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AP: New Hawaii law shuns Obama birth document requests


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This seems to be pretty easy for the President, produce your birth certificate. Up to this point he has only produced an invalid COLB (Certificate of Live Birth) that was altered making it, well invalid.


However, the law says that not only does the President have to be born in the US, both his parents must have been US citizens at the time also, hence the term "Naturalized".


I can understand that Obama just does not want to be bothered by all of this, but in the process of fighting these "false claims", he has spent $1.7 million.


I don't have an idea what the truth is, but people who just listen to commentators to get their opinions might as well be lemmings.

You are correct on this one. Unfortunately, that person is you.

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I believe McCain was born in the Pananma Canal Zone, on a Military Installation. Military Installations abroad are considered American Soil so technically, he was born on American Soil.

John McCain was born in a civilian, Panamanian, hospital, near the military base. (The base, at the time, had no hospital. So all deliveries were sent to the hospital in town.)

He's a Natural Born Citizen because, at the time of his birth, anyone born abroad is a citizen, if both parents are. He could have been born during a family vacation to Moscow, and he'd still be a Natural Born Citizen.

(I seem to recall reading that the "one parent is good enough" law wasn't passed until after McCain was born. But a) I'm not certain, and B) it doesn't matter in his case, because both of his parents were citizens.)

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This seems to be pretty easy for the President, produce your birth certificate. Up to this point he has only produced an invalid COLB (Certificate of Live Birth) that was altered making it, well invalid. However, the law says that not only does the President have to be born in the US, both his parents must have been US citizens at the time also, hence the term "Naturalized". I have yet to see evidence that proves that Obama's father was ever a legal citizen of the United States, this is a problem. I can understand that Obama just does not want to be bothered by all of this, but in the process of fighting these "false claims", he has spent $1.7 million. If I was innocent of something, I would just produce the proof not drop a bunch of cash to fight it. I don't have an idea what the truth is, but people who just listen to commentators to get their opinions might as well be lemmings.

ahahahahahahahahahahahahh heeeere we go!

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John McCain was born in a civilian, Panamanian, hospital, near the military base. (The base, at the time, had no hospital. So all deliveries were sent to the hospital in town.)

He's a Natural Born Citizen because, at the time of his birth, anyone born abroad is a citizen, if both parents are. He could have been born during a family vacation to Moscow, and he'd still be a Natural Born Citizen.

(I seem to recall reading that the "one parent is good enough" law wasn't passed until after McCain was born. But a) I'm not certain, and B) it doesn't matter in his case, because both of his parents were citizens.)

Doesn't matter. That Hospital was in the Canal Zone, which at the time, was the property of the U.S. and as such, American Soil.

Either way, you are correct Larry. It doesn't matter as his Parents are both Americans. This whole business is silly. I wished that this whole mess would have been dealt with differently at the very start. All the money, time and just BS factor would have been much less.

We should all just get past this whole stupid crap and move on with our lives. Too many important issues that could use attention rather then this IMO. Oh well.

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This seems to be pretty easy for the President, produce your birth certificate. Up to this point he has only produced an invalid COLB (Certificate of Live Birth) that was altered making it, well invalid. However, the law says that not only does the President have to be born in the US, both his parents must have been US citizens at the time also, hence the term "Naturalized". I have yet to see evidence that proves that Obama's father was ever a legal citizen of the United States, this is a problem. I can understand that Obama just does not want to be bothered by all of this, but in the process of fighting these "false claims", he has spent $1.7 million. If I was innocent of something, I would just produce the proof not drop a bunch of cash to fight it. I don't have an idea what the truth is, but people who just listen to commentators to get their opinions might as well be lemmings.

Please join my club!

See sig. You're just the kind of thinker we're looking for.

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At this point I don't care if he is from Russia. America voted him in as the President.

That is a point missed by the nutjobs.

Beyond that, because his mother was a US citizen when he was born, he would likely satisfy the "natural born" provision even if he was born on foreign soil.

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That is a point missed by the nutjobs.

Beyond that, because his mother was a US citizen when he was born, he would likely satisfy the "natural born" provision even if he was born on foreign soil.

Or maybe not. You could at least plausibly argue about that, from a legal/constitutional point of view.

The thing that is most ludicrous about the Birthers is their fairy tale that suggests Obama might have been born anywhere other than Hawaii, despite the complete lack of ANY evidence to even suggest such a thing. They made the whole thing up out of nothing.

You know the guy who believes in a stupid, easily refuted urban legend, and you can't convince him otherwise? Birther morons quite literally believe a dozen of those things at the same time, because they get all of their "facts" from inside the birther bubble.

It is as though you took the 5 stupidest kids in your high school, and put them all in a room, and asked them to discuss the Treaty of Westphalia without doing any research - and add that they are required to accept as True Facts whatever any of the other 4 people in the room might speculate.

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Or maybe not. You could at least plausibly argue about that, from a legal/constitutional point of view.

The thing that is most ludicrous about the Birthers is their fairy tale that suggests Obama might have been born anywhere other than Hawaii, despite the complete lack of ANY evidence to even suggest such a thing. They made the whole thing up out of nothing.

I don't disagree.

My point is that the natural born provision does not have a place in modern America in my opinion. The fact that it is so rarely applicable that it has not been addressed.

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Or maybe not. You could at least plausibly argue about that, from a legal/constitutional point of view.

The thing that is most ludicrous about the Birthers is their fairy tale that suggests Obama might have been born anywhere other than Hawaii, despite the complete lack of ANY evidence to even suggest such a thing. They made the whole thing up out of nothing.

Now, now.

You're forgetting the fake "Kenyan Birth Certificate" that one of them (supposedly) paid some Kenyan to sell to him. The one they entered into evidence in one of their lawsuits.

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He has. The document he's produced is a birth certificate. In fact, it's the only birth certificate legally recognized by the State of Hawaii.

There is no such law.

And if there were such a law, it would be unconstitutional. Because the US Constitution (the supreme law of the land, you may have heard), states that

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I dont know if they still do or not but Hawaii used to have 4 certificates that they issued but you had to provide proof of where the birth was not just fly into tthe country rush down to the local office and say look my 2 month old son was born in hawaii

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I don't know if they. Still... :whoknows:

Do or not? But Hawaii used!

...To have 4 certificates... :laugh: ;)

That, they issued. But you had to provide proof of where!

The birth was not? :confused:

Just fly into the country! Rush down to the local office and say, "Look; my 2 month old son was born in Hawaii!"

Did I punctuate and format that properly? I had to do a bit of guessing. Just trying to make sure I understood.

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Just wait til these birthers discover that Jesus wasn't a naturally born citizen. Heck, he was never an American citizen and therefore all his churches are examples of undocumented alien works.

Even worse, according to documents the Church is hiding not only is Jesus not a naturally born citizen of the United States, but he was not even naturally born. He was the product of asexual reproduction like an amoeba or something.

Was Mary abducted and implanted with an alien?

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Doesn't matter. That Hospital was in the Canal Zone, which at the time, was the property of the U.S. and as such, American Soil.

Either way, you are correct Larry. It doesn't matter as his Parents are both Americans. This whole business is silly. I wished that this whole mess would have been dealt with differently at the very start. All the money, time and just BS factor would have been much less.

We should all just get past this whole stupid crap and move on with our lives. Too many important issues that could use attention rather then this IMO. Oh well.

Actually, McCain was born before the law was passed that made "zones" like the PCZ to be considered U.S. territory. And the law didn't contain any retroactive clauses. So, if we're going by birth location, John McCain is more of a foreigner than Barack Obama is.

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Serious question here.

IF after the fact it was found out Obama wasn't a U.S. citizen while being serving as president, what would that do to all the laws and bills he passed and signed?

At this point his citizenship is a mute point. But what if?? Would it all be legal or not?

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Just wait til these birthers discover that Jesus wasn't a naturally born citizen. Heck, he was never an American citizen and therefore all his churches are examples of undocumented alien works.

Even worse, according to documents the Church is hiding not only is Jesus not a naturally born citizen of the United States, but he was not even naturally born. He was the product of asexual reproduction like an amoeba or something.

Was Mary abducted and implanted with an alien?

This is just plain stupid.

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With the average IQ of Americans being less than 100, why is it hard to believe that there are so many folks that swear by this birther crap? In other words, if you believe the "birthers" you're an idiot. What is hard to believe is that fox news and Rush Limbaugh pushed this story for so long. But on the other hand, since their listeners don't hold them accountable, their credibility is never at risk. :beatdeadhorse:

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This seems to be pretty easy for the President, produce your birth certificate. Up to this point he has only produced an invalid COLB (Certificate of Live Birth) that was altered making it, well invalid. However, the law says that not only does the President have to be born in the US, both his parents must have been US citizens at the time also, hence the term "Naturalized". I have yet to see evidence that proves that Obama's father was ever a legal citizen of the United States, this is a problem. I can understand that Obama just does not want to be bothered by all of this, but in the process of fighting these "false claims", he has spent $1.7 million. If I was innocent of something, I would just produce the proof not drop a bunch of cash to fight it. I don't have an idea what the truth is, but people who just listen to commentators to get their opinions might as well be lemmings.

You couldn't be more right and common sense should tell those who so easily dismiss this that where there is smoke there is fire. They take the word of 1 person who has allegedly seen the long form birth certificate like its the gospel. Obama's own sister was born in a foreign country YET she produced a COLB from the state of Hawaii. They have no answers for the real questions many people would like to know, only excuses.

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