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everything you have wondered but were afraid to ask


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What's wrong with drinking light domestic beers? I love "good beers" like Smithwicks, basically all Bock beers, and oktoberfests, but when I get off work at 5pm and want to drink till midnight and still be coherent I prefer Miller lite...

nothing wrong with a lite beer.... dont sweat the haters

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Not really a question I'm afraid to ask, but I'll ask it here. What happened to being a man, there is way too much metrosexual **** going on these days. Skinny jeans, man purses, drinking Smirnoff, not being able to drive a stick, it's sad...

Its not a purse ....its a satchel....indiana jones had one.


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What did they do in skyscrapers before air conditioning

No sersly imagine working on the seventy floor of the esb in 1938. In august. In a suit and tie of course. People must have smelled like orangutans

Just imagine the elevator ride up or down.. the smell must have been really bad! They probably opened up all the windows all around to air the place out :silly:

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If you see a guy on a bike run into a guy in a wheelchair is it ok to laugh?

Saw that tonight. Happened right in front of me uptown in DC. Big moving truck, dude in a motorized wheel chair coming from behind it and a kid on a bike coming from across the street. The kid was hauling ass but it wasn't really a brutal collision. The kid kinda swerved at the last second and kind of just clipped him and fell off his bike. No one was injured. But I saw it coming, it was like in slow motion, and my first instinct was to laugh. Wasn't sure if that was low class of me or not. If not then is it low class that my second instinct was to wish I caught it on video so I could put it on the internet?

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If you see a guy on a bike run into a guy in a wheelchair is it ok to laugh?

So that tonight. Happened right in front of me uptown in DC. Big moving truck, dude in a motorized wheel chair coming from behind it and a kid on a bike coming from across the street. It wasn't a brutal collision. The kid kinda swerved at the last second and kind of just clipped him and fell off his bike. No one was injured. But I saw it coming, it was like in slow motion, and my first instinct was to laugh. Wasn't sure if that was low class of me or not. If not then is it low class that my second instinct was to wish I caught it on video so I could put it on the internet?

I would've laughed, so no, it's not okay.

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Did you ever notice that if you blow in a dogs face it goes mad, yet when you take him on a car ride he sticks his head straight out the window?

yeah wtf is up with that? my boxer hates when i mess with her but she hangs out the car window?

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I'm probably going to be alone on this and make some enemies on here but **** it.

Does anyone else think that our society has started to go a little overboard with the whole dog thing? I've said many times before on ES that I prefer cats to dogs, but I like dogs too. They're cool and fun.

But more and more people are starting to get really weird about it. I deliver pizzas and probably 80 to 90% of the houses I go to own a dog. Then half of those talk to me about their dogs like they're some kind of protege offspring. I took my cat to the vet awhile back and some lady was with me in the waiting room with her poodle and she sat there and had a 10 minute conversation with it.

A dogs a dog. It lives to eat and have it's ears scratched. It ****s, you pick it up. You're dog isn't more special than someone elses. It isn't some spirtual animal. It's a dog.

It's almost like people have started to live to serve their dogs.

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I've asked this before and never really got an answer so I'll ask again. For my African-American brothers and sisters: why do some black people tip horribly? I'm not saying all my black customers tip bad. Not hardly. But a lot of my bad tips amd most of my stiffs come from black customers. It's not just some **** I'm imaging in my head. Other drivers talk about it (both where I'm at now and at Papa Johns where I used to be) and my black and Brazilian wife who is a server/bartending has had the exact same experience.

The best theory I've come up with is that they tend to come from a more urban environment--moreso than other customers--where there isn't as many delivery and sitdown easting establishments.

Be interesting to see if anyone touches this.

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I think it really start with who ever took my order when I call a pizza joint. They can make it or break it for you drivers... Now Bartending it's all about location location. If you have a good personality you will make money.

I'm not asking why people tip badly (though I have to say: punishing a driver--who's driving his own car with his own gas--for the way some 16-year-old acne riddled kid took your order on the phone is pathetic). I'm asking why, if all things being equal, a driver has a better chance of getting stiffed from a black person than a white person, an asian person, a hispanic person, etc. I'm trying to ask this question and have this discussion in an open and mature manner. The reactions I hear from other drivers sicken me and make me hate that I have to work such a low-rent, bull**** job. And I've talked to many a black friend about this and no one seems to have a good explanation.

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