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WP: Nationals' progress is making struggling Orioles easy to forget


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I'm curious why "the sky is the limit" for the Nats anymore than most other teams in MLB?

Curious about this too, Nats fans seem to have forgotten that they had the worst record in baseball 08/09 which resulted in these 2 #1 overall draftpicks not to mention what many experts called one of the worst minor league systems in all of professional baseball thanks to Jim Bowden and Bud Selig.

Strasburgmania has hit DC, lets just hope the guy can live up to the hype.

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Curious about this too, Nats fans seem to have forgotten that they had the worst record in baseball 08/09 which resulted in these 2 #1 overall draftpicks......

Not true. We were constantly reminded of it over the past couple years by the Baltimore fans on this site. Conveniently, most of them have disappeared this year.

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Not true. We were constantly reminded of it over the past couple years by the Baltimore fans on this site. Conveniently, most of them have disappeared this year.

The usual entertaining back and forth between two losing teams was just about equal. you're just conjuring.

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I'm curious why "the sky is the limit" for the Nats anymore than most other teams in MLB?

The sky is limit because we have what many are calling a generational talent in Strasburg, and another possible generational talent in Bryce Harper most likely joining the team in a few years as well. Add that to Zimmerman, Dunn, Willingslam and more and you've got a pretty special team.

The sky could be the limit for the Orioles too with all the young talent they have. It just all depends on how these young players pan out.. for the Nats and O's.

Also, why is there so much animosity from O's fans towards Nats fans? I definitely don't see the same thing coming from Nats fans towards the O's.

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The usual entertaining back and forth between two losing teams was just about equal. you're just conjuring.

That's BS and you know it. Pull up the old threads. You and your fellow Baltimore fans were as arrogant and condescending as possible.

The tables have turned this year....somewhat. And all your/most of your Baltimore fans have already given up. And acknowledged it.

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That's BS and you know it. Pull up the old threads. You and your fellow Baltimore fans were as arrogant and condescending as possible.

The tables have turned this year....somewhat. And all your/most of your Baltimore fans have already given up. And acknowledged it.

Some O's fans have been more brazen and obnoxious than most, but you're painting with a broad brush to describe the Orioles fans here.

I don't need to pull up the threads, I'm sure there's some douchey stuff. I'm also certain I could pull up the pages and pages of sweeeeeep or 30-3 posts from Nats fans.

As for all the O's fans disappearing... It's been a brutal season in a stretch of mediocre to brutal seasons. Hopefully interest will pick up in a few weeks when Roberts, Gonzo and Reimold get back and guys like Arrieta and Bell get their call ups. I know I'm waiting for that...

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Some O's fans have been more brazen and obnoxious than most, but you're painting with a broad brush to describe the Orioles fans here.

No disrespect Doyle...but you've paced the rest with the condescending crap. But I respect your commitment. Though the curly W would look better on your calf.

You know the truth.....and I don't even know most of these johnny come lately Baltimore fans. Except the cryers.

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No disrespect Doyle...but you've paced the rest with the condescending crap. But I respect your commitment. Though the curly W would look better on your calf.

You know the truth.....and I don't even know most of these johnny come lately Baltimore fans. Except the cryers.

I'm sure I've had moments. I unhinged by jaw when the Nats gave Pudge, a guy who couldn't get ONE guaranteed year, got two for 6 mil. Turns out to have been a decent success two months in (besides this trip to the DL). But I don't insult anyone. I don't post "ahahahahaha" type of crap and I don't write "gnats" or other belittling pet names.

And I'm not a Nats hater. I like to watch some of the games. I've gone to a few in DC as well (and not just when they played my O's). If Steven Savior makes the start on the 25th in Bmore, I'll be there to see it. I even have a couple Nats hats, although, I'll certainly won't be wearing one at Camden.

The fans of both teams should treat each other with respect, especially on a message board with such a common interest...we're all Redskins fans, after all.

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Reality is that Griffith was a racist who wanted to move the team away from DC because of the African-American population. Had nothing to do with lack of support. That's why they left for Minnesota.

Bob Short was a crook....and went to Texas. Don't let the Baltimoron apologists/supporters re-write history.

The only reason the Orioles are still in Baltimore is because of EBW and his marketing efforts to DC fans.

I know the stories and I know why those teams left town and why those ****s associated with the O's kept teams out of D.C.

I just won't wanna lose this team. I don't care if they never win another game, it just feels so good to have a baseball team representing Washington. I didn't have it for most of my childhood and now, FINALLY, we have one again.

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I must say I find the anger in this thread amusing to say the least.

I have an idea.

I'll enjoy the Orioles, you enjoy the Nats.

And all of the bull**** "hate" for Orioles fans or their contribution to the National Anthem or their pulling fans from DC can be directed at your parents where it belongs.


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I can only laugh at this thread. Been a lifelong Orioles fans and yes it has been tough, but I still hold onto my childhood memories when the Orioles were a dominant team. Yeah, I know that was years ago, but it does still bring a smile to my face and there are many baseball fans that have never experienced that feeling and may never get that chance.

I said in another thread that I was happy for Nats fans and their teams potential. I still am, but some of you are beating your chest like they have won something and fail to recognize that they are still a .500 club. I find that amusing. I really do.

BTW. As a baseball fan, I can't wait to see the debut of Stras.

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Man the Natinals are my squad, so I am pumped about our future. As for the O's, I wish them well. I root for them against anybody except for the Nats. They have a good future too, it's just not their year. If both teams get hot at the same time, I would love to see a Beltway World Series. With my Nats taking it in 6 :silly:

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It will take some time, but eventually the remnants of support for the O's in the DC area will fade, just as the Senators eventually faded from the conscious of DC baseball fans after the Senators left.

Most Washingtonians didn't embrace the O's immediately after the expansion Senators left for Texas. It took time. But as kids in the DC area grew up without a team of their own, they gravitated toward the O's--particularly as the O's became good, and players like Eddie Murray and Cal came up through the organization.

But as today's kids in the DC area grow up with their own team, the O's will become more and more irrelevant here, especially considering the following:

  • Washingtonians no longer have to trek up to B-more to watch a baseball game.
  • The Washington Post no longer covers the O's on a daily basis.
  • The O's now wear the name "Baltimore" across the front of their jerseys, clearly identifying themselves as BALTIMORE's team.
  • The O's have stunk for a dozen years with no relief in sight, whereas the Nats appear to be headed in the right direction. (Already a dramatically improved team from last year, and Strasburg and Harper haven't even put on a Nats uniform yet.)

The above factors, among many others, will help to diminish the O's influence in the DC area. Sure, there are still some diehard O's fans around, but over time, they'll increasingly become an endangered species. Just as some around here haven't abandoned the O's because they grew up watching them, the kids who are now growing up with the Nats will not have that allegiance to the O's as they get older. Each year I think the DC/O's connection will grow a bit weaker, until eventually it's virtually non-existent.

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