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Baltimore Sun : DOJ Officer Shoots Dog... While Fenced In at a Dog Park...


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i'm asking why you feel sorry for people who dont like other people.

Edit: or rather, why you feel sorry for people who feel they havent "found someone as valuable to them as a dog"

why do you pity those people? is what i'm asking.

Because in my experiences there is great value in human friendship. I love dogs but I haven't found one that I can carry on a way conversation with.

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Jumped to what conclusion? I posted a photo from an article that had no importance what-so-ever as far as my position on the situation. If you want to thump your e-chest about being right about a issue of exactly zero consequence, feel free.

Also what conclusions have I jumped to? Enlighten me.

Oh, you pulled a photo off of google that had no importance what-so-ever? You weren't trying to prove any point at all with that photo? Riiiiiight.

The conclusion that there was something "wrong" about this whole incident and that the local police are going to cover it up...because you know there is no shortage of police getting away with stuff out there.

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The article makes the usual claims that the animal was friendly and never harmed anyone. That text appears in most stories about a fatal dog attacks too. I've yet to read a story where the owner said "yeah our animal is dangerous and we should have had it put down years ago." :ols:

I'd like to know the full facts and then judge whether the cop's perception that his, or his animal's life, were in danger were unreasonable.

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It really is amazing that so many can't comprehend what they read. There are two sourced, the AA Police Chief and an AA County administrator that have stated publicly that the investigation is ongoing. Both said if charges are warranted they will be filed. The administrator said they would prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

So, where is the cover up? Where is the big blue line hiding one of it's own?

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No, only the other guys dog is like family. Or whatever else people are saying in this thread.

I love dogs as much as the next guy. But they aren't people. I feel sorry for the people in this thread that haven't managed to come across a human friend that is more valuable to them than a dog.

You really don't know the differences between a dog and a person?

you obviously didn't understand what i wrote. I didn't say i've never found a human friend who's friendship wasn't more valuable than my dog. I said that a dogs companionship is comparable to that of one of your human best friends.

You're decent enough at reading....it seems that comprehension is your problem.

And i'd just like to add, i feel sorry for anyone who can't comprehend a dogs true value simply because he can't have a conversation with them. Sometimes, humans being able to talk back to me, is the reason i prefer my dog over them. Food for thought.

I've heard some pretty dumbass arguements against a dogs value as it relates to human beings in here so far. "It's just a dog", "dogs can't have a conversation with me", "dogs have been sensationalized by the media in the last 10 years".

i mean for real? and you all actually believe yourselves? lol....wow.

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you obviously didn't understand what i wrote. I didn't say i've never found a human friend who's friendship wasn't more valuable than my dog. I said that a dogs companionship is comparable to that of one of your human best friends.

It seems like you're decent enough at reading....it seems that comprehension is your problem.

And i'd just like to add, i feel sorry for anyone who can't comprehend a dogs true value simply because he can't have a conversation with them. Sometimes, humans being able to talk back to me, is the reason i prefer my dog over them. Food for thought.

I've heard some pretty dumbass comments arguing against a dogs value as it relates to human beings. It's just a dog, dogs can't have a conversation with me, dogs have been sensationalized by the media in the last 10 years.

wtf, seriously? The biggest bunch of ridiculousness i've read on here in a long, long time.

I think plenty of people that disagree with you do understand and comprehend a dog's true value. They are great like I said. I love dogs. That being said, if I were faced with a decision to pick one or the other for the rest of my life the decision would be easy. If I were rushing into a burning building and could only save my best friend...or my dog...I wouldn't think twice. Does that mean I don't understand the value of a dog? No, it means I do understand the value of human life.

The "just a dog" point of view is often in relationship to a human being. Perhaps it isn't a "ding" on dogs but rather an appreciation for people.

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I think plenty of people that disagree with you do understand and comprehend a dog's true value. They are great like I said. I love dogs. That being said, if I were faced with a decision to pick one or the other for the rest of my life the decision would be easy. If I were rushing into a burning building and could only save my best friend...or my dog...I wouldn't think twice. Does that mean I don't understand the value of a dog? No, it means I do understand the value of human life.

The "just a dog" point of view is often in relationship to a human being. Perhaps it isn't a "ding" on dogs but rather an appreciation for people.

i'd save my best human friend over my dog too. i'd save my wife over my dog. I'd save my son, my mother, my father, over my dog.

but i wouldn't save YOUR best friend over my dog.

The dog's family, your best friend ain't. And to me, when you've met a few people, you've essentially met em all. I've seen all walks of life...been friends with all walks of life. And still, my dog means a hell of a lot more to me than most of the people i've encountered in my life.

If you see that as me not loving people or whatever, that's cool. I deal with people all day long. I know their vices as well as their virtues. My immediate inner circle of human friends and family, they come first. But between them and anyone else i don't have an attachment too....comes my dog. Simple as that.

i suppose we just have to agree to disagree.

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I think plenty of people that disagree with you do understand and comprehend a dog's true value. They are great like I said. I love dogs. That being said, if I were faced with a decision to pick one or the other for the rest of my life the decision would be easy. If I were rushing into a burning building and could only save my best friend...or my dog...I wouldn't think twice. Does that mean I don't understand the value of a dog? No, it means I do understand the value of human life.

The "just a dog" point of view is often in relationship to a human being. Perhaps it isn't a "ding" on dogs but rather an appreciation for people.

Do you honestly believe some of us would choose a dog over a human? Like as stated by everyone else, you have an extremely hard time with reading comprehension and this isn't rocket science. Nobody is comparing a human to a dog and this story doesn't compare a human to a dog either. This story is about an off duty pig who thinks because he works in law enforcement his **** don't stink. This is about a human shooting a dog for no reason in a place where humans are suppose to bring there dogs. Is this really that difficult for you to comprehend?

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Do you honestly believe some of us would choose a dog over a human? Like as stated by everyone else, you have an extremely hard time with reading comprehension and this isn't rocket science. Nobody is comparing a human to a dog and this story doesn't compare a human to a dog either. This story is about an off duty pig who thinks because he works in law enforcement his **** don't stink. This is about a human shooting a dog for no reason in a place where humans are suppose to bring there dogs. Is this really that difficult for you to comprehend?

Do you have a source for any of these claims that you make? I didn't think so. Nobody is comparing a dog to a human? I suggest you learn to read.

"Off duty pig"...I get it. You are an idiot, that explains your posts.

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i'd save my best human friend over my dog too. i'd save my wife over my dog. I'd save my son, my mother, my father, over my dog.

but i wouldn't save YOUR best friend over my dog.

The dog's family, your best friend ain't. And to me, when you've met a few people, you've essentially met em all. I've seen all walks of life...been friends with all walks of life. And still, my dog means a hell of a lot more to me than most of the people i've encountered in my life.

If you see that as me not loving people or whatever, that's cool. I deal with people all day long. I know their vices as well as their virtues. My immediate inner circle of human friends and family, they come first. But between them and anyone else i don't have an attachment too....comes my dog. Simple as that.

i suppose we just have to agree to disagree.

Nice to be a fellow member of the human race with you.

It is reassuring that you value at some human life over that of a dog. I'm sure most people would save Fido over at least some humans. Difference is just probably where the line is drawn.

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Nice to be a fellow member of the human race with you.

This whole "we're all humans so any human should be more important to us than any other creature" bull**** is just absured imo. Just because i'm a human i should care about the other 6.5 billion of us more than a dog who actually means something to me??

You look at it your way. I'll look at it mine. And the guy who shot the dog is still a ******** who deserves to be shot in the shin for taking someone else's family member at his will and discretion.

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This whole "we're all humans so any human should be more important to us than any other creature" bull**** is just absured imo. Just because i'm a human i should care about the other 6.5 billion of us more than a dog who actually means something to me??

You look at it your way. I'll look at it mine. And the guy who shot the dog is still a ******** who deserves to be shot in the shin for taking someone else's family member at his will and discretion.

Well good thing society thinks your opinions are as dumb as i do. perhaps you would do better in a jungle or something? I'd bet your dog that even if it is found that the dog was shot for no good reason that nobody gets shot in the shin.

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Well good thing society thinks your opinions are as dumb as i do. perhaps you would do better in a jungle or something? I'd bet your dog that even if it is found that the dog was shot for no good reason that nobody gets shot in the shin.

lol, oh so you're society's spokesperson now huh?

Ok. It seems that most in here agree what the guy did was WRONG. But whatevs....however you see it bro.

Maybe the primitive who whipped out his firearm and shot a dog before he attempted to rationally resolve the situation is the one who would be better suited for the jungle.

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2 of you guys,(RedskinsDH and Drop), are that >.< close to getting some time off. Rule #5 review time. I mean c'mon guys. Camp's started and there's all kinds of cool news,(you know. Football),about the Redskins out there and now you're making me be all mod like. :mad:

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2 of you guys,(RedskinsDH and Drop), are that >.< close to getting some time off. Rule #5 review time. I mean c'mon guys. Camp's started and there's all kinds of cool news,(you know. Football),about the Redskins out there and now you're making me be all mod like. :mad:

apologies. I edited my last post. I'm getting a lil carried away so i'lll go ahead and leave it at what i said last.

Not trying to make the mods jobs harder PCS.

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Appreciate that Drop. Mcsluggo. I'd say that was a pretty wise edit. :) It's going to rain yet again and that means possibly no hiking and no pic taking. You all know how I get if I can't get the camera out. :cuss: :security:


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lol, oh so you're society's spokesperson now huh?

Ok. It seems that most in here agree what the guy did was WRONG. But whatevs....however you see it bro.

Maybe the primitive who whipped out his firearm and shot a dog before he attempted to rationally resolve the situation is the one who would be better suited for the jungle.

No, not society's spokesman. But the laws are and penalties associated with breaking them are.

I have made 2 main points in this thread. Neither of them say the guy that shot the dog was right or wrong. Point 1...an investigation is underway to determine whether or not the guy was right or wrong. Point 2....dogs are not equal to humans.

A lot of people in this thread think they know exactly what happened and have the ability to predict what will happen in the future. I really doubt either of those are possible at this point.

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No, not society's spokesman. But the laws are and penalties associated with breaking them are.

I have made 2 main points in this thread. Neither of them say the guy that shot the dog was right or wrong. Point 1...an investigation is underway to determine whether or not the guy was right or wrong. Point 2....dogs are not equal to humans.

A lot of people in this thread think they know exactly what happened and have the ability to predict what will happen in the future. I really doubt either of those are possible at this point.

As a species, maybe dogs aren't equal to humans. But put them on a one against one basis, and i'll take my dog over most people any day of the week.

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i'll take my dog over most people any day of the week.

indeed. "most" being the operative word.

but being completely honest, i dont have many friends. and the friends i do have aren't what you'd call "close" more like acquaintances maybe...

maybe i'm too jaded from years of working retail and restaurant jobs, being **** on by the general public and so called "friends" stealing from me, lying to me, sleeping around with my girl behind my back...

i guess thats good for others to have a broad network of friends that they can rely upon...but i dont feel i need to have alot of or have very close friends in order to be happy. there is alot of comfort in being alone.

its very calming.

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I think plenty of people that disagree with you do understand and comprehend a dog's true value. They are great like I said. I love dogs. That being said, if I were faced with a decision to pick one or the other for the rest of my life the decision would be easy. If I were rushing into a burning building and could only save my best friend...or my dog...I wouldn't think twice. Does that mean I don't understand the value of a dog? No, it means I do understand the value of human life.


You have gone way off the map of this story to make your irrelevant points. Nobody is talking about murdering people over dogs and nobody here is arguing human life over animal life.

This off-duty officer was not making a choice between having human or dog companionship for life. He was not personally attacked by a dog and neither was any human. He was at a dog park. His leashed dog got into a scrap with another dog in a fenced-in area, which is by the rules okay for the other dogs to be playing in while unleashed and his method of solving the problem was to take out his gun and shoot the other dog. Not sure where everyone is getting this "we don't know the circumstances" stuff from. He shot someone's pet at a pet park. Let's get back on the page here.

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