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WP: Nationals' progress is making struggling Orioles easy to forget


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The only way I'd stop rooting for the O's and adopt the Nats would be if the O's moved or were contracted. The odds of either of those things are pretty slim, so I think I'm stuck with my O's. I always wish the Nats well though...I have no reason not to. DC/Baltimore is a one-sided rivalry that is only felt on the Baltimore side. And, since I live in the DC area, I don't have that hatred...

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Its easy for me...i DESPISE the Orioles nearly as much as the Dallas Cowboys.

Anyone that trashes DC and says that we dont deserve a team AND fights to keep baseball out of DC is my #1 enemy....and I dont care if Angelos sells the blO's tomorrow...I will still despise the blO's forever. Getting forcefed wO's games all these years...STILL TO THIS DAY EVEN angers me. And the fact that they hold the Nats TV rights hostage is still absurd.

If the blO's would have welcomed the Nats with open arms and not made such a big hoopla about the TV rights and now holding the tv rights hostage I wouldnt have a problem with them but I despise them like no other, it will never end. Seeing them in their current state makes me more than happy.

How old are you 5? blO's and wO's. Good one's!

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I gave up on the O's years ago, back when Angelos fired Davey Johnson. It pretty much convinced me that Angelos was never serious in building a winning franchise, and his record since has backed up that opinion.

Unfortunately, I've fallen out of love with MLB in general since then, so I couldn't really get into the Nats.

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Not allowed to have a little fun? I guess we should nip all the "COWGIRLS" and "COWPUKES" insults that every Skins fan under the sun says then right.

I hate the Cowboys, but it seems childish to call them the puke or cowgirls. Just like I think its lame when people call the Redskins the Deadskins. At least come up with something original.

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That's hilarious. Just gives me another reason to root against Baltimore.

I'm sure Washington fans feel the same way about Baltimore fans. I'm a Redskin and O's fan. I have nothing against either city. Some people have an irrational hate of a city for no reason.

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I'm very passionate about this subject so I'll try my best to contain myself.

I'm a diehard O's fan who grew up in NoVA. I will never, ever, EVER root for another team.

And to be quite honest, I lost a lot of respect for the O's fans who jumped ship, and especially those who are choosing to jump ship now that the Nats provide more metro-convenient access to baseball and have a sexy prospect coming through the pipeline.

One big omission from Boz's article: the fact that its nothing like when the Senators left and people changed allegiances. You see, because the O's have not left. Anyone who dumps their team, using any type of excuse (the owner, the location, another team in town, etc.), I call a BAD FAN. I now assume that most of those people weren't that die hard to begin with (they couldn't have been), so I'll just leave it at that.

I used to be sort of apathetic about that Nats, even wished them well to a degree. They used to only irritate me because they would frequently take the HD channel on MASN. That was no biggie.

But now I hate them. I've come to realize that I will be increasingly surrounded by "new" Nats fans in the decades ahead and will constantly have to defend my fandom. Its already happening now. And that pisses me off. The fact that recently I have been taking some pleasure in seeing them lose only confirms my distaste for them.

I'll just end by saying this: be careful who you root for O's fans. There is a distinct possibility that the Nats and O's will end up in the same division in the next ten years or so. Then the lines will truly be drawn, and you don't want to be caught interbreeding with the enemy.

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I neve really cared too much about Angelos keeping a team out of DC. Don't get me wrong I hate Angelos, everybody does. But I already had a team.

Remember the Redskins fans who claimed to burn their fancard last year because of Snyder? Same situation with O's fans who are now magically Nats fans. Good riddance.

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I was a o's fan in the later cal ripken days and lost interest in baseball in general in the late 90's and early 00....When I found out dc was getting team I was excited but still did not watch alot of baseball. Call me a bandwagoner all you want but not sure if it is me now being unemployed all I do is watch nats games and now becoming a big fan of the team. Dont hate the o's but do remember what my baltimoron friends would say about dc area oriole fans....

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Because you actually have an allegiance and stick to it. It amazes me how WEAK some fans are.

Look at the other side. I would say I was never really a O's fan.

Sure- Because I wanted to go to baseball games, I would go to O's games (Nothing else around). I had a O's hat to wear during those times, because, again, why not. There was no one else to root for.

I followed the o's, and would rather they won then lose, but I would say I was a casual fan at best.

However -I always swore that if Washington EVER got a BB team back, I would be at opening day and would become a fan. In fact, there was a time where it looked liked DC was going to get a team in 1987. That year, the Washington post magazine published every Sunday a recap of the week with a fictional Washington senators playing in the AL east (they did well until they end....).

I read every week.

I would say that over 80% of Nats fans that "use to be " O's fans were like me. Never really say the o's as their team...simply as a team that played close by.

We didn't ditch them for the Nats. We simply didn't need the place holder any longer.

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I hate the Cowboys, but it seems childish to call them the puke or cowgirls. Just like I think its lame when people call the Redskins the Deadskins. At least come up with something original.

I mean does it really bother you that much? Its just friendly trash talk, relax.

If I was on a mission to chide someone for saying gnats or deadskins or crapitals or gizzards it would be a never ending one.

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No he didn't. He was fired the same day he got manager of the year.


BASEBALL; Johnson, the A.L. Manager of the Year, Resigns From Orioles


Published: November 6, 1997

In a bizarre development unprecedented in baseball history, Davey Johnson resigned as manager of the Baltimore Orioles yesterday just as he was about to be named the American League manager of the year for guiding the team to the league's best record.

Johnson's decision to walk away from the last year of his three-year, $2.25 million contract was not a complete surprise. That possibility existed as soon as Peter Angelos, the Orioles' owner, expressed dissatisfaction last week with the way Johnson had handled $10,500 in fines he levied against Roberto Alomar, the team's second baseman, in July. Johnson directed Alomar to pay the fines to a foundation of which Johnson's wife, Susan, is managing director.



Players Stunned by Johnson's Move

By Amy Shipley and Athelia Knight

Washington Post Staff Writers

Thursday, November 6, 1997; Page E6

Disbelief, disappointment and sadness were expressed by Baltimore Orioles players yesterday afternoon as they received word that Davey Johnson had resigned as manager after a long and bitter dispute with team owner Peter Angelos.

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Look at the other side. I would say I was never really a O's fan.

Sure- Because I wanted to go to baseball games, I would go to O's games (Nothing else around). I had a O's hat to wear during those times, because, again, why not. There was no one else to root for.

I followed the o's, and would rather they won then lose, but I would say I was a casual fan at best.

However -I always swore that if Washington EVER got a BB team back, I would be at opening day and would become a fan. In fact, there was a time where it looked liked DC was going to get a team in 1987. That year, the Washington post magazine published every Sunday a recap of the week with a fictional Washington senators playing in the AL east (they did well until they end....).

I read every week.

I would say that over 80% of Nats fans that "use to be " O's fans were like me. Never really say the o's as their team...simply as a team that played close by.

We didn't ditch them for the Nats. We simply didn't need the place holder any longer.

See, I understand that. I know that fans like you, who were never really true O's fans to begin with, are now Nats fans. As you should be. I'm also all for the influx of new fans to the game who are migrating towards the Nats.

But you have to understand, for me, its O's, then Redskins, then everyone else. To ask me to change allegiances in baseball is akin to peeling a tattoo off of my soul with a dull knife.

It's not going to happen. And to see former fellow O's fans now openly rooting against their former team while dressed head to toe in their Nats gear, quite frankly, leaves me a little bitter.

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See, I understand that. I know that fans like you, who were never really true O's fans to begin with, are now Nats fans. As you should be. I'm also all for the influx of new fans to the game who are migrating towards the Nats.

But you have to understand, for me, its O's, then Redskins, then everyone else. To ask me to change allegiances in baseball is akin to peeling a tattoo off of my soul with a dull knife.

It's not going to happen. And to see former fellow O's fans now openly rooting against their former team while dressed head to toe in their Nats gear, quite frankly, leaves me a little bitter.

For someone to change "allegiances" just means they werent really fans or diehards of that original team. People that dropped the O's for the Nationals were more casual than anything...same goes for people that switched from the Skins to the Ravens.

Honestly I cant blame people that live in or near Bmore that switched over to the Ravens....to me its perfectly normal to want to root for the team that represents your city on the front of their jersey...sortof a civic pride kindof thing.

Atleast you cant call the newer Nats fans bandwagoners because we havent finished above last place in 5 seasons. I'd be willing to bet that a ton of Skins fans became Ravens fans after their SB win in '00 - '01.

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BASEBALL; Johnson, the A.L. Manager of the Year, Resigns From Orioles


Published: November 6, 1997

In a bizarre development unprecedented in baseball history, Davey Johnson resigned as manager of the Baltimore Orioles yesterday just as he was about to be named the American League manager of the year for guiding the team to the league's best record.

Johnson's decision to walk away from the last year of his three-year, $2.25 million contract was not a complete surprise. That possibility existed as soon as Peter Angelos, the Orioles' owner, expressed dissatisfaction last week with the way Johnson had handled $10,500 in fines he levied against Roberto Alomar, the team's second baseman, in July. Johnson directed Alomar to pay the fines to a foundation of which Johnson's wife, Susan, is managing director.




I stand corrected

However you said it was due to Davey Johnson demanding a contract Extension. Which was not the case. He was going to get fired.

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How so? The Orioles were here before the Nats. The Yankees and Red Sox have been around the same time and they don't even play in the same area. The O's were here before the Nats and the cities are an hour apart. Whatever you gotta do to make yourself feel better Mooney.

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Because you actually have an allegiance and stick to it. It amazes me how WEAK some fans are.

It is so frustrating to be an Oriole fan right now... they've got players, they've got good starting pitching,,, they have no bullpen at all, and they have come up big in the clutch maybe twice this season. They strand runners better than anyone.

Fix that bullpen and this team will start to win more of these one run games that they constantly blow in the 8th and 9th inning.


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