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Who do you blame for the loss?

Lar0n Landry

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There were simply too many mistakes to blame one player.

Fred Davis should have chipped Pollard - he didn't even touch him as it turns out.

The entire Redskins defense failed to box in Foster on that screen and he ran 50 yards when the Texans should have been punting on the next play.

McNabb overthrew Galloway on what would have been a sure touchdown pass.

The Redskins only came away with 3 points on the Rogers interception that set the offense up at the Texans 35.

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how about the ****ing team???

isnt this a team sport?

Seriously, bunch of idiots singling out single players.

McNabb could have been a little bit more on target with that final deep throw to Galloway, could've won the game for us... by the same logic people are applying around here.

Great teams WIN as a TEAM and LOSE as a TEAM. Texans are a good team and are better than us *right* now, we gave it our best as a team and they gave it their best as a team and we came up just a little bit short.

It's a long season.

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Seriously, bunch of idiots singling out single players.

McNabb could have been a little bit more on target with that final deep throw to Galloway, could've won the game for us... by the same logic people are applying around here.

Great teams WIN as a TEAM and LOSE as a TEAM. Texans are a good team and are better than us *right* now, we gave it our best as a team and they gave it their best as a team and we came up just a little bit short.

It's a long season.

That's what I'm saying.

If anything, I put the loss squarely on the defense as a unit. Every single defensive player took their lumps and missed plays, and as a whole, the unit just isn't very talented in key areas to properly run this 3-4 yet.

The offense and special teams did their jobs for the most part, outside of Fred Davis whiffing on that key block.

But when you give up 600 yards of total offense, that's a major issue to examine in the overall quality of your team.

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Not sure if anyone's already said, but the big play, for me, was Jammal (I think) jumping offside at 3rd and 1 inside the 5 yard line, just when we were about to put the game to bed. Led to the blocked FG. Wouldn't blame him for it, but it cost us.

Asides from that, the secondary were too loose, Andre Johnson had way too much space.

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Team sport. Team wins when the score says so.... and unfortunately this week = TEAM loss.

Honestly. Plenty of blame to go around. I don't think any players on this team feels like there wasn't something they could have done better. That said, we played neck and neck against one of the better teams in the league. In the past I would consider it a horrible loss. In this case, oddly enough, I consider it a building block for greater things to come! :thumbsup:

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I would like to know why Reed was in man coverage on A Johnson on that 4th down play that they had to convert to stay in the game. Johnson is a great athlete, no way should we have ever let them throw it up to him in the endzone for a TD like that.


I blame this loss on Jim Haslett to have Reed Doughty covering arguable the best receiver in the NFL 1 on 1 on a 4th and 10:(

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I know I have already posted in this thread, but I will amend what I said and say it was a team loss. They lost the game in all three phases: offense, defense, and special teams.

Offense: Jamaal Brown's penalty that pushed them back from 3rd and 1 to 3rd and 7

Defense: Andre Johnson's TD. The Foster screen that should have been stopped for at least a medium or minimal gain.

Special Teams: Fred Davis' missed block on the FG attempt that was blocked.

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1/ Gano (missed kick in O/T, and blocked kick)

2/ Carlos Rogers (Missed tackles, poor coverage and communication)

3/ Reed Doughty (Missed tackles, poor coverage and communication)

4/ Clinton Portis (Pathetic running effort -- we could not punch in a TD in the opening drive, and not get the 1st down when we needed them)

5/ Larry Johson (10 yard loss at a crucial juncture of the game didn't help)

6/ Joey Galloway and Donovan McNabb on the missed connection. Donnie overthrew a wide open Joey. Howvever, a younger Joey catches the ball)

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1. Clinton Portis for tripping on his own feet on the drive where we got a blocked field goal. Even an average back scores on that, I thought for sure he was going to score. I don't think the defender even touched him. A defender looks at him now and he falls down.

2. Same drive, Jamal Brown for jumping offsides on 3rd and 2. That's 2 weeks in a row we've had a guy jump in a crucial situation. He barely got in his stance.

3. Really poor defensive adjustments, Andre Johnson killed us the whole game and nobody did anything different. Andre Johnson owned Carlos Rogers.

3. I'm really not liking the offensive linemen rotation thing, pick a starter and go with it.

4. Special teams, I have no faith in Gano or our snapper right now. I really don't understand why they didn't bring back the Red Snapper Ethan Albright.

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You guys are crazy, he burned the coverage by by almost ten yards, the ball was a little too deep and I think Joey lost track of the ball in the air. If there's one thing Galloway can still do it's run like a Gazelle.

Just because he burned the coverage doesn't mean that he is capable of making that play. I'm sorry but I looked at the entire play several times and analyzed the QB's drop and the WR route. The reason Galloway burned the coverage is because Houston was in a soft shell thinking that we would simply try for a first down. Even Cooley would've burned those guys because they weren't expecting a deep ball right there. McNabb dropped back, but instead of throwing it at the top of his drop he bought time in the pocket for Galloway to get even more open than he was. He laid it out in front of Galloway so the defenders couldn't bat it down from behind. He threw it so high in the air that when it left his hands I thought to myself." geesh this must be a hail marry or jump ball because there is no way a ball is supposed to hang in the air that long and not get run under or contested by a defender". It does seem like he might've lost the ball in the air because he still had a chance to catch it but he never dived nor even closed his hands to reach out for the catch. All I could think of when McNabb launches those bombs is how he must still be used to Desean Jackson running under those things. But our receivers just cant get there right now. Maybe with better timing McNabb can launch it even higher in the air like Tom Brady does with Moss , but then we would need a big tall receiver who can go up and get it even if its contested by a defender. And we dont have that right now.

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naw. the runnign game wasn't working EARLY but that's when we were lighting it up. at the end of the game, when we needed long drives, the run game was actually working ok -- we just had holding penalties and other miscues like larry johnson running backwards 10 yards that killed drives. the run game was not a factor in why we lost.

The running game was working okay? How?? 33 yards by Clinton Portis? We never established a running game..even late in the game. You can go to NFL.com and check the play by play...but we were never moving it effectively to instill confidence that we could milk the clock. We milk the clock...we win the game

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I'm not angry, I'm actually just posting on here in between doing homework at the library. Hard to get angry without attracting the attention of people thinking I'm a freak for getting heated while reading a message board in the library.

But your point is frustrating because it doesn't make any sense.

I don't care if Gano was from FSU, VT, USC, UF, or Northern Alabama State.

Your argument is so simple and dumbed down- "well he's a professional kicker, right? So he's paid to make kicks, it's his only job, but he didn't do it!"

Football Outsiders had a 50 yard field goal listed as a 1.55 expected point return. So according to their statistical research, that's a 52% expected chance of any NFL kicker making it. He made it the first time, and missed it the second time. That's the 52% return right there. It's statistically expected that given two consecutive FGs at that same range, there was an excellent chance that he wasn't going to make both of them, and unfortunately, he made the first one instead of missing that one.

If you had originally said, "well, the defense was terrible, Fred Davis missed that key block, and Gano missed the final kick," that at least wouldn't have been as bad. But you decided to only list our kicker as the person you blame, and you've been sticking with that argument by saying that "hey, it's his job, amiright?" Which is about as simple of a way to look at the final result of the game as anybody could possibly have, while it also goes against any reasonable statistical or factual evaluation of how that OT kicking sequence played out.

Take a peak back at your other posts, you were getting pretty heated there bud. In any case...

Football in itself is a game filled with momentum shifts. The Redskins unfortunately found the bad end of one at the worst time. They had issues on defense and mistakes supplementing those issues to compound their problems. BUT, in the end like what we've seen from the good teams out there they fought against the adversity. Stopped Houston from driving and kicking the game-winner on the opening drive and managed to move the ball effectively to put themselves in field goal range. Albeit they didn't put Gano in range for a chip shot, but 52 yards is still a makeable kick as he demonstrated on his first try.

Each kick/situation is independent and while the statistic provides a good indicator of the difficulty of a 50 yard field goal, it does not overwhelmingly prove the kick is impossible to make. Just because he missed the first is not grounds to throw up your hands and say "Well he missed that one statistically he should miss the second and that's alright!".

Fact is three points were left off the board. 'Skins actually ended their final two series sans the very last one, pretty darn well considering what they had endured. Andre Johnson catching that unbelievable pass, Schaub marching them down the field, and then the offense losing Trent.

Houston isn't a perfect team and their fans would be doing the same things we are doing now. X player is blamed for this play that would have led to this therefore we would have won. But ultimately the most definable moment of that game where I saw us either winning or losing hinged on that kick. Gano couldn't pull through a second time and choked.

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I'm really confused when people keep saying McNabb overthrew Galloway...looking at the replay the ball missed Galloway's hands by inches. A person on this board who was at the game was right there and stated that Galloway should have caught that and it was right there.

If you watch the replay....Galloway eased up while running and then tried to speed up a bit. McNabb didn't really overthrow him...that to me isn't the play that lost the game but Galloway could have caught that if he didn't ease up/slow down.

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I've not read the thread, just the 1st post.. But I wonder if anyone has gone through and put to paper the number of chances (plays) we had, where we could of absolutely put them away? The blocked FG for instance.. The 40yard TD on 4th and 10 that we allowed.. How many other "sure bet" plays were there, that if we get just one of them, we win the game? I'd like to see the list.. I bet there's at least 6 or 7.. It boggles the mind to think about all that had to go wrong for us to end up actually loosing that game.. Just unbelievable really.. And I know it's petty, but when's the NFL going to get rid of that chincy "icing the kicker" timeout nonsence? On 4th down, the TO's should have to come from the captain on the field, or something.. I dont mind a true "icing" the kicker, but callin the TO as the play is starting and having them go through the motion is bs.. I wonder if it could be a health risk (to the legs) for a kicker to have to attempt back to back field goals? (With all this "for safety" rules they've come up with) Seems it'd be more likely to pull a muscle or strain something having to kick back to back long field goals? (I know it's a stretch.. just sayin.) lol :silly:

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