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RCP: Why Left Talks About 'White' Tea Parties


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You know how many marionettes the Democrats have?

If the GOP is doing this, they are simply taking a page from the Democrat playbook.

Sigh, why do we have to have this comment in every freaking thread. My guess is that you think it's okay to jump off bridges because you have seen others do it.

What's worse is that this predictable comment is vague, general, and just argumentative without being substantive.

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im tired of white people acting like as soon as the civil rights act was enacted that all the effects of the systemic racism in this country for the previous 400 years was just erased like it never happened.

You always get them saying that, 'my ancestors were the ones who were the slave-owners, not me."

Yea great, you're not racist. Still doesn't change the fact that racism in this country suppressed black cultural progression for 400 years! This is one wrong that has to be made right. It is going to take many generations but it has to be done. You can't hold down a race for 400 years and then take the shackles off and ask them to figure it out for themselves.

This is why affirmative action is no necessary. You have to promote the educational advancement of the black people so their culture can progress and eventually reach the plateaus that white cultures exclusively occupy.

Also, the fact that a significant portion of the minority population inhabit the inner city, where crime is high and the educational standards are so low, is a testament to the fact that a large portion of the white population does not care to help these areas if it involves them spending their own money for the welfare of others.

White people expect the black population to just do it themselves without any help because people are people and it doesn't matter what race you are. However, whites have already reached the elite of every field and they have been opening the door and guiding other whites through those doors for over 100 years. However, their black counterparts have to pave their own way to success so they can one day begin to open those doors for successive black generations to walk through and achieve the highest goals.

Im half indian and half white and the amount of opportunities I have in front of me without me even working for them is remarkable. I have close family in many different fields, willing and able to get me great internships and jobs should I ever inquire. Whereas many black people are trying to become the first person in their family to even go to college. That means that every step they in their educational career is something that no one in their family had previously experienced. That person has to achieve everything by themselves.

This extends to all facets of life and it is something that needs to be continuously addressed. We shouldn't stop any efforts to reverse the effects of slavery and racism until the the level of success experienced in black culture is proportional to that of white culture.

Im not talking about all white people, just mainly right-wing, conservative types who think that affirmative action is 'reverse racism', which is completely disgusting considering white people have no idea what real racism feels like since they have never been the subordinate race in HISTORY.

Sorry if thats off-topic but it really bothers me that these white people pretend to understand the effects of racism when they have never been in a position anywhere close to that in their history.

So yea the left fights to right the wrongs of the past while the right fights to sweep them under the rug like they never happened.

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I sometimes believe our political differences can be simplified to the left believes in "us" and the right believes in "me" Now, if you want to frame us versus me as states vs Centralized gov't or socialism versus free market, I think there's truth to that, but I think it's even more basic than that.

The right believes in taking care of self and leaving everyone else to fend for themselves (with the possible exception of national defense) and there are times where individualism and pulling one up by one's own bootstraps is the best strategy and the most productive philosophy.

The left believes in protecting the little guy and making sure that everyone has a fair shot at success. There are times when that is also the best strategy and the most productive philosophy. Life would suck without a fair court system that protected all equally, or police force, or public education, or a fire department.... or for that matter a military.

The best is obviously a blend, but we ignore or forget that because screaming and ranting and raving about the evil of the other is so much more fun. Besides, if it's their fault then I don't have to reflect and work as hard.

Anyway, I guess you can believe in the UNITED States, the United STATES, the United States, or the UNITED STATES. If I had to guess where I fall on the scatter chart I think I believe most in the UNITed STAtes

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I sometimes believe our political differences can be simplified to the left believes in "us" and the right believes in "me" Now, if you want to frame us versus me as states vs Centralized gov't or socialism versus free market, I think there's truth to that, but I think it's even more basic than that.

The right believes in taking care of self and leaving everyone else to fend for themselves (with the possible exception of national defense) and there are times where individualism and pulling one up by one's own bootstraps is the best strategy and the most productive philosophy.

The left believes in protecting the little guy and making sure that everyone has a fair shot at success. There are times when that is also the best strategy and the most productive philosophy. Life would suck without a fair court system that protected all equally, or police force, or public education, or a fire department.... or for that matter a military.

The best is obviously a blend, but we ignore or forget that because screaming and ranting and raving about the evil of the other is so much more fun. Besides, if it's their fault then I don't have to reflect and work as hard.

Anyway, I guess you can believe in the UNITED States, the United STATES, the United States, or the UNITED STATES. If I had to guess where I fall on the scatter chart I think I believe most in the UNITed STAtes

I think that is very true. The right believes that every one can do anything by themself if enough effort is applied. IMO, that is a very true philosophy and one every one should internalize. However, when the deck has been so stacked against the poor, its impossible to echo these sentiments when there are so many out there who need our help.

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Sigh, why do we have to have this comment in every freaking thread. My guess is that you think it's okay to jump off bridges because you have seen others do it.

What's worse is that this predictable comment is vague, general, and just argumentative without being substantive.

I would've been more specific, but I thought it was just quoting the obvious... ACORN, SEIU, UAW...

I didn't say it was okay... I didn't say it even existed... You mentioned it, so I brought up the irony of a democrat complaining of this.

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I would've been more specific, but I thought it was just quoting the obvious... ACORN, SEIU, UAW...

I didn't say it was okay... I didn't say it even existed... You mentioned it, so I brought up the irony of a democrat complaining of this.

It would be ironic if you could show where Burgold actually supported any of the similar shenanigans in the past.

But instead it's more of the usual excuse making for equally bad behavior that was decried by Republicans when the shoes were on the other feet..

But, I guess in keeping with the spirit of the broad brush sweeping generalizations that whelped this thread, it's all good. For example, would I be accurate in stating that your post comes straight from the Republican playbook that will do every bad thing they complained the left did and then some, and justify it with a childish "you did it first" excuse?

And if so, can you explain how any adult can respect that?

(Show your work for extra credit)


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What's funny is that you use the word irony as if every group with power doesn't have it's supplicants and marionettes. Republicans have the Religious Right, the anti-abortion crowd, hawks... and yes, racists (I don't think they actually want em, but they have em). The Dems have the gays, the tree huggers, and a few others, but each group has its dupes.

The question I was looking at was whether or not the Tea Party was shaping up to be another one. I, for one, would think it cool if it managed to stay an independent and honest broker of conservative ideology rather than a patsy to an existing party.

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Good point, well made.

Now, according to the reasoning in the OP, you are a racist for making it. :)

The OP was quoting an article... The article had nothing to do with your commentary. The article and the OP do not refer to the Left as being "racist" for pointing this out... The word "racial" is appropriate, but not "racist" in most cases.

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Im half indian and half white and the amount of opportunities I have in front of me without me even working for them is remarkable. I have close family in many different fields, willing and able to get me great internships and jobs should I ever inquire. Whereas many black people are trying to become the first person in their family to even go to college. That means that every step they in their educational career is something that no one in their family had previously experienced. That person has to achieve everything by themselves.

Just because you've had close family that provided you great opportunities doesn't mean that's a case for every white guy. A lot of us white guys had to work our tails off for everything we have. If you didn't have "opportunities in front of you without even working for them" maybe you'd understand other people's perspectives.

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It would be ironic if you could show where Burgold actually supported any of the similar shenanigans in the past.

But instead it's more of the usual excuse making for equally bad behavior that was decried by Republicans when the shoes were on the other feet..

The irony/hypocrisy is that he brings it up as a big deal now... it's been going on for decades in the party he supports. Sorry this point was lost on you. I wasn't excusing it either. Just pointing out how someone who supports the democrat party shouldn't be so spun up if they actually believe this is going on.

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The irony/hypocrisy is that he brings it up as a big deal now... it's been going on for decades in the party he supports. Sorry this point was lost on you. I wasn't excusing it either. Just pointing out how someone who supports the democrat party shouldn't be so spun up if they actually believe this is going on.

The point wasn't lost on me,

Note in the first sentence of my post i tell you that if you can prove BURGOLD supported any of those shenanigans you'd be doing something other than just broad brush painting.

In a thread about broad brush generalizing you have done exactly that. You have accused and convicted Burgold of being a hypocrite because some people who have the same voter registration as he act like fools.

The irony is there, but not where you're looking for it.


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The OP was quoting an article... The article had nothing to do with your commentary. The article and the OP do not refer to the Left as being "racist" for pointing this out... The word "racial" is appropriate, but not "racist" in most cases.

You are right again, senor Smoot. :)

The Opening Post doesn't make that argument. It was the Opening Poster who made the claim below, in post #9 (my bad for saying "in" instead of "by"):

The writer does capture how I view the left, yep I view the left as generally racist. You cannot deny that the left plays the race card almost reflexively on almost any issue.

Care to bet if he's excluding the Tea Party 'issue' from this observation? :pfft:

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And who gets to determine what signs are shown and which speeches are featured?

There are plenty of peoplewithin the movement talking about the real issues and denouncing the fringes. But you wont see or hear them if you rely on the mainstream media.

I have been saying the same thing for about 8 years now

About Muslims though :ols:

And yes, I have been to tea parties, and id say they are about 80 percent white people, plenty of women and 20 percent minority

Which is about 5 percent less then minorities overall in this country

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I have been saying the same thing for about 8 years now

About Muslims though :ols:

And yes, I have been to tea parties, and id say they are about 80 percent white people, plenty of women and 20 percent minority

Which is about 5 percent less then minorities overall in this country

Yeah, but you going to a Tea Party is already confounding the statistics. :silly:

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I've been saying for a while now, that pointing out relative racial homogony, and/or flat out saying a group or person is "racist" is the easiest way to negate their impact on today's politics, and the country as a whole.

Though I don't assert that it's anywhere NEAR the equivalent of calling African Americans the "n" word back in the day, its PURPOSE is the same.

Whereas the "n" word was used to diminish a person's very humanity, calling whites "racist" today is used to diminish their authority to speak on...well...pretty much anything.

It's a sad, and IMHO, pathetic tactic. And one we've proven time and again accomplishes nothing productive.

(I know some reading-comprehension impaired person is going to say that you can't compare the "n" word to the word "racist." And that's true. But please read and try to understand what I actually said, before beginning to froth at the mouth. Thanks in advance.) :)

Also, let me just state for the record that ACTUAL racists have no place in politics, nor much of anything else for that matter. I believe that all good people want the United States move into a true post-racial era. I know that I won't see it in my lifetime, but maybe my children, or their children will.

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An honest question for those who consider themselves "Left wing"

What will it take to realize Dr. Martin Luther Kings vision of judging a man not by the color of his skin but by the content of their character?

What I see is that the left wing of the political spectrum cannot see things beyond the spectrum of race. What some on the left see as racism on the right is simply the right acting on Dr. Kings ideals and judging people for their ideas and actions rather than their skin color.

How can we ever hope for a color blind society while demanding that we focus on color?

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So What.

The left feels all option to Obama is because he's black.

So the Tea Party is mostly white. big deal.

Personally, I think the organized tea parties are nothing more than operatives of the right wing trying to use the current anger to take back the Republican party from the people they view as Rhinos, liberals or moderates. The average attendee is probably people just venting their frustrations.

I don't give much credence to the tea party because I see it as nothing more than trying to make the republican party more conservative. If they were truly a change America movement then they would be running Tea Party Candidates in the fall against the Republican and Democrat candidates and instead of just trying to change the republican party they would also try to change the democratic party buy running tea party candidates in the democrat party.

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Jesus, I am so tired of the media and the nation talking about this ONE movement for months and months and months and months. The proportion of their importance vs attention is insane.

This is not some enormous movement. Important? Sure. A revolution? No, not even close. Like many movements it is important to document and cover. But 24 hours for a YEAR. STOP.

I don't care who they are or why they are doing it. Good reasons or bad. We have talked about them enough. Time to move on until something else happens.

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You are right again, senor Smoot. :)

The Opening Post doesn't make that argument. It was the Opening Poster who made the claim below, in post #9 (my bad for saying "in" instead of "by"):

Care to bet if he's excluding the Tea Party 'issue' from this observation? :pfft:

Not sure I understand what your assertion is Chief. Yes I do consider the left generally racist and December90 in post 95 pretty much captures why I do.

What will it take to realize Dr. Martin Luther Kings vision of judging a man not by the color of his skin but by the content of their character?

What I see is that the left wing of the political spectrum cannot see things beyond the spectrum of race. What some on the left see as racism on the right is simply the right acting on Dr. Kings ideals and judging people for their ideas and actions rather than their skin color.

How can we ever hope for a color blind society while demanding that we focus on color?

The key point here is how the left acts.

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The key point here is how the left acts.

The crazy thing is this entire thread is about generalities and group labeling. Is the left really so homogeneous that you can make these types of declarations? Are you guilty of prejudice here?

If we say that about 45% of the country is "left," 45% is "right" and 10% is in the middle. Are you willing to commit that you think that 45% of the country views absolutely everything through the spectrum of race and is in essence "racist?"

Because in actuality, that's what you are saying here. You are judging half of America.

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I think you hit it right there, Burgold.

There's this assumption by the Left AND Right that their opposition is homogenous in makeup... that the actions of a few are the representation of the whole. Such is not the case. A movement of any kind cannot control EVERY person it attracts and it certainly can't pick and choose who comes to their rallies.

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