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Did you honestly just write that with a straight face?

Seriously? You have a glaring example of that arrogance and entitlement the past few pages who sees it as a right down to recent success and you come up with that?

Come on Richmond man. United fans aren't despised in their own driving Country through others jealousy of success. Their despised for everything you dislike Bayern fans for.



It's not my fault you chose to ignore my posts that do show objectivity or not even ignore them but give them some hidden meaning you have decided to make up in your head. The reality is you're too bitter to be able to accept that United fans have a right to show pride in their team and have a lot to be proud of. You want to be able to spew all the derogatory nonsense you like about United in this thread and act like a victim when someone dares say something back. Why are your posts declaring my club is doomed not seen as arrogance? Anfield is the most famous stadium in the world? Many would dispute that and call that arrogance. Could it be that you are proud of the club you support? Apparently you're the only one permitted to do so. This is nothing against you though, the ability to be able to dish it out AND take it isn't something everyone has.

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Again, thank you SJV.

You continually make the point without anyone else having to.

Transparent isn't the word.



Some of my posts that you are referring to. Please tell me the hidden meaning here and tell everyone how I'm arrogant simply because I defended my club and dared disagree with the lord of this thread.



United received a financial backing and were able to buy quality players when almost everyone else was losing them.


Going back to a contender will take more than one window obviously


I could think of worse things than seeing Gerrard finally win the medal he so justly deserves. Rogers also seems like a very likeable guy and would deserve his success


Has Mourinho gone mad? I thought Brendan Rogers used to work under him why would he do something like this to him?  All jokes aside Liverpool and City deserve better. I know at the end of the day nobody will be able to deny Liverpool thoroughly deserve to win the title but it's an injustice to them to even have this as a talking point right now. I hope the press in England refuse to give this another moment's attention but that might be asking too much. Gerard in particular really doesn't deserve this.


I admit we'll have to wait and see who Van Gaal brings in and how they mesh before I even talk about challenging Chelsea, Liverpool and City but the most important thing at the moment is avoiding irreperable damage


It can happen, but it would take someone supremely unqualified (Moyes) to make it happen and it's certainly a lot harder to accomplish than it was in 1990.


Hate to admit this but Liverpool are exhibiting some of the traits United did in various title chases back when we actually had a manager. Amazing determination to win football games no matter what transpires. Not sure about all this Rogers is the next Clough talk to me this looks like a Fergie team.


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And?  Our last title has very little do with high profile names.  We got a striker who had a good year and we were the most consistent.  Honestly lately the league isn't about being necessary the best overall team.  Just the most consistent.  And maybe a little luck on the side.  City basically bought the title the year they won it.  I'd love to see anyone argue other wise.  Funny though they just barely bought it.  You act as though all our dominance was through money spent.  As I remember we've developed some players over those years (some of which are still great players to this today.  One of them happens to be a favorite of mine even though we sent him to another club years ago.).

see this is that United fan selective memory. Like Wayne Rooney didnt cost 27 million. Or Rio Ferdinand didnt cost 30 million. Or Michael Carrick didnt cost 20 million. Or Ashley Young, Nani, and Valencia didnt cost more than Arsenal's 2nd highest transfer fee ever. Or that De Gea and Kagawa didnt cost over 17 million each. And so forth.

Get out of my face with this "they bought the league, boo hoo" crap.


For note Pep had nothing to do with bayern's issues yesterday.  They had 70% of ball.  It was their failure to make the final pass that killed them.  Besides poor touches they dominated the entire game and but allowed one counter to beat them.  Plus Madrid's defense was solid.  I'd love to know what exactly Pep did so bad to bayern?  I mean they only walked straight to the Semis and won the Bunda quicker than any German club ever. But what do I know?  I'm just a disilliusional Man Utd supporter hoping to gain just a bit of knowledge from the Almighty Joe

easy to win a league when you buy your rivals best players.

And yes, he messed up Bayern. They were an exciting, powerful, and direct team last year that destroyed the best teams in Europe last season. Instead of modifying his style to play to their strengths, he turned Bayern into an inferior version of Barcelona. Thats why they can't play a final ball, they too busy trying to "build play." Its damn near criminal. Last year's Bayern would have put 2 or 3 past that leaky Madrid defense.


btw- I guess it would be fine if I lump in all the Liverpool supporters with the ones that burned the US flag a few years back right?  I mean they all wear the gear right?

do what you want to do, all I know is thats the attitude that came across in your posts this season and from that dude who stopped going to matches despite being a "lifelong fan."



Maybe skating through Bundesliga isn't preparing them well enough for Champion's League.  That's why La Liga was almost unwatchable the last few years for me.

hell nah, those Barcelona teams still put in work in Europe. This Bayern team has been dull, unimaginative, and almost unwatchable at times.

They have a solid defense, let the horses in the attack roam free. But Pep can't do that.

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see this is that United fan selective memory. Like Wayne Rooney didnt cost 27 million. Or Rio Ferdinand didnt cost 30 million. Or Michael Carrick didnt cost 20 million. Or Ashley Young, Nani, and Valencia didnt cost more than Arsenal's 2nd highest transfer fee ever. Or that De Gea and Kagawa didnt cost over 17 million each. And so forth.

Get out of my face with this "they bought the league, boo hoo" crap.


easy to win a league when you buy your rivals best players.

And yes, he messed up Bayern. They were an exciting, powerful, and direct team last year that destroyed the best teams in Europe last season. Instead of modifying his style to play to their strengths, he turned Bayern into an inferior version of Barcelona. Thats why they can't play a final ball, they too busy trying to "build play." Its damn near criminal. Last year's Bayern would have put 2 or 3 past that leaky Madrid defense.


do what you want to do, all I know is thats the attitude that came across in your posts this season and from that dude who stopped going to matches despite being a "lifelong fan."



hell nah, those Barcelona teams still put in work in Europe. This Bayern team has been dull, unimaginative, and almost unwatchable at times.

They have a solid defense, let the horses in the attack roam free. But Pep can't do that.


So what you're trying to say is everyone has to spend to be successful?! Insanity I say!


BTW if you're referring to me I stopped going to matches because if I attempted to live on my own in England at the age of 9 there's a good chance I would have ended up homeless so unfortunately I had to relocate with my family.

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Again, thank you SJV.

You continually make the point without anyone else having to.

Transparent isn't the word.


Since we 've both posted here a long time and generally see eye to eye I'm gonna try to say this the best I can.  I can't really hold it against the dude ranting considering you put out a lot of United hate posts.  Even when they aren't even being talked about.  I can't blame someone for getting annoyed after awhile.

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Some of my posts that you are referring to. Please tell me the hidden meaning here and tell everyone how I'm arrogant simply because I defended my club and dared disagree with the lord of this thread.

Hell knows why I'm enabling you, but this spurious 'hidden meaning' bunkum ..... How is you openly saying you have a right to be arrogant and expect success due to the past 2 decades and then being pulled/ questioned on that someone making things up about you?

Where have Utd been attacked and then people, or me in your ridiculous delusion, 'played the victim' (nice choice of words but we'll ignore that) and can't take it back? You had it put to you that getting back into the top 4 isn't as easy a spending money an the chances are you'll have a few years of mediocrity. Apparently that translates into an attack that can't be answered. Interesting take.

I'm the second person of late you've turned things full circle onto someone else as you don't like being called on what YOU write so you deflect and attack.

Again, transparent isn't the word.


Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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Hell knows why I'm enabling you, but this spurious 'hidden meaning' bubkum ..... How is you openly saying you have a right to be arrogant and expect success due to the past 2 decades and then being pulled: questioned on that seine making things up about you?

Where have Utd been attacked and then people, or me in your ridiculous delusion, 'played the victim' (nice choice of words but we'll ignore that) and can't take it back? You had it put to you that getting back into the top 4 isn't as easy a spending money an the chances are you'll have a few years of mediocrity. Apparently that translates into an attack that can't be answered. Interesting take.

I'm the secm person of late you've turned things full circle onto someone else as you don't like being called on what YOU write so you deflect an attack.

Again, transparent isn't the word.



I said getting into the top 4 is easier with a stronger squad (spending money) and no Moyes. Why is it arrogance for a fan of Manchester United to resist the expectation of a club of this stature simply going belly up in a matter of a couple seasons? I'm a lifelong, passionate fan just like you but you seem to judge me by a different set of standards. Had been in this thread posting about your club like you were posting about mine your reaction would have been exactly the same.

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Hell knows why I'm enabling you, but this spurious 'hidden meaning' bubkum ..... How is you openly saying you have a right to be arrogant and expect success due to the past 2 decades and then being pulled: questioned on that seine making things up about you?

Where have Utd been attacked and then people, or me in your ridiculous delusion, 'played the victim' (nice choice of words but we'll ignore that) and can't take it back? You had it put to you that getting back into the top 4 isn't as easy a spending money an the chances are you'll have a few years of mediocrity. Apparently that translates into an attack that can't be answered. Interesting take.

I'm the secm person of late you've turned things full circle onto someone else as you don't like being called on what YOU write so you deflect an attack.

Again, transparent isn't the word.



I'll sum it up for SJV...


"This is why people hate us... because we always win.  We've done things that haven't been done before and won't be done again.  But we aren't arrogant about it."


On top of that...


"We don't bring up Heysel the day after the Hillsborough anny, and we certainly don't bring 'Justice for the 39' banners to Goodison.  Because we don't crave attention.  We don't need it."


And then the icing...


"I've been a fan since before we were good.  So I'm immune to any of the nonsense that any other supporters want to throw at me."


No birthday candles just yet, but I suspect they are en route.

I said getting into the top 4 is easier with a stronger squad (spending money) and no Moyes. Why is it arrogance for a fan of Manchester United to resist the expectation of a club of this stature simply going belly up in a matter of a couple seasons? I'm a lifelong, passionate fan just like you but you seem to judge me by a different set of standards. Had been in this thread posting about your club like you were posting about mine your reaction would have been exactly the same.


The sympathy card? :lol:


It's never your fault.


Always the victim. 


Isn't that how it goes?

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I'll sum it up for SJV...


"This is why people hate us... because we always win.  We've done things that haven't been done before and won't be done again.  But we aren't arrogant about it."


On top of that...


"We don't bring up Heysel the day after the Hillsborough anny, and we certainly don't bring 'Justice for the 39' banners to Goodison.  Because we don't crave attention.  We don't need it."


And then the icing...


"I've been a fan since before we were good.  So I'm immune to any of the nonsense that any other supporters want to throw at me."


No birthday candles just yet, but I suspect they are en route.


Where in the bloody did you find any reference of mine to the Justice for the 39 banner? That pretty much sums it up right there. It's not in the slightest bit my problem that you have assumed I posted about Heysel with some devious intention in mind even though I explained myself. I have every right to show pride in the club I support and defend it, just like you and GHH would do. This isn't a Liverpool message board last time I checked and if you can't handle some banter go post on a Liverpool board.

Edited by SJValleySkinz
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The dude's got a point guys.  Liverpool ones on here dish it out (Especially GHH) all the time about ones like United.  Generally we just skip over and continue reading.  You don't see the same pot shots going going at Liverpool, Arsenal,etc that those fans dish out on here.  Utd fans on this thread have actually been one of the most patient ironically.

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I'll sum it up for SJV...


"This is why people hate us... because we always win.  We've done things that haven't been done before and won't be done again.  But we aren't arrogant about it."


On top of that...


"We don't bring up Heysel the day after the Hillsborough anny, and we certainly don't bring 'Justice for the 39' banners to Goodison.  Because we don't crave attention.  We don't need it."


And then the icing...


"I've been a fan since before we were good.  So I'm immune to any of the nonsense that any other supporters want to throw at me."


No birthday candles just yet, but I suspect they are en route.


The sympathy card? :lol:


It's never your fault.


Always the victim. 


Isn't that how it goes?


This is how a message board usually works. You post something, if someone disagrees they reply. You reply back. etc...Your idea of a message board is you post something and talk down to whoever disagrees. Still looking for something that constitutes you being able to talk down to me and I have a feeling I'll be looking for a while. I have no problem with partaking in banter between fans of rival club but that's not what you want. You want to be able to say whatever you want and everyone else shut the heck up unless they see things the same as you.

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I wasn't there and GHH could probably tell you a lot more about but I am sure that in 1985 there is a long list of English clubs that could have been involved in this. Leeds, United, Everton, take your pick. In my opinion this was one of the major events that would shape English football. UEFA's ridiculous sanctions hit the F.A in the pocket and extensive efforts to clean up hooliganism would follow. The shame is that Liverpool were one of a few clubs that could have done some more great things in Europe had English clubs not been banned from competing and the biggest shame was these clubs were led by some wonderful British players who didn't deserve to have the European stage taken away from them.


What I meant was hooliganism was a wide spread problem in England and that the problem wasn't something exclusive to Liverpool. Put any club there and the same thing could have happened. Jesus H Christ man did you take for a run.

On the other hand, I am a Liverpool supporter and tried to engage the United fans in a dialog....But they would prefer to continue the cycle of offending then being offended, being offended then being offensive.


I agree, and I hope I responded to you in the same manner (some of my posts I quoted earlier were responses to yours)

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The dude's got a point guys.  Liverpool ones on here dish it out (Especially GHH) all the time about ones like United.  Generally we just skip over and continue reading.  You don't see the same pot shots going going at Liverpool, Arsenal,etc that those fans dish out on here.  Utd fans on this thread have actually been one of the most patient ironically.


Don't be arrogant.

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I said getting into the top 4 is easier with a stronger squad (spending money) and no Moyes. Why is it arrogance for a fan of Manchester United to resist the expectation of a club of this stature simply going belly up in a matter of a couple seasons? I'm a lifelong, passionate fan just like you but you seem to judge me by a different set of standards. Had been in this thread posting about your club like you were posting about mine your reaction would have been exactly the same.


Continue to ignore what you openly said and twist it around to you 'defending' your club whilst you blameshift and castigate others.  


Your contradicting yourself more by the post. But hey. feel free to storm back with another spurious assertion and attack folk in the process. 


Again, 'transparent' isn't the word. 



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On the other hand, I am a Liverpool supporter and tried to engage the United fans in a dialog....But they would prefer to continue the cycle of offending then being offended, being offended then being offensive.


This is entire thread is for discussion.  But if ones are going to be taking shots constantly those ones should expect a reaction for it. You don't see the United fans taking shots at other clubs here until ones got them riled up. Heck I was just here the other day congratulating Liverpool supporters on the title. Problem is I have to swim through a bunch of United hate posts to find that stuff.  Part of what has kept me out of this thread minus a few posts about my soccer season.

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The dude's got a point guys.  Liverpool ones on here dish it out (Especially GHH) all the time about ones like United.  Generally we just skip over and continue reading.  You don't see the same pot shots going going at Liverpool, Arsenal,etc that those fans dish out on here.  Utd fans on this thread have actually been one of the most patient ironically.


And you are completely missing the point by the proverbial Country mile. 


This back and forth started with SJV openly stating, to myself and others, that Utd fans have a (divine) right to expect to win things down to the clubs history and being arrogant in so doing is a good thing as it means the clubs relevant. 


He get's pulled on that and twists it full circle to this now spurious 'I was defending my club/ I can take it and give it but others can't B/S. 


He got called on what HE said and the general arrogance in that regard of Utd fans in general.


Nothing more, nothing less. 



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Continue to ignore what you openly said and twist it around to you 'defending' your club whilst you blameshift and castigate others.  


Your contradicting yourself more by the post. But hey. feel free to storm back with another spurious assertion and attack folk in the process. 


Again, 'transparent' isn't the word. 




The only thing I said to wind anyone up was can you blame us for being arrogant. Other than that please point the rest out to me. As I have pointed out by quoting my own posts, I have also shown objectivity. I still don't understand what exactly it is you want to say? Am I supposed to just resign myself to the demise of my club even though there are plenty of arguments as to why that won't happen? Why can't you be objective and acknowledge that? Why is pointing out facts in the face of my club being slagged off arrogance?

And you are completely missing the point by the proverbial Country mile. 


This back and forth started with SJV openly stating, to myself and others, that Utd fans have a (divine) right to expect to win things down to the clubs history and being arrogant in so doing is a good thing as it means the clubs relevant. 


He get's pulled on that and twists it full circle to this now spurious 'I was defending my club/ I can take it and give it but others can't B/S. 


He got called on what HE said and the general arrogance in that regard of Utd fans in general.


Nothing more, nothing less. 




You were the only one that used the words divine right. Why is it abnormal for fans of a successful team to expect success? Why do you repeatedly ignore the posts in which I said it will take more time before United compete with City, Liverpool and Chelsea for a title? Why do you ignore the fact that I acknowledged that that anything can happen?

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And you are completely missing the point by the proverbial Country mile. 


This back and forth started with SJV openly stating, to myself and others, that Utd fans have a (divine) right to expect to win things down to the clubs history and being arrogant in so doing is a good thing as it means the clubs relevant. 


He get's pulled on that and twists it full circle to this now spurious 'I was defending my club/ I can take it and give it but others can't B/S. 


Nothing more, nothing less. 




It still doesn't take away from the fact that some on here think they have free reign to take shot at other's clubs and not get it dished back.  I don't dish it back but I don't blame another person for taking offense.  You wouldn't appreciate it either if you just came off a bunch of successful years followed by a rough year and we were telling you Liverpool will suck for a long time just accept it.  No you'd fight it.  Especially if we were kicking you on the way down like some have all season.  I haven't seen Liverpool take the same abuse United has taken on here while struggling. The fact is some totally use this thread to go open season on Utd because they don't think they'll get it back.

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This is what you want to spend the day doing now SJV? A back and forth quoting posts that you praised another club in to say 'look at me, I'm objective and the big bad L'pool fans are picking on me then running screaming the victim when I defend my club?'


Give it up, please. I'm even feeling embarrassed for you now.

It still doesn't take away from the fact that some on here think they have free reign to take shot at other's clubs and not get it dished back.  I don't dish it back but I don't blame another person for taking offense. 


You wouldn't appreciate it either if you just came off a bunch of successful years followed by a rough year and we were telling you Liverpool will suck for a long time just accept it.  No you'd fight it.  Especially if we were kicking you on the way down like some have all season.  I haven't seen Liverpool take the same abuse United has taken on here while struggling. The fact is some totally use this thread to go open season on Utd because they don't think they'll get it back.


Enlighten me Richmond. Who exactly, in your observation, thinks that?


Oh, and for the record, on the second paragraph above, that's ALL Utd fans have done the last 24 years towards Liverpool. It's called a rivalry that borders on outright hatred. That's the nature of the game. Utd loved our demise. We love yours. Deal. 



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This is what you want to spend the day doing now SJV? A back and forth quoting posts that you praised another club in to say 'look at me, I'm objective and the big bad L'pool fans are picking on me then running screaming the victim when I defend my club?'


Give it up, please. I'm even feeling embarrassed for you now.




Thank you I appreciate your concern but I'll be ok. I didn't see anyone questioning if you had anything better to do when you were posting every time United conceded a throw in.

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This is what you want to spend the day doing now SJV? A back and forth quoting posts that you praised another club in to say 'look at me, I'm objective and the big bad L'pool fans are picking on me then running screaming the victim when I defend my club?'


Give it up, please. I'm even feeling embarrassed for you now.




Enlighten me Richmond. Who exactly, in your observation, thinks that?


Oh, and for the record, on the second paragraph above, that's ALL Utd fans have done the last 24 years towards Liverpool. 



Personally I don't care what you define as "all" Utd fans.  Once again we all get lumped together.  I'll make sure tell everyone I know that Liverpool hates America since 500 of their fans burned US flags in front of Anfield in protest.  But I'd say you think you are.  You take more pot shots on here about Utd than anyone but since there's very few us you know you won't get it back and that basically everyone here will agree and chime in with their insult of them.  One of the main reason I don't post as much.Has nothing to do with doing badly.  No, it's simply I know if I post anything Utd here generally it gets turned into some kind of insult.  Or I better be making fun of them.  Why do you think I only post about other leagues now?  Only time I posted about Utd is about Moyes being fire because I knew it would just be met with "well we all expected it." For note you aren't the only one.  The ones on here who take pot shots all the time know who they are and it's not strictly Liverpool supporters. But its whatever.  Like I said I just don't post in this thread as much so who cares. got plenty of other threads to choose from.

Edited by RichmondRedskin88
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Only time I posted about Utd is about Moyes being fire because I knew it would just be met with "well we all expected it." For note you aren't the only one.  The ones on here who take pot shots all the time know who they are and it's not strictly Liverpool supporters. But its whatever.  Like I said I just don't post in this thread as much so who cares. got plenty of other threads to choose from.

In my defense, I was really taking shots at Moyes instead of United... lol :-D


Though I do think its quite interesting that apparently Arsenal and Everton are no match for the mighty United, even considering also that Fergi is gone and its a new era. He was one of the greatest managers and has been with United for almost 30 years. I think its rather silly to think you can just bring in another manager and teams like Arsenal, Everton, and Tottenham are just so unworthy.

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