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Contract extention between Skins/McNabb stalled??? It's only 1 July though.:)


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I remember asking the same question here months ago and being informed that nothing could get done before July due to something about the cap or something else. Maybe I was in a fog then but I do recall being told that. Can anyone shed any light on that?

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The media makes a mountain out of a molehill, though. He has purhcased a house in the D.C. area so he knows and I believe the Skins know it will happen soon. Just thought I would post this recent article.

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He's going to sign a long-term. Something in his current contract had it stalled thru June. Meanwhile, I'm sure they are working the numbers for the potential cap next year. It's a slow month for the sports media guys.

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I remember asking the same question here months ago and being informed that nothing could get done before July due to something about the cap or something else. Maybe I was in a fog then but I do recall being told that. Can anyone shed any light on that?

I don't recall the exact wording, but he has to wait at least a year from the last contract negotiation before re-entering negotiations on an extension.

I believe he reworked his contract last year around this time so I would expect some movement on that front soon.

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His last contract re-negotiation was last year on June 11th (2009), that means he was eligible to sign an extension as of June 11th of this year, which was a few weeks ago.

I don't see why they'd be in a hurry to get it done. They might wait until training camp/preseason to see how McNabb looks with the team when there's actual hitting going on. The also might wait even longer to see how a new CBA could be shaping up.

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All Chris Russell said was "nothing is going on at this time," and from that he inferred that this is "not good news" for the contract talks. Could the reason that "nothing is going on at this time" just maybe be because McNabb's in ARI-FREAKING-ZONA?? The media's big hullabulloo story just yesterday centered on him being in AZ (the V.Jackson story), did they already forget he's there? I think it might be a liiitttle difficult to hold contract talks and SIGN a deal from across the country. If the deal is there in principle, then they have no reason to rush as soon as the deadline hits. This front office is smart and McNabb's a standup professional; the deal will get done. I'm just tired of overblown offseason non-stories.

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I think it's just like the draft. Manning and Brady will set the market for veteran QB extensions as the #1 and #2 (or 1/1A if you prefer). McNabb is a notch or two below those guys and will be paid accordingly.

If they average $15-20 million, he'll get 10-12 for 4 or 5 years, or whatever the money range would be.

Either way, with Bruce Allen working his magic, it'll be fair for McNabb and be smart for the team.

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I think the lack of any clarity on the CBA is what is hurting us here. Given the size of deal we are likley looking at its hard to know how to structure it so it does not become an issue under a possible future cap.

Add to that the deals to be done for Peyton Manning and Tom Brady which will set the ceiling and I would think both sides are in wait and see mode. I think both of the above issues will take quite a while to resolve and we could be waiting quite some time and likely into the regular season before a new deal gets done.

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All Chris Russell said was "nothing is going on at this time," and from that he inferred that this is "not good news" for the contract talks. Could the reason that "nothing is going on at this time" just maybe be because McNabb's in ARI-FREAKING-ZONA?? The media's big hullabulloo story just yesterday centered on him being in AZ (the V.Jackson story), did they already forget he's there? I think it might be a liiitttle difficult to hold contract talks and SIGN a deal from across the country. If the deal is there in principle, then they have no reason to rush as soon as the deadline hits. This front office is smart and McNabb's a standup professional; the deal will get done. I'm just tired of overblown offseason non-stories.

First the discussions will be with his agent at this stage not McNabb directly. Secondly this is the 21st century not the 19th century - its possible to communicate even if folks involved are in different locations.

The pace of talks has nothing to do with where McNabb is right now.

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He is going to sign but it is going to be very expensive and probably another $100 MILLION DOLLAR DEAL.

His last contract was 112 million:

Signed for 12 years, $112,920,000 as part of an 8 year extension in 2002. The deal included a 13.5M signing bonus prorated over 7 years and a 7M option bonus in 2004 prorated over 6 years. McNabb can void the deal in 2011 if he is on the roster for the final game of the 2010 season.

Renegotiated the final two years of the contract during the 2009 offseason, resulting in a 2 year, $24,200,000 deal. The deal includes a 2.8M roster bonus in 2009, a 6.2M roster bonus in 2010, a 500K bonus each year dependednt on games played, and guaranteed salary in 2010 of 3.5M. Because 2009 is the final capped year, the 2010 roster bonus gets prorated and the 2010 guaranteed salary counts during 2009.

He's going to get 15 million per year and it's going to hurt our cap numbers for sure. We won't be able to keep Moss and McNabb on the same team after this year, or any other player that is going to cost 10 million or more.

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Take a look at the payrolls and you will see that we are constantly being accused of over spending, but that's not the fact. DS gives away free money on the initial contract, but salaries are low and the Redskins were 21st last year. The CBA makes those dead cap dollars count against that cap year, so essentially the Redskins will not be able to pay their people until they have purged the old mistakes. Unfortunately if they cut AH the corresponding cap hit in dead cap money will have to be considered. Whether it is a pro or a con at this point to cut him will play by the time camp comes around.

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I don't think that the talks have "stalled", I think that most teams are waiting to find out what happens with the CBA before making new contracts, that's players AND owners. No player wants to sign a deal right now, when all the owners are going to argue that there's going to be a cap next season, and no owner wants to sign a player to a contract that they couldn't pay under a cap.

I think McNabb WANTS to be here, and I'm curious as to how FA will be affected if there's a lockout next season. More than likely, all players who are signed on with a team will have restrictions against signing with anyone else until the CBA is redone, then there will be an extra period of time added to the pre-FA portion of the offseason, to give teams a decent chance to sign their own guys, then FA will start.

We'll just have to wait for the offseason to really find out what's going to happen.

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Good. I hope he doesn't sign. I don't want that choking Philthy Fecals QB masquerading as the Redskins QB. the sooner McChunky is gone from here, the better.

Thanks, just what I wanted to do on July 4th. Shopping for a new sarcasm meter is not going to be easy on a holiday wk. end.

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I find it hard to believe that the framework for this deal hasn't already been agreed. The only thing to wait on is seeing how the CBA situation works out for 2011. At that point, you can finalise the year on year structure of the deal that fits best with the financial constraints, if any in the case of a lockout, of a CBA in 2011 & onwards.

Bruce Allen's big rep' is on financial / cap management. I can't see us trading picks away for players without agreeing some kind of outline framework for a contract with the agent at that point. I'd apply the same to the Jammal Brown trade. Clearly, I don't know if thats happened but that seems logical to me.

The FO has commit to very little long term so far in terms of player deals. You can throw into the ring the way we have played hard ball with Rocky & Carlos.

The two immediate significant financial based matters for Bruce Allen to resolve at present are the AH debacle & the contract for Trent Williams. Aside from those, maybe we won't see any signing of further long term deals until the CBA situation becomes clearer. But, that doesn't mean agreement isn't already there is the background. Thats where I think we are, anyway.

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Well, his extension is the only thing currently preventing me from dropping some coin on his jersey. I'm sick of being screwed over by the likes of Arrington, Coles, and Randle El (although I did 4 years out of ARE's)

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The Redskins are waiting for the market to be set by Brady and Manning and then McNabb can get whatever they are going to sign him for. I don't think that either party wants to set the bar too high (Redskins) or low(McNabb) without knowing what the two best QBs in the game are going to command and then ask for the right amount accordingly. Plus, the Redskins may want to see what happens in the first few games without having to commit to a player who has a history of injuries.

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