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ES Soccer Thread


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While I enjoyed your dissertation on your opinion of me, I could really care less. Call me arrogant? fine

I made a comment about a young player that made a FACTUAL point regarding the amount of running in Lax versus Soccer and you Freaked! Then Ellesar feels he had to add the "Meathead Rapist/Murderer" comment. Did you expect me NOT to respond to such a completely IGNORANT post?

It's not only a local issue. I heard the same from other coaches at the US lacrosse Convention. It is nationwide, not just local

I will leave you guys to your thread. Sorry to get you all worked up over an innocent comment. You took the first shot by referring to me as a Douchebag.

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Oh HERE WE GO! "Meathead Rapist murderer". Want to talk about ignorance? A very respectable coach in Mike Pressler, who I know personally, was thrown to the wolves after the Duke incident that turned out to be a witch hunt by an irresponsible DA along with an idiot Athletic Director (Think you would have heard a PEEP if it was a Duke Basketball issue?). As you know, if you took the time to know the facts, the case was found to be absolute BS and the accuser was arrested for crack possession and prostitution a few years later. Meanwhile Coach Pressler is enjoying rebuilding the program at Bryant University. Unfortunately, it gave our sport really bad press and damaged the lives of some young men that weren't given fair due process.

Now if you are referring to the Yeardley Love case at UVA, it was a terrible tragedy where a psycho, that happened to be a lacrosse player, committed a horrible crime over a a broken relationship. Could have been any sport, so give it a rest.

Shall we talk about Bruno the Murderer in Brazil? OR Pablo Escobar's funding of soccer in Columbia with drug/blood money?


I get frustrated with the treatment of the youth lacrosse program by the soccer mafia. Over 60% of our youth players live in Windsor Township with their huge complex of fields, yet the Youth sports director refuses to give the lax program use of any of those fields. Half the time they sit empty, while we scratch and claw for field time on the fields that she doesn't control.

NO arrogance there, right?

No inferiority complex here, just enraging frustration at the ignorance of certain people in the soccer community.

My point is that this area has never produced a Div. 1 Soccer player, while one of my seniors from last year was named All-American and is attending VMI as a freshman attackman on their lacrosse team. I have many rising seniors that are also being heavily recruited to play in college. Some by D-1 schools.

As for your "respected mentor" being a lacrosse coach. Good for him. His thoughts on soccer differ from mine. My former coach is in the Maryland High School Sports HOF. Maryland Football Coaches Assoc. HOF and the Anne Arundel County Sports HOF. The field at the HS is named after him. So what is your point here?

RedskinBill, my point, if you took the time to comprehend, was that we can boil down to stereotypes (soccer is a bunch of divers, lacrosse is a bunch of meathead rapists). Italians and the Argentinians do not represent American soccer. Every coach I know that's worth his salt tries to erase that aspect from our game. Clint Dempsey does not represent every American soccer player.

As far as field use, you don't respect how long it probably took the "soccer mafia" (as you so lovingly put it) to actually have their own fields that are the proper size, grassy, and properly drained. For decades soccer played second fiddle to football and our games were on barren, cut up uneven "fields". Guess what? Twenty years later, after much organizing and politicking around the country we started to make in roads.

It's not that the fields are not being used, their quality is being preserved for the sport they were intended for.

Heck, you guys are the self-proclaimed fastest growing sport in America. GET YOUR OWN FIELDS MADE. We, the soccer community, waited patiently and were persistent so we you could draft off our hard work? I don't think so. The US Soccer community worked hard to bring these facilities to communities that wanted it, and you feel a sense of entitlement to it for some reason.

But it's not like I don't feel your pain. Every winter I have to claw and scratch for a place to play indoor because every gym is occupied by basketball. So as long as I have a surface that's not covered in snow (parking lot/tennis court/basketball court) I take my 9 year old girls outdoors in the balmy Pennsylvania winters for practice. So I apologize for not having any patience with grown "men" complaining about lack of a place to practice.

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I actually see a fair amount of walking and standing around in LAX and Soccer. Usually when the ball is in the offensive end in LAX, I know a certain number of players cannot cross the midfield line. In soccer, it would be stupid to bring everyone forward, so most defenders lay back. I watch alot of LAX on CBSSports on Satellite channel 613 and even when the ball is in the offensive end, the defenders have to keep position, so they aren't doing much running. Same in soccer. If the ball is on the other side of the field, you have to remain in position. I will agree that the ball moves faster in LAX (just because it's a smaller ball), but both games when you look at them both, are very similar in the design of scoring. And I like to watch both sports and I'm pretty good at knowing the rules/strategies of both.

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RedskinBill, my point, if you took the time to comprehend, was that we can boil down to stereotypes (soccer is a bunch of divers, lacrosse is a bunch of meathead rapists). .

This where you were done in my mind. Are you ****ing BLIND or just illiterate? Did you not read my response to your BS? Cry me a river with your "We didn't have a field either" crap. We have played on dirt for years. Only because we are a PIAA Sport, do we have decent facilities for a HS program that consistently goes further than most programs in our HS, including Baseball, Football, and soccer. The only team that gets to States is Girls Basketball, and that coach is a very good friend of mine that doesn't get the soccer **** either

This is political crap going on across the country, not just in my area. Oh yea, you failed to respond to that. "Soccer Mom Mafia" FOREVER!

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That kid has it made. All he has to do is keep scoring goals and smiling and he will fast become THE football poster boy. I'm inclined to hate him bc he's mexican, but I just can't.

Why do you dislike Mexican soccer players, FYI I do as well. Something about the perception that mexicans are good at soccer annoys me.

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This where you were done in my mind. Are you ****ing BLIND or just illiterate? Did you not read my response to your BS? Cry me a river with your "We didn't have a field either" crap. We have played on dirt for years. Only because we are a PIAA Sport, do we have decent facilities for a HS program that consistently goes further than most programs in our HS, including Baseball, Football, and soccer. The only team that gets to States is Girls Basketball, and that coach is a very good friend of mine that doesn't get the soccer **** either

This is political crap going on across the country, not just in my area. Oh yea, you failed to respond to that. "Soccer Mom Mafia" FOREVER!

How do you want me to respond to the political crap? I have never even heard of it. What that soccer moms are systematically restricting use of fields for soccer exclusively? Maybe in your own insular world it's a big deal but not in mine. I practice on a full size, pristine, natural grass field. It'll be a cold day before lacrosse gets to come in, tear up the fields we went to bat politically for, fund raised to construct and continuously maintain. In probably the twenty years of existence we already have a player on the senior national team and national collegiate player of the year. Not bad for a rural town with a standing population of less than 30,000.

Oh and BTW, my sister graduated from Duke. I've spent a good amount of time in Durham so I'm completely familiar with what happened with the Duke players. Comprehension isn't your strong suit is it? Well, then it's good that you're done with me. Maybe you'll stop making appearances in the soccer threads.

Maybe your blatant lack of respect and sense of entitlement isn't limited to message boards? Maybe you reek of it too in person so people in charge of fields don't want to play nice with you either. Who cares how far your team goes consistently? It's not how the world works.

If you don't get the soccer thing, then it's time to get your head out of your ***. Apparently a lot of people want to support it at the grassroots/high school level. People with political pull.

Like I said. What are you worried about? You're the "fastest growing sport," gather your forces and do something about it.

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Why do you dislike Mexican soccer players, FYI I do as well. Something about the perception that mexicans are good at soccer annoys me.

I dislike, nay, hate them because they are our rivals. Pure and simple. Look they may have stellar individual players, but when it's time to lace on the boots we are dead even with them. Their paper dominance does not hold up.

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Getting this back on track, should I be happy that West Ham beat Oxford in the Carling Cup, or ashamed that the score was only 1-0 and it took them until the 90th minute to do it?

Games against Chelsea and Man U coming up, and now one of the teams best players may be heading to Liverpool. ****.

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Local DC leagues? So you stopped playing when you were 13?

Capital CoEd Soccer League (CCSL) is a good entry level league.

Ya 13 at the time i had spent more than half my life playing soccer and by that time it became more of a job than a hobby. So I stopped but now am back to having fun. I was just wondering if anyone plays in some local clubs or something. Anyone play futsbol?

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