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Yoga, Who here does it???


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I just started doing yoga last week to help out with all the running i do. It is a very good workout, and goes good with running. So who else does it?

And those of you who will make fun of me for doing this, if you would try it a few times, you would see it will kick your ass if you put real effort into it! :pfft:

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I heard a guy making fun of pilates and yoga a few weeks ago on the radio.

The basic point was it's stretching. Simply stretching.

Thats why it helps me with running, because of the stretching.

The thing with it is there are different ways to do each position to make it harder or easier. I was doing some of the harder ones and it had me shaking trying to hold them. You can really feel it afterwards.

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When I see all the women who go into the yoga studio, and the way they're put together, it really makes me want to take up yoga.

Imagine being the only guy in that room. ;)

Yeah, I love being in a room full of soccer moms who are put off by the guy who takes the class in order to check them out.

Good times. :pfft:

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I do yoga, not regularly, but I think it's a great workout. I need to do it more. I also know a lot of OTC wrestlers and boxers and other athletes who do yoga as well for cross training.

My sister-in law teaches yoga and she's ripped. It's really quite ridiculous. When I take her classes when I'm home I am so sore the next day, and I don't even try half the hard poses she does.

Anyway, kudos to you for doing it. I think it's a really good exercise, particularly for endurance athletes.

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I heard a guy making fun of pilates and yoga a few weeks ago on the radio.

The basic point was it's stretching. Simply stretching.

That guy would lose all credibility with me. Anyone that has ever done pilates knows that it isn't stretching at all. It is a core strengthening program. It is no more stretching then doing a bunch of situps, crunches, etc is stretching.

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I just started doing yoga last week to help out with all the running i do. It is a very good workout, and goes good with running. So who else does it?

And those of you who will make fun of me for doing this, if you would try it a few times, you would see it will kick your ass if you put real effort into it! :pfft:

I do with both hands up. It is an incredible workout. Football players should be doing that workout also. It'll help stretch out all the muscles and prevent all the pulls and strains that come with a long season.


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Not yet,but I've never been much of a taking classes of any kind guy,(that's a problem I probably need to work on). I have taken some of the stretches used though to help my shoulder and posture. Plan on learning more. Olympic team guys say it's a pretty big help and I've seen some of them doing it and it looks like quite the challenge. No doubt there's a certain "stigma" to it,(here in the U.S. anyway),but I think that's going to change drastically over the next few years as we,(men), begin to educate ourselves more about it,some women stop minding us taking it ;), and as more and more collegiate and professional athletes,(whole teams even),start using it on a continuous basis. That and get over ourselves a bit. :silly:

From just the few stretches I've learned so far,no doubt in my mind that this can be beneficial to we average,everyday "athletes".

That guy would lose all credibility with me. Anyone that has ever done pilates knows that it isn't stretching at all. It is a core strengthening program. It is no more stretching then doing a bunch of situps, crunches, etc is stretching.

We're starting 2 pilates classes next month at the Rec Center I work at. So I've been and continue to research it. Looks pretty good so far. And we've been getting a lot of requests for it as well.

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No doubt there's a certain "stigma" to it,(here in the U.S. anyway),but I think that's going to change drastically over the next few years as we,(men), begin to educate ourselves more about it,some women stop minding us taking it ;),

I'm at the point in my life now that i dont give a **** what people think! I just started last week and have been the only guy in the classes i have been in. The women there are not worried about it. Once they see you are there to put effort into doing it, its not a big deal.

My instructor was very happy i was there, and she was talking to me after the class about how much doing yoga will help with distance running.

I would say that if you go for the first time, go with an open mind, and focus on doing the yoga and not looking at the chicks in the class, and you will get a hell of a workout.

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I stopped giving a **** what others think,(for the most part),shortly after I graduated from H.S.. Got even better at ignoring the Cool Police and others as I got older. Now I'm just a grumpy old ****er at times who doesn't give a **** no matter what. :silly: I've actually had a few women state to me,"Ummm. There's a man taking the class". Followed by "There are a few men taking the class." And they didn't seem completely happy about it. That was just a little internal humor directed at them. Mind you,it could be the guys were ogling so.... The young lady who teaches yoga at the rec center,(a real sweetheart and very good,popular instructer),says I'm welcome any time. I'll pop in sooner or later,(of course,every last one of the class instructors have told me the same thing).

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I stopped giving a **** what others think,(for the most part),shortly after I graduated from H.S.. Got even better at ignoring the Cool Police and others as I got older. Now I'm just a grumpy old ****er at times who doesn't give a **** no matter what. :silly: I've actually had a few women state to me,"Ummm. There's a man taking the class". Followed by "There are a few men taking the class." And they didn't seem completely happy about it. That was just a little internal humor directed at them. Mind you,it could be the guys were ogling so.... The young lady who teaches yoga at the rec center,(a real sweetheart and very good,popular instructer),says I'm welcome any time. I'll pop in sooner or later,(of course,every last one of the class instructors have told me the same thing).

You've got to be kidding me. Tell those women to piss off :ols: I can't believe they would be unhappy about a male taking the class. What losers.

You need to just go take that class PCS!

Also, I agree with you, I think the stigma regarding yoga and male involvement in the exercise is going to decrease as more people who know what they are doing in regards to training (professional team trainers, Olympic athletes, etc.) promote yoga as a beneficial counterbalance exercise to be including in training programs. Looks like you are already seeing it at home with the Olympic athletes. I definitely see it with the Olympic athletes here, particularly the Greco and Freestyle wrestlers, boxers, and triathletes. Not so much the shooters though :ols:

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:ols: Yeah. I imaging the shooters wouldn't :silly:

Actually I may have confused things a bit,(see statement about being grumpy old ****er). In thinking about it,those were probably directed at another type of class. Same thing goes though I think K. :) Wouldn't surprise me if that feeling was present in the yoga classes as well,(same gals probably).

I saw a lot of the athletes using yoga type stretching before and during their workouts. No doubt in my mind it helped and helps.

And I will one day. It's a great way to learn new things,(and to practice what I preach.. Sigh. ).

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Thats why it helps me with running, because of the stretching.

The thing with it is there are different ways to do each position to make it harder or easier. I was doing some of the harder ones and it had me shaking trying to hold them. You can really feel it afterwards.

There's some TOOC material in here, I think.:pfft:

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I tried yoga for a little bit, and I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty tough, because some of the excercises target muscles that you've never used before, so even if you're in good shape like I was , you can still get embarrased in there. :ols:

The women were very nice though, except for maybe one or two who probably thought I was just there to flirt. I quit after a couple weeks though, and switched to a heavy bag just to cut down on the amount of time spent at the gym.

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