was once the running game actually started to pick up.) if not for heyer's penalty nullifying a 30 yard gain, we probably woulda scored again on that drive.

ultimately, i think blame has to go to our entire defense in general. they got annihilated in the second half. i don't know if it was blown coverage or bad scheme, but whatever our secondary was doing, they need to NOT DO THAT. 4th and 10, game on the line, and reed doughty is the only one within 20 yards of andre johnson? wtf?? it also looked like the texans could have run for a lot more yards if they had wanted to, except they fell behind early. what were they averaging, about 6 yards per rush?

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3. Clinton Portis and Larry Johnson, dredful effort running the ball tonight. more so LJ than CP but CP is still pretty bad.

Spare me.

Go watch the game and show me where there was a hole that Clinton missed. Fact is the offensive line is struggling in the run game. I know it's easy (and lazy) to blame the runner but if there isn't anywhere to run who's fault is it?

Bottom line is that many little things could have happened that would have rendered anything you listed moot.

What if McNabb hits Galloway on that long throw?

What if Heyer doesn't do his best Alex Barron impression on that 3rd and 20?

What if Gano didn't choke and badly miss that 52 yarder?

What if McNabb hits Sellers?

What if Jammal Brown doesn't false start on 3rd and 1?

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I blame no running game. For all the focus on our "flaws" on defense...I noticed that especially initially...many forgot that if we even had a running game worth a grain of salt...we could run out the clock like great teams. Instead the Texans got the ball in the final minutes. I really hope this improves

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Asking too much? :ols:

It's his job. He booted the first one straight down the middle and it would have been good from 60 yards. Then second time, snap and hold were good, he missed it badly to the right.

Last time I checked these guys get a paycheck to make kicks. Sure it was difficult, but he made the first one so you knew it wasn't an impossible kick.

Are you really this obtuse over this issue?

Back to back 52 yard FGs in a game situation is some kind of chip shot to you?

That's statistically an expected 50% shot. He made the first one, missed the second. That's the 50% right there.

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Spare me.

Go watch the game and show me where there was a hole that Clinton missed. Fact is the offensive line is struggling in the run game. I know it's easy (and lazy) to blame the runner but if there isn't anywhere to run who's fault is it?

Bottom line is that many little things could have happened that would have rendered anything you listed moot.

What if McNabb hits Galloway on that long throw?

What if Heyer doesn't do his best Alex Barron impression on that 3rd and 20?

What if Gano didn't choke and badly miss that 52 yarder?

What if McNabb hits Sellers?

What if Jammal Brown doesn't false start on 3rd and 1?

I disagree. Larry Johnson was piss poor terrible...Clinton Portis hasn't show burst and keeps falling...I remember one play in particular when he fell...we could have gotten the 1st down possibly if he didn't. I'm not saying blocking and the O-line has nothing to do with it...but it goes that way too. The passing game was great enough for me not to nitpick at plays like the pass to Galloway(he slowed down and could have caught that if he didn't). But I don't stress that point because the running game killed us. Personally...I say drop Larry Johnson and try to get a trade somehow...or sign an average free agent. Has to be better than LJ

Portis gets a pass for phenomenal blocking and running in the TDs

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I blame no running game. For all the focus on our "flaws" on defense...I noticed that especially initially...many forgot that if we even had a running game worth a grain of salt...we could run out the clock like great teams. Instead the Texans got the ball in the final minutes. I really hope this improves

naw. the runnign game wasn't working EARLY but that's when we were lighting it up. at the end of the game, when we needed long drives, the run game was actually working ok -- we just had holding penalties and other miscues like larry johnson running backwards 10 yards that killed drives. the run game was not a factor in why we lost.

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Are you really this obtuse over this issue?

Back to back 52 yard FGs in a game situation is some kind of chip shot to you?

That's statistically an expected 50% shot. He made the first one, missed the second. That's the 50% right there.

No I'm not, but you are legitimately getting angry over this. You really need to calm down bud.

Look at the thread title who do YOU blame for the loss. Well I see at the end Gano makes a field goal and we're heading home with a win except Kubiak pulls the timeout trick on him. He misses the second badly and we give the Texans the ball back. Sorry, but you are in this league to make kicks. I don't know where I said it was a chip shot, but please enlighten me where that is. There were clearly issues with this team, but ultimately we had a shot to win and Gano misses the kick to put us at 2-0. I don't know if it's because he's a Florida State alum or because you have too many memories of Wide Right in your memory, but it's pretty comical how much you're defending this guy. Just a thought.

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If Fred Davis makes a simple block, the Redskins win. Yes, there were a ton of gaffes on the defensive side of the ball, but if you're looking for a single play that decided the game, it was Davis allowing that blocked kick. It's truly amazing how worthless all three of those draft picks continually prove to be.

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No I'm not, but you are legitimately getting angry over this. You really need to calm down bud.

Look at the thread title who do YOU blame for the loss. Well I see at the end Gano makes a field goal and we're heading home with a win except Kubiak pulls the timeout trick on him. He misses the second badly and we give the Texans the ball back. Sorry, but you are in this league to make kicks. I don't know where I said it was a chip shot, but please enlighten me where that is. There were clearly issues with this team, but ultimately we had a shot to win and Gano misses the kick to put us at 2-0. I don't know if it's because he's a Florida State alum or because you have too many memories of Wide Right in your memory, but it's pretty comical how much you're defending this guy. Just a thought.

I'm not angry, I'm actually just posting on here in between doing homework at the library. Hard to get angry without attracting the attention of people thinking I'm a freak for getting heated while reading a message board in the library.

But your point is frustrating because it doesn't make any sense.

I don't care if Gano was from FSU, VT, USC, UF, or Northern Alabama State.

Your argument is so simple and dumbed down- "well he's a professional kicker, right? So he's paid to make kicks, it's his only job, but he didn't do it!"

Football Outsiders had a 50 yard field goal listed as a 1.55 expected point return. So according to their statistical research, that's a 52% expected chance of any NFL kicker making it. He made it the first time, and missed it the second time. That's the 52% return right there. It's statistically expected that given two consecutive FGs at that same range, there was an excellent chance that he wasn't going to make both of them, and unfortunately, he made the first one instead of missing that one.

If you had originally said, "well, the defense was terrible, Fred Davis missed that key block, and Gano missed the final kick," that at least wouldn't have been as bad. But you decided to only list our kicker as the person you blame, and you've been sticking with that argument by saying that "hey, it's his job, amiright?" Which is about as simple of a way to look at the final result of the game as anybody could possibly have, while it also goes against any reasonable statistical or factual evaluation of how that OT kicking sequence played out.

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Guest Spearfeather

For the most part: The defense in general in the fourth quarter, and the missed block by Davis. I don't blame Doughty so much on the play to Johnson. He was in position and did all he could against a much taller receiver, without interfering.

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